Well…I have been marveling over all of the tough guy repubs who are shaking in fear with the worst threat to the US in the history of the world…in case you didn’t catch it, that was sarcasm…and I sit here and wonder what these guys are smoking or drinking, or are they just the biggest bunch of chickens that have ever lived in this country? The latest is the state hopper candidate from fear (R) Scott Brown who came out today and said that Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat the US has ever faced and that Obama is not doing enough about it…let me get this straight, ISIS is a greater threat than Nazi Germany? ISIS is a greater threat than the Japanese empire? ISIS is a greater threat than the Soviet Union in the cold war with it’s 40,000 nuclear warheads? It has gotten almost comical when another of these supposedly tougher than Democrats repubs just about craps his pants and screams the sky is falling whenever a new terror organization kills a few people….but, you know this is their playbook to win elections…fear, fear, and more fear…it’s all they have left…geez…