Category Archives: Politics

Another thing about Kelly…

Well…if you haven’t yet seen Lawrence O’Donnell comment from last night about Kelly’s screed and attack on Congresswoman Wilson, you should go out and find it…it really put some background to the racist attack…but, that’s not what I wanted to talk about now….one little detail of Kelly’s speech flew under the radar and I think I need to make sure it doesn’t…during the speech, Kelly basically said that the only people that have the right to comment on anything about the military are people who have served or lost a family member who was serving in the military…now, to use Kelly’s favorite word, I am “stunned” that a person who has sworn an oath to protect the constitution would so casually discard the protections that come from the first amendment…we ALL get to talk about anything we want and being in the military doesn’t make you better or give you more rights than the rest of us…which is what he implied when trying to smear Congresswoman Wilson…this is just bullshit…I have had enough of the military fetishism in this country and  that soldiers are to be “revered”…yeah, they do a tough job at times but so do a lot of people….so enough of this crap…a line from one of Graham Nash’s songs just ran through my head as I was writing this…”military madness is killing this country”.

Kelley is no different than trump…

Well….I know there have been many in the media that said that the idiot trump’s chief of staff, John Kelly, was going to be the adult in the room that would rein in trump but that was just so much bullshit. With his nasty, lying press conference yesterday, he has shown that he is no different than trump…going out there with the pure intent of smearing Congresswoman Wilson, who was in the car when the idiot trump said “he knew what he signed up for” to the widow of a soldier killed a month ago in Africa. His smear included that he was “shocked” that she listened to the phone call…but the one thing that Kelly purposely  ignores in his smear campaign is that they were in a car heading to the airport to pick up the slain soldiers body and the phone was on speaker….what was Congresswoman Wilson supposed to do? Put her fingers in her ears and go la, la, la so she wouldn’t hear it? This entire debacle was caused by trump starting the lying when he said he never said “he knew what he signed up for” when there were at least 4 people in the car that heard him….but it was the ugly, poisoned trump administration and it’s attack dog Kelley that made it so much worse….these people are not fit to even live in the US let alone run it….just damn resign already…all of you…impeach…

Thank you, Chef Andres….

Well…with the trump administration’s racist abandonment of the people of Puerto Rico…leaving over 80% of them without electricity and almost 50% of them without food or water….there have been private citizens who have stepped in to try to keep people alive that I want to recognize since they have been doing this with little fanfare…just hard work and caring. One of these private citizens is Chef Jose Andres who took it upon himself to do something, to provide food for the people who have none….and his organization has opened over a dozen kitchens in Puerto Rico and have provided over a million meals in the past three weeks…more than twice what the federal government or the Red Cross has done….and this is not the first time he has thrown his entire being and all of his connections  into relief efforts…he did the same thing for Houston after hurricane Harvey and stayed there until people could survive on their own…and he did it again for the people of Mexico after the huge earthquake there. One of the things I found inspiring was when Chef Andres said that he will stay until he is no longer needed….until things are recovered enough so people don’t need him anymore…contrast that to the idiot trumps response that relief efforts can’t be open ended and they cost too much….so, thank you Chef Andres…you are a true human being….

Trump is an oafish buffoon…

Well…if you thought that the idiot trump could sink no lower, you were really, really wrong….he did it again yesterday when he was shamed into calling the wife of a soldier who was killed two weeks ago in Africa…after lying that he always calls the families of fallen soldiers, he really did call one yesterday…and he is so damn dumb and lacks any shred of empathy that he said this: “..he knew what he signed up for…but when it happens it hurts anyway…” and, after the call, the grieving wife said that he didn’t even know her husband’s name. Now, in any universe, is this the right thing to say to a grieving wife who was 5 minutes from seeing the casket come off the plane? Trump just frickin has to go…every day he stays in office shrinks the presidency and our standing in the world so much it probably won’t be repaired in my lifetime…..what an oafish buffoon…impeach…

The maniac strikes again….

Well…trump has just got to be the most stupid son of a bitch in the world….an the most rotten asshole that has ever walked the Earth. Just today, he decided on his own to destroy Obamacare and throw millions of people off their insurance…then, for good measure, he decided that he was no longer going to honor the nuclear deal with Iran…basically putting Iran back on the path to nuclear weapons and showing that, with his butt in the WH, the US can no longer be a trusted partner in the world. There has never been anything so damn dumb in my long lifetime…Iran was following the agreement and that has been verified many times, but to the idiot’s fevered brain, he can get a “better deal”….my question to this idiot is: what is a better deal? What could be better than keeping another country from getting nuclear weapons? As we see from his entire life, trump is a fraud, and that fraud is going to get millions of people killed if you don’t stop him, repubs. Get off your asses and do something…impeach…

This is a president?

Well…if you didn’t already know the the idiot trump is a racist asshole, you just need to look at his behavior toward the US citizens in Puerto Rico and his tweet from yesterday threatening to pull FEMA and all of the military personnel out with more than 50% of the island still without water and over 90% still without power. This is not how presidents act…to abandon US citizens after the greatest natural disaster ever to hit the island…and to compound that racism, he proposed that no more money will be spent to rebuild the island unless it is in the form of loans…not grants, not federal money, but loans that his cronies will profit from…but that is all the the idiot is about…sucking this country dry and enriching himself and his buddies while wildfires burn hundreds of thousands of acres across the west, and hurricanes destoy PR and the USVI….is this enough yet, repubs? Is this finally the last straw? Nope, not for these amoral assholes….impeach….

Now it’s the first amendment…

Well…if there was any doubt in your mind that the idiot trump wants to be a tin pot dictator, just take a look at his tweets from this morning when he attacked NBC for running a story that he didn’t like and threatened them with having their FCC license revoked since they only report “fake news”. Now, we all know this idiot doesn’t know anything about the constitution or the bill of rights, but, isn’t there anyone around him that does? Isn’t there anyone that can hold this toddler’s hand and explain the first amendment to him? That kind of important point that says the “freedom of the press shall not be abridged”? Geez…I am so damn tired of this moron’s daily destruction of the country due to trump just being trump…I know there are articles of impeachment that have been entered in the house today that don’t include today’s attack on our country…and I call on repubs to take these articles seriously…you have been supporting trump because you know he is a fool that will sign anything that is put in front of him, but c’mon…you haven’t gotten anything to his desk and you won’t with the idiot in the WH…he is too big a liability for any progress…so just get rid of him already…impeach…

Oh, and one last thing that I forgot to mention that just points out trump’s just utter ignorance about everything…NBC as a network doesn’t have an “FCC license”…they are issued to individual stations….what a moron…geez…

The infant in chief is at it again…

Well….how much longer to we have to put up with the infant and chief and his nonsensical bullshit? Just this morning, this idiot went off the rails again tweeting that he is challenging his secretary of state to an IQ test since Tillerson call him a f****** moron last week and then went on a tweet storm that followed the timeline of his favorite show on fox news…going so far as to try to set healthcare policy based on a medicare commercial by Humana…yep, this idiot is so damn dumb that he thought the Humana commercial was a news story that Fox was pushing so he thought it was a good idea for everyone to have that kind of healthcare…and it is a good idea…Medicare for all….but again, he is too stupid to understand what he tweeted. But this is not the end of his ignorance, stupidity….not one word about the 10 people who have died in the California wildfires,not one word about the 4 servicemen who lost their lives in Africa last weekend…but lots of words and money for a fake outrage publicity stunt that his lackey Pence performed for him this past weekend…how much longer, repubs? How much longer are you going to put your party ahead of the country? Yeah, probably forever…impeach…

Mike Pence is a moron, too…

Well….we all knew that there was at least one moron in the WH…but, as of today, we know there are at least two. Just a few minutes ago, the second moron, Mike Pence tweeted that he had just left the Colts game, using the tired lie that he wouldn’t attend any event that “disrespects our soldiers, our flag, or our national anthem”. What a f****** moron…hey, moron…that’s not what the protests are about and you know it…they are to protest police brutality and murder aimed at black people that goes on every damn day in this country….but that’s like every other repub…pick and choose what parts of the constitution should be followed….this is the protesters first amendment right to protest…you know like your beloved 2nd amendment that you think gives people (or I should say white people) the right to carry their death machines or penis enlargers everywhere in this country. So, just don’t go and use your free bribe…or I mean ticket…stay home…no one wants to see you there anyway..and we all know this was a pre-planned publicity stunt…how much did you spend of our money for this little bit of propaganda? …impeach…

72 million and counting…

Well…yeah, I know, you’re probably tired of hearing from me today but it’s been the only thing I’ve been motivated to do….so, just one more….with the idiot trump and his cronies in congress continually trying to take away healthcare from 30 million people and now trying to gut Medicare and take it away from everyone 65 and older, I thought it would be time to come back to the amount of money the idiot boy has spent on vacations in the past 9 months….that has now been calculated to be over 72 million dollars…yep, the country can’t afford healthcare for one third of it’s citizens but it can afford to spend 72 million to send trump to golf…and, if you add in all of the travel for all of his cronies that just have to have private jets, it is actually more like 80 million…I wonder how many people could have healthcare for 80 million? Let’s do the math…let’s assume that insurance costs 20K per person….a figure that is probably a little high….even at that high number, 4,000 people could have health insurance for a year…or we can continue to line the idiot’s pockets as he treats the US as his own slush fund…impeach…