Tag Archives: trump jobs

Go get ‘em Nancy…

Well…you know that the mainstream media is rooting for trump and have a long term project underway to lie to the American people to try to obscure just how terrible the idiot trump’s years were…this weekend, Nancy Pelosi was on Katy Tur’s show on MSNBC and Tur attempted to jump on the bandwagon of revising the true nature of idiot boy’s term…but Nancy was having none of it and told her the blind, unvarnished truth that trumps performance on jobs was worse that any president in history…and the dust is still settling on that one two days later…my question is how can these pundits live with themselves when they know they are lying? And what higher up at MSNBC ordered the on air staff to start lying to boost trump? Tur should lose her job after this debacle if MSNBC wants to have any credibility left…this is bullshit and just another symptom of the disease and rot that comes with billionaires own the news media and don’t give a damn about this country…they would love idiot boy to win again since people tuned in to see trump’s daily train wrecks and it lined their pockets…tax the billionaires…geez…