Well…have been reading a little today and on subject kept popping up as I did…fear…and how scared people are about life in general like everything is out to get them. Whether it’s Islamic terrorists or everyday crime, I am shaking my head how people who are polled are so mistaken about the likelihood of being killed by terrorists or being the victim of crime….and the rates are not high…with regular crime at it’s lowest rate in history, the chances of being a victim is lower than ever…like one half the chance of being struck by lighting, and yet we have people arming themselves to the teeth since the fear mongers that profit by that fear have convinced us we are just one minute away from being in a Mad Max movie. On the terror front….the chance of being killed by a Muslim terrorist here in the states is almost unmeasurable yet the repubs shake in their boots and spread fear and more fear since it’s all they have…I, for one, am not afraid of terrorists at all….I’m more concerned with everyone carrying guns around me and the idiots who text and drive….you are much more likely to be killed by one of those idiots than by terrorists…so, everyone, get a frickin grip and stop being such a pussy….geez…
Tag Archives: fear
Fear, fear, and more fear…
Well…I have been marveling over all of the tough guy repubs who are shaking in fear with the worst threat to the US in the history of the world…in case you didn’t catch it, that was sarcasm…and I sit here and wonder what these guys are smoking or drinking, or are they just the biggest bunch of chickens that have ever lived in this country? The latest is the state hopper candidate from fear (R) Scott Brown who came out today and said that Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat the US has ever faced and that Obama is not doing enough about it…let me get this straight, ISIS is a greater threat than Nazi Germany? ISIS is a greater threat than the Japanese empire? ISIS is a greater threat than the Soviet Union in the cold war with it’s 40,000 nuclear warheads? It has gotten almost comical when another of these supposedly tougher than Democrats repubs just about craps his pants and screams the sky is falling whenever a new terror organization kills a few people….but, you know this is their playbook to win elections…fear, fear, and more fear…it’s all they have left…geez…
Still cheating…
Well…yeah, I know, not much of substance for the past week or so but I have an excuse…no I don’t….just haven’t been motivated to try to make sense of the craziness in this country….on the right, that is…we on the left are marveling about the new depths of crazy that the right shows everyday and wonder how some of these folks even live in the world…they are so scared allĀ the time…scared of the bogeyman coming to get them so they have to carry guns everywhere…scared of children coming across the border so they have to threaten them and the states that have agreed to take them…and really, really scared that their white world is coming to an end….I just don’t see it that way…maybe I’m naive but with a little cooperation this country could be much better…oh, that won’t ever happen…geez…
Let’s just refuse…
Well…I’m back and I don’t know how formed this idea is but let’s give it a try…what if we just refuse? What if we just refuse to be scared of immigrants? What if we just refuse to be scared by the imagined threats to the Constitution? What if we remember our high school economics and refuse to believe the laughable and discredited ideas of the Laffer Curve where the right tells us cutting taxes means more revenue? What if we refuse to believe that Afghanistan is as important as the politicians tell us? What if we refuse to be led around like sheep by Fox news and start to think for ourselves? What if we refuse to believe that the First amendment only applies to Christians?
I truly think we need to start to say no to the politicians who use fear for political advantage and re-take the fearlessness that has made this country great…what would have happened if Newt and McConnell, and the rest of the fear mongers were around during World War two? They would have wrung their hands and told the country to fear the enemy, that they were too dangerous to take on…you know that is what they do today with the Islamist terrorists and aren’t you tired of living in the swamp of fear that they spew everyday? Let’s prove to them and the rest of their fellow travelers that the US is still fearless, that we can and will take on any threats without cowering in the corner as they would like us to.
The only thing I’m scared of is that we will lose the great American character that welcomes all religions, that helps those in need, and who always does the right thing even if it’s not popular…that’s the definition of leadership that we need to restore and very few of our “leaders” know anything about that….geez…