Still raining…

Well..damn, it’s still raining out here so it looks like two days in a row off the bike so I guess I’ll have to lube up the downstairs bike so I can at least get 8 miles a day in…and two days in a row off will mean I’ll gain at least a pound without burning the 1500 calories I do on the bike every day…and that sucks…I guess I’ll just have to let it go and enjoy the day off and watch Michigan and then the race later…I may be able to get out for one ride after the Michigan game and then miss the start of the race and that won’t be as bad…darn…

September 24th

Well…this is getting weirder by the day…only got up once at 5 but then stayed in bed til almost 8…and had some dreams that I don’t remember but they were pretty vivid…still have that damn headache I had yesterday but I don’t think it’s a migraine but is just from allergies and I think I’m going to have to take something for it….man, I am exhausted this morning and I’m not sure if I have enough energy to get on the bike…I know I will but it’s raining right now so I might get a reprieve…yep, just looked outside and it’s raining so I can just relax for a while and have some coffee….but that puts a lot of stress on me to get two rides in before the Michigan game at noon…maybe I’ll just not ride today….that will be painful…..I did watch the Thor movie last night and Tom you were right, kind of a waste of time and they probably shouldn’t make another one…but the she-hulk show is shaping up to be a good one and the one I watched last night was intriguing….and it gives me a new show to fill my time….not much to do today….have to work on the bathroom door and frame to keep that project on track and I think I can do that when the game is on but I don’t want to do anything right now….I am just worn out and everything hurts so I’ll just sit here and read for a while….I really do hate getting old….more later….

The squiggly lines are back…

Well…when I was out on the bike this morning, the squiggly lines and broken glass look was back in my eyes that are called auras and I get them without a resulting migraine…although I do have one now on the right side of my head…it is just so weird having my vision fractured like that and this one lasted almost an hour but it is gone now and my vision is back to normal…it has been about a year since the last one and that one happened on the bike, too so that’s a little strange….I did get some work done today! Got the work room set up and took the door off the bathroom and have the hinges and hardware in the stripper downstairs where it will have to sit for a few days to get the 12 coats of paint off them….I don’t think they had been removed since the house was built and it took me an hour and a half to get the screws out with having to chip all the paint off them…and just that beating on my shoulder has it hurting so badly that I can barely move it…damn, need to get started on the door tomorrow and I’m not sure how much work I’m going to do to them…I could probably put a month into the door and frame but don’t want to…so we’ll see when I start on that tomorrow…it is so funny that from new they never painted the top or bottom of the door…it’s still raw wood and I can’t figure that out…oh, well…

Why would anyone vote for a repub?

Well…the repubs are out with their latest “attack” on America and all I can say is “why would anyone vote for a repub?” after all, this plan would end Medicare and SS, make abortion illegal across the US and jail women and their doctors, end the ACA, give more tax cuts to the rich, end same sex marriage, end contraception…yeah, get the point? These assholes are trying to take this country back to the 1800′s and these are not popular things, in fact, none of these actions poll above 30% so who the hell are they governing for? Less than half of repubs even want any of this crap…so again, I am going to keep harping on this until election day…we all need to vote…if we vote, we win since there are a lot more of us than them but we are still making excuses…here in Michigan apply for a  permanent absentee ballot at the SoS site and they just come to you in the mail and you mail them back…easy peazy and maybe takes a half hour of your time…so there are no excuses…the ballot will get to you a couple of weeks before the election and you just fill it in and mail it…you get what I’m saying? Easy, easy, easy…and let’s make sure the repubs can’t do what they are threatening…geez…


September 23rd

Well…that was a bit of a relief…woke up this morning with the furnace running and getting it to start for the first time is always stressful….don’t really want to start paying a huge gas bill but it is comforting to know the thing will run…and I didn’t get up til 7 again and I’m not sure what is going on with that after waking up only once at 5:08…cripes, it’s only 40 degrees out there and that makes me have no urgency to get out on the bike since I can’t get out in shorts until it’s around 50…and that is kind of relaxing….so I can sip my coffee and read the news this morning…felt like I had a bug of some sort yesterday but I feel better today so it must have been the lack of calories for a couple of days and allergies….it is such a fine line to balance the intake with what I need to not gain weight and you know how much I struggle with that…I do need to get two rides in today with only doing one yesterday but the light day hasn’t helped my back at all and I was hurting just sitting here last night…lubing the combustion blower worked since it just came on and it’s pretty quiet….I think I may be looking forward to the winter this year since I survived a winter out here and shoveling the snow didn’t kill me….but it was a below average snowfall year so we’ll see about this one….not much to do today…going to get started on the bathroom door hinges and get the work room set up but I need a drop cloth and I’m not sure if I have one in the work tote downstairs…might have to make a run out to depot this morning since I need the plastic to put under the sawhorses when I’m going to paint the doors in there…more later….

First day of fall…

Well…another summer is gone and I’m not sure how I feel about that…when you’re young, it really doesn’t matter that another year had passed, you had plenty more to play with but now I can see the end coming and that makes each year a little more important…and my reaction is that I haven’t accomplished enough for the end to be coming…okay, that’s enough of that…don’t want to get more depressed than I already am…fall used to be my favorite time of the year when I was younger and, as I think back, I don’t remember why…I love the color change and that we used to play football in the fall…part of it could be that we never had AC so it was a relief when the temps came down but that just left us in a 100 year old house heated with space heaters and with no insulation…cripes, it didn’t even have plaster on the interior walls so yeah, it was cold in the winter….I guess I am looking forward to it since it takes away my excuse for not working on this place….and I do need to finish it this winter….but maybe I’ll take some color tours with the top down on the car…used to love to do that in the Fiat I owned and I have done that a lot in the Miata and it is fun….I guess I’ll have to re-discover why I liked fall so much…fall is going to be official tonight when the heat comes on for the first time since April…or was it May? I know it was cold pretty late into spring…who remembers that far back?

That sucks…

Well…that sucks…was going to be good and get out on the bike for the second ride…it appeared that the wind had died down a bit from this morning and the showers had ended…but as soon as I got out to the street, I got whacked by about the same wind as this morning and by the time I got a hundred yards it started to rain and it’s just too damn cold to get wet today…so I gave up and here I am…and it is pretty black to the west and it looks like I’d be under the cloud all the way out to the beach….just don’t have it in me today to take all of the abuse that another ride would heap on me….and tomorrow is looking cold until almost noon since I don’t want to put long pants on to ride yet, I have to wait until it gets over 50…I did get the combustion blower on the furnace lubed this afternoon…with the low tonight getting down to 43 and the inside of the house only needing to go down 3 degrees until it hits 65 and the furnace starts, I needed to make sure it was ready….but I didn’t do anything else….didn’t eat enough yesterday with just a salad and a chicken leg quarter for the whole day and  I’ve been feeling a little crappy today…so I think I can eat two meals even with only riding once….will still be under 1,000 calories for the day even with that….we’ll see….

Do we dare hope?

Well…with the announcement yesterday of the huge lawsuit filed in NY and the appeals court smacking down the trump judge in the classified document theft case, do we dare hope that finally, after getting away with crimes for the past 50 years, that trump and his demon spawn are going to be held accountable? It sure looks that way but I won’t be sure of that until they are all perp walked and in jail….I did have a laugh yesterday when the idiot went on hannity’s show and didn’t make a bit of sense…just a huge word salad of his greatest hits…lot’s of witch hunts and he rolled out the golden oldie that the FBI was looking for Hillary’s e-mails when they searched mar a lago…I even think he threw in a couple of Hunter Biden’s laptops, too…you know, if you saw someone walking on the street and talking like that, you first thought would be that person should be in a mental hospital…his time is coming and he knows it…this should be something to watch….geez…

Only one ride today…

Well…damn I’m sore…after going out in 25mph wind this morning and with showers coming in, I am only going to do one ride today…the ride back into the wind was just brutal and my back is so much worse that it hurts to just sit here…so, for once, I’m doing the smart thing and resting everything…I may go out later if the wind dies down and the showers end but right now that is looking very iffy…so I need to figure out some work to do after lunch….more later….

September 22nd

Well…damn, only up once last night and didn’t get out of bed til after 7 and that is so weird…and I just had a spider run across the computer but he didn’t make it all the way…I am so worn out that I may only do one ride today…only had about 800 calories yesterday and that is going to kill me today….so, do I try to compensate for that  or do I just live through it and know that I won’t gain any weight today? Had to close this place up completely last night since it was getting down to 52 and tonight the heat may come on for the first time with the low being 41…not ready for that yet but it is almost the end of September so I guess it’s time….my back has been really sore lately and I’m not sure how I hurt it…and the pain is wrapping around my right side…I wonder if it’s from the yard work? If it is, I really hate getting old….almost went out to the beach yesterday but it turned cloudy and I just didn’t want to make the effort…so I need to get the beach chair out of the car today and maybe even vacuum the sand out of it…both seats are full of it and it’s pretty annoying…damn, my allergies are the worst I can remember right now and I am stuffed up, coughing, and miserable….not much to do today….could I just skip the rides today? Haven’t had a day off in a long time…and this old body is just tired…it’s already 8 and I just don’t want to go…..I guess we’ll see….more later….