Well…have gotten to he last one for the month and thought I’d just wander around a bit and see what happens…it was pretty cool to see two of the worst movies ever made back to back last night in “Sharknado” and “Sharknado 2″…..you’ve got to hand it to SciFi…they have embraced the schlock movie like no one else…and there is a new one Sat night that looks like a good one…might have to check it out…I find it funny that the repubs are now backpedaling so fast their shoes are smoking on the impeachment thing….they are just so stupid and are playing into the dems hands by even mentioning it…they could be a permanent minority party if the impeach the second dem president in a row…and after we gave ole W a pass for true high crimes and misdemeanors…I mean if torture isn’t a high crime, then what is? Okay, that should do it for the month…no more later…