Well…have been reading a little today and on subject kept popping up as I did…fear…and how scared people are about life in general like everything is out to get them. Whether it’s Islamic terrorists or everyday crime, I am shaking my head how people who are polled are so mistaken about the likelihood of being killed by terrorists or being the victim of crime….and the rates are not high…with regular crime at it’s lowest rate in history, the chances of being a victim is lower than ever…like one half the chance of being struck by lighting, and yet we have people arming themselves to the teeth since the fear mongers that profit by that fear have convinced us we are just one minute away from being in a Mad Max movie. On the terror front….the chance of being killed by a Muslim terrorist here in the states is almost unmeasurable yet the repubs shake in their boots and spread fear and more fear since it’s all they have…I, for one, am not afraid of terrorists at all….I’m more concerned with everyone carrying guns around me and the idiots who text and drive….you are much more likely to be killed by one of those idiots than by terrorists…so, everyone, get a frickin grip and stop being such a pussy….geez…