Category Archives: My Life

March 6th

Well…running late again this morning and my damn neck hurts again…really annoying and I’m not sure what to do about it…didn’t get much done yesterday but I did get out on the bike and it looks like I will again today…it is already over 50 so I can do shorts again…feel pretty crappy this morning and think I’ll ease into the day with some coffee and trying to feel better…..I think I’ll have to cook today since I bought some chicken thurs and it needs to be used or frozen….I am getting tired of chicken again so I think I’ll get a pork loin this week…or, I should just use the food that is in the freezer…not going to do much today but work out and get the bike ride in…and some work around here….more later…

March 5th

Well…running a little late today and I’m not sure why…I wonder if it even matters? I did get some work done around here yesterday and finally have a clean bathroom….but that was all done in the morning so the rest of the day was a waste with just watching sports all day….my neck is a little better today and I may test it out by getting on the bike later but that will have to wait til it warms up to over 40 this aft….haven’t been on it in 4 days or so and that needs to change…and I do need to eat more to support that…have lots of food here so that should be easy…..need to get more fruit, though, since I haven’t had any here in a while….not going to do a lot today other than clean the kitchen and get on the bike…and one more of these…more later….

March 4th

Well…running late this morning since I got distracted by Man U playing…oh, and I won at pool yesterday…it was a pretty good day yesterday and the rides out and back were nice….but, I didn’t get anything else done so that will have to change today…I am going to get to the bathroom today and make some stir fry for lunch…but not much else since I don’t have a lot to do…my neck is better but it still hurts and I hope that gets better later today or there will be some ibuprofen needed…..looks like no bike ride again today since it will be only in the 30′s and I am not going to do full thermasuit anymore….but, the second half of Man U is on and I need more coffee….more later….

March 3rd

Well…felt so crappy yesterday I didn’t get anything done…and I know it was from not eating on wed….I think I fixed that but I won’t know for sure until a little later….I do feel better today so I think I’m on the right track…didn’t ride the bike yesterday and won’t today or tomorrow since I just don’t want to be that cold….and I hope to not guilt myself about it….my neck has been killing me for the past few days and it is still hurting this morning….and it is on both sides which is really kind of weird…it’s usually only on the left side so that will need some ibuprofen today…..not going to get a lot done today but pool and the cleaning will have to wait until tomorrow but I’m okay with that…need to have more coffee before I decide about anything today….more later….

March 2nd

Well…it was a long day yesterday and I am feeling it this morning…had a nice lunch with T and then out with G for a few and that takes a lot out of me…so, today is going to be an easy day with only one errand to run a little later…and I made some cash yesterday and will again today so that is cool….and I restocked the groceries so I can get back to eating enough to fuel my day…only had an enchilada to eat all day yesterday and I am feeling it today..but I can get into my small jeans so maybe that is cool….it looks like no bike ride for the next few days with the snow and ice out there but that is okay..already have 300 miles in for the year and I didn’t have that many in until into May of last year….not going to do much today but a little work around here and some cleaning…or maybe nothing, depending on how I feel…more later…,

March 1st

Well…it was a Tuesday yesterday but I made some cash so that was cool….didn’t get much done but a couple of errands and today looks the same with maybe a lunch with T and then out to have a couple with G…and I don’t feel that hot today with the allergies or a bug…have been coughing since I got up but I will have to wait to see how bad it will be….got out on the bike yesterday but it was brutal, wet and cold and it looks like I won’t be out again until sat….supposed to snow today and tomorrow and I just don’t need to be that cold again….I did get to well over a hundred of these for the past month but don’t expect that this month… will be hard to do that again and I’m not sure if I have that in me…more later….

February 28th

Well…last day of the month and I’m not sure what I’ve accomplished but there were a few things…did get some work done yesterday and got some errands run with the top down on the car so that was cool…but, it is raining right now so the bike ride will have to wait until later in the morning…and that’s not a bad thing since I do need to work out first and get rid of this headache I’ve had since I got up….didn’t take anything for the allergies last night and I think that was a mistake…didn’t sleep well at all last night and I just want to take a nap already so today looks like another day of low gear…don’t have a lot to get done today so I guess that works out…I do have another one to do today and it will be done here in a few minutes after the coffee kicks in….more later….

Number 100…

Well…have been on the run all day and just now finished up with the bike ride…don’t think I’ll get to politics today but who knows? Did want to mark this one as being the hundredth one I’ve done this month and that makes a record that I don’t think I’ll break any time soon….averaging almost 4 of these a day is just too much when you think of it…but, I don’t think it was too repetitive and there were only a couple of fillers…and I still have another day for this month so I guess the record is actually going to be 102….so maybe I should have waited until then to do this one….oh, well….

February 27th

Well….it was kind of a wasted day yesterday but I did get to watch a lot of sports….and Man U won the league cup so that was cool…tried to stay up to watch the oscars but didn’t get to the end…it was a okay show and the digs at trump were pretty funny….feel pretty crappy today and I do need to get on the bike to make that go away and I have a lot of work to do around here so today looks kind of busy…but I can’t get going yet so I am going to sit here for a while and have coffee….it looks like I’ll get to the goal of 100 of these this month and I’m not sure how I feel about it…goals seem hollow to me right now….okay, need more coffee….more later….

February 26th

Well…running late this morning and it is just because I had to warm the car up with the ice on it….and I just am not feeling it this morning…the coffee is not working so I guess I’ll just run in low gear for a while…got some stuff done yesterday so the day was not a total loss and I need to continue that today….but Man U is playing in the league cup final at 11:30 so anything I need to do will have to be done before that…and the Daytona 500 is on this aft so it looks like a wasted Sunday….feel a little slow today and I think I have a little bug going on…and I am sore everywhere again even without being on the bike…must have slept wrong since I have a huge pain in my right shoulder/neck…oh, well….need more coffee and there is soccer on so I’m going to end here…have a few more of these to do to get to 100 for the month so I will be back later….more later….