Tag Archives: life

November 16th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…lost an earplug over night and that woke me up so the sleep was not good…not sure why I’m surprised at that….the turkey was good but it just struck me as funny that I had the meal and had everything cleaned up by noon yesterday….man, my life is boring….no cleaning at all yesterday but the kitchen needs to be done today but I’m not sure I’m motivated to do it….can’t get on the bike today since it snowed last night so that makes it 8:30 and I’m already bored…oh, well…not much to do today…just going to veg it until the Lions come on or the race…there’s not even any soccer today….more later…

More Saturday…

Well…yeah, I know…haven’t done any politics lately but it is from still smarting from out losses in the election a few weeks back..but, the darkness is lifting and I will have one of those for tomorrow…and then I hope it will continue right on for the rest of the year…but, this one is not about politics…it’s just another life update to keep me busy until the race comes on in a half hour…the bike ride was COLD this morning and I can’t figure that out…I was in full thermasuit but my hands an feet were so cold when I got back it was no longer cold but pain instead….I was out last week when it was only one degree warmer with no problems so that is a little confusing…I did get the shifter dialed in but I don’t like the shorter brake handle….I will have to see if I can swap them out…I did make some cash today so I will have enough for the rest of the year so that takes a load off…and, the turkey came out pretty good but I am still full from lunch and almost uncomfortable…but that from one slice of turkey, one biscuit, some mashed potatoes, and some corn? I know I can’t eat a lot but that can’t be more than 800 calories…oh, well….

November 15th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t win at pool…didn’t play pool so it would have been pretty hard to win…slept okay but was up early again this morning for some reason….and no dreams to speak of again, too, which is getting boring…didn’t really do anything yesterday but put the new shifter on the bike and get the adjustment semi set that I will work on this morning when I get out for a ride…need to go today since there is supposed to be 4-8 inches of snow over the next day or so and I want to get out before that happens…I am a little excited since today is the first turkey day of the month and I am roasting one this morning…54 cents a pound for protein is a pretty cheap price and I like turkey a lot so that will be good…not much to do today…just the bike ride and cooking but that is it…might have a drink with K later but no plans other than that…more later…


Well…just sitting here thinking about how coincidences make me smile sometimes…as you know, Fridays are normally pool days but today Tom begged off and I was okay with that…a little after the time that I would have normally left, I get a knock on the door from the mailman who has my new shifter to replace the one that broke earlier in the week. The strange thing was it was not even supposed to get here until next week sometime…and if I would have been out shooting pool, I would have had to find it up at the office if the mailman would have left a notice which they sometimes don’t.  So, after 15 minutes or so of work, I have the new one mounted and adjusted and I will be ready to get back on the bike tomorrow if the trails are clear enough…just a neat coincidence…

Just borrowing…

Well…just had this thought come into my head and wanted to pass it on…kind of an epiphany of a sort…as you know, all of the elements that make up you, me, Earth, and everything else was forged in stars that exploded long ago…and that led me to the thought that the stuff that makes up my body is just borrowed and has been used by others over time and, since I will be cremated when I die, it will be used again by others that come after me…I find that kind of cool, that connection to the universe and what has come before and what will come after I’m gone…just some thoughts….

November 14th

Well…not really running late but it feel like it for some reason…not sure why…it was kind of funny going out to get the papers this morning…people have completely forgotten how to drive in slick conditions and they showed it with them hitting curbs and trees while I just drove along with the snowies on the car…can’t figure out how even half worn tires on the car can be so good on the ice….slept okay and feel reasonable today and I am looking forward to not having to work out or ride the bike today…but, after being off it for the past few days, I feel like I’ve gained 5 pounds this week and I sure don’t like that…looks like I’ll have to do some 30 mile days when I get the bike fixed…not much to do today..have a turkey on the counter that I have to get in the brine for tomorrow but that is about it other than pool this aft….more later…

November 13th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…a little bit around here but no cleaning…that will happen today since the bike will be down until early next week and I do need to do something to relieve the boredom…and, I’m running really early today for some reason…I guess it was that I was up at 5:30 and tv just has no interest to me right now….slept crappy again but feel okay since I was good last night and that makes 4 days in a row…might just make it five tonight….had a strange dream that somehow combined the Miata and the mountain bike into one thing and that was weird…another one of those early morning ones after you wake up and try to go back to sleep….not much to do today…I am going to make a grocery run to get the rest of the stuff for the turkey I’m making sat morning and then just a workout…another boring day….more later…

November 12th

Well…running a little late today since I have been trying to watch the comet landing this morning…slept crappy again last night and have been up since about 5 or so so there may be a nap later today….I have the live stream of the comet stuff on in the background and it is a little annoying…so this one may be a little disjointed…I did get out on the bike in shorts yesterday but, as the last post revealed, I broke my rear shifter actuator so I won’t be on the bike for a while and that is starting to irritate me….but then, I did the math on how many shifts it has done since I bought it and it works out to over 100,000 shifts so I guess I shouldn’t bitch….not much to do today….just some stuff around here and watching the comet landing…more later….

Oh, one last thing…happy birthday to Neil Young…69 years old today….


A strange day….

Well…it has been kind of an odd day and I thought I’d do one more of these to describe it since I am a couple behind for the month…this morning, it was about 53 degrees after the grocery run and I got back here with the intention of getting on the bike in shorts for the final time this year with the big weather change that is coming. It was a good ride until I got out a few miles and the shifter unit on the handlebars broke so I could only downshift…I am glad I figured that out before I got all the way down to low but even stuck in fourth it was still a long, slow trip back here…once I got back here I took the thing apart and found that it had finally just worn out and the connection between the lever and the shifter pawl had broken…had to order another one that doesn’t match since they don’t make that one anymore but that really didn’t bother me…after all, the bike is 8 years old now and showing the wear….the part was only 20 bucks delivered but I won’t get until early next week so the calorie counting starts today to try to take 800 a day out…not sure if that can be done since I’m at about 1400 a day now and 600 is just not enough. Oh, well….

November 11th

Well…running a little late today and it is because I had to go out for groceries…just couldn’t pass up a turkey for 54 cents a pound…where can you buy protein for that money these days? And, I really like turkey and turkey soup so that is something to look forward to for Sat when it is thawed….slept okay last night but another night of no dreams is a little frustrating…why do all the work of sleeping if you don’t get a free movie? I did have a nice lunch with T yesterday and that kicked off the week on a good note..always fun to hang out with her…and, I got the snow tires on the car in anticipation of the big storm coming but now there is supposed to be less snow so maybe I jumped the gun….would rather change them out when it was in the 50′s than the 20′s so maybe it was a good idea…and the car looks bad with the black wheels on it so that is s good thing…not much to do today…I am going to get out on the bike in shorts for one last time if it’s not raining but that is about it…more later…