Tag Archives: life

Random thoughts…

Well…it has been a weird day…miscalculated how much cash I had left in the checking account and now can’t pay the phone bill today….looks like it will have to wait until tomorrow….I’m starting to get real tired of being broke…I did have dreams last night and the funny thing was they were filled with Miatas that were the same color of mine…which is not likely since, in the 6 months I’ve owned it, I’ve not seen another one in Laguna Blue….In another sign that Obama hatred is still running strong with the repubs, the right is going crazy with the nomination of Hagel for sec def…a republican hawk and they can’t support him? The repubs are still in “defeat Obama at any cost” mode….and I think he should translate the hate into never negotiating with those thugs…I’m not sure I’m excited about the NHL coming back…it is my favorite sport but I’m used to not having it and the short season should have an asterisk next to it….and now Homer is retiring and I’m going to miss him…..I am a little curious with how the team is going to look with all of the new Wings…okay, that’s it for now….too depressed to continue to think…

January 8th

Well…it was another day yesterday but I did have a little fun with going out to have a couple with G but that put me back to completely broke again so this week looks like laying low here and not much else….there is a free movie weekend on HBO this weekend so that will help ease the boredom and I did make real popcorn in a pan last night with real butter…can’t figure out why I have been making microwave stuff for so long…it’s expensive and I think the pan stuff tastes better….not much to do today…and that is true this time…I even have to drink tea today since I’m out of coffee and broke…oh, well…maybe I’ll get out on the bike or start the new novel….who knows…

January 7th

Well…running really, really, late today and it was almost like I forgot to come here and do this…and that would be weird with all of the time I’ve spent here over the past few years…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool, badly, just couldn’t get in synch and that is continuing today for some reason….I did sleep okay last night and didn’t even get up until almost 8 which is weird in itself…and I had dreams that I was really hated by everyone for reasons that were never revealed to me…I wonder if that is real? I did have to go out to get batteries for the remotes and I also bought real butter and popcorn to try to save some money but have snacks since I know I’m not eating enough….okay…I need to get a workout in before 11 so I need to get going…I will be back later for more…

January 6th

Well…running late again this morning and this time it’s by choice…I chose to read the papers and have my coffee first and I don’t feel bad about it….it was a nice day yesterday with getting out for a while over to J and K’s and having some drinks and homemade sushi that J made…it was pretty frickin good and it was just nice to get out of here for a while…and then I broke down and had cocktails last night so that might be another reason I’m running late…but, I really don’t need a reason, do I? I did get the bathroom cleaned yesterday and it is surfaces in the kitchen for today if I feel like it but not much else to do today…Man U played yesterday so there are just second tier teams to watch today and I guess I’ll just use it as background noise as I re-read the papers later….but, I need more coffee right now so that is what I’m going to do…I will be back for more later…maybe…

January 5th

Well..Sitting here waiting for the car to thaw so I can go out for the papers and thought I’d get this done before that happens….it was a day yesterday and I had a little money so I actually bought food for the first time in two weeks and I am looking forward to cooking again…I do need to get going, though, since the under 20 hockey world championships are on in a couple of minutes and the USA is playing and that goes with Many U playing right after so the morning is pretty much covered…I am trying to re-use the coffee grounds from yesterday in an austerity experiment since they were still in the coffee maker and I’m not a coffee snob…just as long as all of the caffeine is not gone, it might be okay…more later…

January 4th

Well…getting another early start today and I think I’m starting to feel better with being good two days in a row…only two months to go and I think the toxicity should be gone and feeling good could be the permanent state….it was an okay day yesterday and I did have lunch with T that made me smile….and I made just enough money to buy some groceries so I will be able to eat for another week…it is funny how your perspective changes when things go from bad to worse…I could never have imagined cheering that I have enough money to just eat but I guess that is what my life has come to over the past couple of years…don’t like it very much but the way it looks now, even with 4 fricking degrees, I’m pretty much unemployable and the money is going to run out this year….oh, well…at least there is soccer on this weekend…more later…

January 3rd

Well…getting an early start today…for me anyway, and with being good last night, I feel okay today…had one weird dream about people dying all over and getting stabbed in the back but it was another one of these weird things where a real pain was incorporated into a fake one in the dream…pretty weird….I did sleep okay and seem to have some energy so that is different….it was an okay day yesterday but didn’t do much other than send resumes and clean but not much of either….and not much to do today…may have lunch with T but I haven’t heard from her so who knows? That’s about all I have to say right now…so I’ll stop here and come back for more later…

January 2nd

Well…another day of lateness and I just haven’t been able to get going until right now…and it is the same old thing…sitting here waiting for the coffee to finish and trying to think of something to say…it was an okay day yesterday with Man U winning but Michigan losing and the rest of the day was just a total veg out…and it is the start of a two month dry period for me with not riding the bike…I have to cut out calories somewhere and the easiest way is to not have cocktails…and I think my liver will thank me…I know I’m looking forward to it anyway…not much to do today…can’t even think of anything to do so I’ll have to come back to that later…

Okay…still feeling like all of my energy has been sucked out and I’m sure I’ve gone overboard in calorie restriction trying to make up for not riding…and I am sore everywhere but not flu-like sore…my elbows and back ache like crazy and maybe I should go take some Ibuprofen before it gets worse…there really has been nothing to do today and that appears to be a good thing right now as I try to get the recovery going…and I will have to eat more here soon….so, I think I’ll get another one of these done and then do that…

January 1st

Well…this has gotten pretty routine…waiting for the coffee to finish while I do this…and then not having a lot to say except about sleep, dreams, yada yada……and I’m sure I’m boring you just as much as I’m boring myself so I’m going to stop here and try to think of something new to do and say…it is the new year, after all…maybe this could be my resolution? Who knows?

Okay…sitting here in my Man U jersey and the thought struck me…”is this lame?” I mean wearing a jersey to watch a match from home? It probably is but I will be doing the same thing for the Michigan game later so I guess I am lame…well…the match is starting in 3 minutes so I am heading back to the couch with the last cup of coffee…

Last one for the year…

Well…I made it through another year and was just not a pretty one…still no work, still crazier than hell politics, and still getting older but I guess if you survive it, it was a good year. I was going to do this long reflection on the year and try to say something quite lucid but after going out to shoot pool this aft, my ideas seem to have deserted me at the moment and I just don’t have much to say…I guess I can say happy new year but I don’t really believe it so I won’t….just need to continue to survive and hope for things to get better….might be back for more later after I relax a little but I have made the goal for the year with this one so maybe not…who knows?