Tag Archives: life

January 12th

Well…it was a long day yesterday with going out to have a couple with
G kind of late and not getting home til late…but, it was fun so that was cool…but, I slept on my right side again last night and my shoulder is killing me so I guess I’ll have to take something for it….with all of the rain last night my car was a block of ice this morning and I had to thaw it with hot water just to get my door open…I am glad that it was just rain and not snow or we’d have another foot or so to deal with…and after the next two days of cold, there is going to be a pretty good thaw that will get me back on the bike again….and I can’t wait for that…haven’t gained the normal amount of weight being off the bike but some and I want it gone….going to take it easy today to recover from last night so I need more coffee and the couch for a while….more later….

January 11th

Well…it appears that the world has survived the winds from yesterday but I think my car will be a block of ice when I go out to check it later….the lot looks okay so maybe the big melt from yesterday and today will get the trails open again and I can get on the bike….slept okay last night and had weird dreams again but I slept on my right side and irritated the tendons in my shoulder and they hurt like crazy…..but, nothing else hurts so that is a win I guess…..and, Man U won yesterday for 9 in a row so that brightened the day up some which was darkened with the Wings losing last night, again,…and it looks like the playoff run is over at 25…oh, well….I re-MacGivered my coffee maker so I can use the newest carafe and I think that will do for now…need to take the waiting electrical fire one back today and get my 10 bucks back but that is about all I have to do today….more later….

Forgot a few things…

Well…it seems to be funny that there are things that are striking to me when I see them but my short term memory doesn’t retain…on the last day of riding before this last bout of snow happened, just after christmas, I saw over a hundred christmas tree ornaments scattered along the same stretch of trail where the stuffed animals appeared earlier in the year…pretty cool looking at the time and I’m not sure what would have forced it out of my memory but it just came back to me today and I thought I’d talk about it for just a minute….it has been an okay day but I am exhausted…I did get to the errands today but at Harbor Freight, their computers were down and it was so funny watching them try to go back to a manual system to take care of their customers….I did get my new compressor for 7 bucks and need to put that in the car….but, Man U is playing right now so I am going to go watch that first….

January 10th

Well….I am already grinding my teeth this morning with the damn dish not resetting the program guide…in my 5th try to get the damn thing to work and it is really irritating…but, I do feel better today and I have a few things to get done so that will help….was good last night so I feel okay this morning and I hope that continues all day…just have a few errands to run this morning…need to get a new compressor for the bike since Harbor Freight has them on sale for 7 bucks and then a couple more stops to get supplies that I need….and it is going to be 44 degrees today so maybe some of the damn snow will melt….and I could possibly get back on the bike later in the week if the rains come as they say over the next two days…..but then back to cold for a while…I guess it is January in Michigan and that’s to be expected…more later…

January 9th

Well…it was a long, boring day yesterday and I think I barely survived it….and that boredom continues today….and I feel crappy to go along with it so it’s the perfect storm of crappiness….oh, well…at least my back doesn’t hurt this morning so that is something….I think I may have slept okay last night but there were no dreams to make me know it….didn’t get anything done yesterday and I don’t feel like doing anything today but I may cook some just to do something…..but, maybe not…who knows? I should run errands today but I think I’ll wait until tomorrow when it is warmer…..more later….

January 8th

Well…I did get a few things done yesterday and this place is shaping up…finally….but, I feel pretty crappy this morning with going out to have a couple with K and then cocktails last night…still not over the bug yet but it is a low level one that just takes my energy away….so today will be a low key one and I think I’ll just watch soccer…the FA cup games are on until this aft so that will be my morning….T left for the Bahamas yesterday and that is kind of a change for me….no texts for two weeks leaves a little hole in my life but I’ll live through it….both the Wings an Lions lost yesterday and that is getting to be normal…maybe the Wings will get a superstar draft pick from it….the Lions…nope, not going to talk about them…the last win in a playoff game in 1991? That’s all that needs to be said….okay…going back to the couch to watch soccer and have more coffee…more later…

January 7th

Well….crap…they shut the power off last night and I had to reset all the clocks in here….that’s not an excuse for being late this morning…just got up late…and I feel pretty crappy this morning…all my fault but I don’t feel bad about it…I think it’s strange that I had an equipment failure Thurs night but the damn thing is still working today so I am breathing a sigh of relief…can’t afford to replace anything right now….didn’t get anything done yesterday and today looks about the same but I think there is vacuuming to be done so I think I’ll do that later…but, after the rest of the Man U match…more later…

No pool today….

Well…I just remembered to come back here today since I don’t have an excuse not to…Tom is still feeling crappy so no pool today and, with overdoing it last night, that’s not a bad thing…..I was in the car all morning and it was so cold I never shut it off for 2 1/2 hours…but, I made some cash so that is cool…think I have enough stashed now to get through the end of February and that takes a load off….so, I think I’ll end here and watch a little Star Trek on BBC….

January 6th

Well…feel pretty crappy this morning with going out with G for a few and it being a cocktail night…and I had an equipment failure when I got home that was a pain in the butt but it appears to have fixed itself which will have me scratching my head all day today….it was actually fun hanging out with G last night and that was a relief…..I’m never sure how it’s going to go….didn’t eat enough yesterday and that is part of how I feel right now….I can fix that today if I can get motivated to cook but I’m not sure if I will or not…I do have an errand to run this morning and I am going to make a little cash so that is cool….I did get more cleaning done yesterday but today I won’t…just going to recover and go out for pool later…more later….