Well…if you thought that the idiot trump could sink no lower, you were really, really wrong….he did it again yesterday when he was shamed into calling the wife of a soldier who was killed two weeks ago in Africa…after lying that he always calls the families of fallen soldiers, he really did call one yesterday…and he is so damn dumb and lacks any shred of empathy that he said this: “..he knew what he signed up for…but when it happens it hurts anyway…” and, after the call, the grieving wife said that he didn’t even know her husband’s name. Now, in any universe, is this the right thing to say to a grieving wife who was 5 minutes from seeing the casket come off the plane? Trump just frickin has to go…every day he stays in office shrinks the presidency and our standing in the world so much it probably won’t be repaired in my lifetime…..what an oafish buffoon…impeach…