Category Archives: My Life

July 29th

Well…running a little early coming here today but I was already getting bored so what else is there to do before it gets light? Don’t feel too bad today so I may have eaten enough yesterday but we’ll see when I get out on the bike in a few minutes…did two rides yesterday and probably shouldn’t have…I do need to conserve some energy for working on the house since I need to really go to get it done so I am going to cut back…even though the bike is working okay again….I think I may have an excuse to take the afternoon off with the rain coming in by 11 or so and it is supposed to continue all afternoon…so that may mean cleaning around here instead of the ride….and that’s okay…I was hobbling around here yesterday pretty sore and don’t want to have to take ibuprofen every day to cope with it…but my shoulder will be screaming after painting today so I may have to…my new string trimmer should be here when I get back from the house and I’m going to work on the yard there tomorrow to make sure it’s all done for me to use the roof guys dumpster to get rid of everything….have to get a hatchet from HF today to finish getting rid of the stumps and another free light along with some wider painters tape…that will make 4 free lights in the last couple of weeks but they come in handy so why not? More later….

July 28th

Well…running a little late this morning with deciding to go out for a ride before coming here…didn’t sleep well at all and was up at 5 or so and I didn’t have any coffee before the bike so that made it a little tedious…but the new shift cable has made the bike better so that helped some…it has been a tough couple of days with T having to have her cat Princess put down Friday…I remember when she got her and just found photos I took when she was a kitten that I am going to give to her the next time I see her…and yesterday, C had to have Ren put down and that one hurt…I always called her “my Ren” and she was one of my favorite dogs of all time..and I knew her from when C brought her home as a puppy…just a great Akita but the last time I saw her, I could see that her time was fast coming and I’m glad that C did the right thing for her….not an easy couple of days…more later….


Well…no…I didn’t crash or anything like that…just damn sore from working on the house and like an idiot, I didn’t rest today but went out and did 30 miles…the first ride was really screwy with the shifter so inconsistent it was three gears off at times on the indicator and finally wouldn’t come out of top gear so I had to use the front shifter to be able to get back here…so, I made a huge adjustment before going out this afternoon and the damn cable broke just a few hundred yards out…at least I knew what the problem was and had to run over to the bike shop to get a new one and install it which went quite well and that made the bike ride much more normal…but, the shifter is still worn out and that makes it impossible to get it adjusted right…I did buy a new shifter for 19 bucks but that won’t be here for a while but I can live with the old one now that the cable is new…and the weird thing is where the cable broke…inside one of the sheaths which I have never seen before and was the reason I couldn’t figure it out until it broke…now it’s break time and I am taking the rest of the day off to just veg out and watch some races…I think I may have earned it…

July 27th

Well…man, I feel like crap this morning…just worn completely out and I many even take the day off the bike…or wait until after F1 qualifying to go out…didn’t get up til 6 but I’m still exhausted today…after all the work on the house this week, I may just have to have a rest day but I’m not sure my guilt will allow that…but, I know I’m not 30 anymore but I don’t want to start making allowances for my advanced age…that’s a slippery slope that I don’t want to start down…I really should clean some around here today and I may do some with the cobwebs starting to take over and annoy the hell out of me…other than the house stuff, I didn’t get much done yesterday but cook a little and that will happen again today with getting some chicken thighs for 60 cents a pound at DD…might have to marinate them this morning to cook later but I am not too motivated right now and I hope the coffee helps with that…okay, have 15 minutes to decide whether to go out on the bike but I want to read some news first…more later….

July 26th

Well…not sure how I slept last night but I didn’t get out of bed until after 6…I do know I was up at 3:05 and don’t remember sleeping at all after that so I guess it wasn’t that good…got a lot done at the house yesterday but I’ll put that in a house post later..I did get my eyes filled with paint dust that I am still feeling this morning but that was the last of the big paint removal and I just need to paint today…I am really sore from working over my head with the drill and wire brush but I am a little surprised that it doesn’t hurt more…maybe using my shoulder is the best thing for it….got a nice bike ride in after I got back here and almost have the shifter back to normal after making a huge adjustment to it a couple of days ago…I think the cable must have slipped since the gear indicator was one off from the sprocket but it appears to be better now…we’ll see in a minute when I get out…I am going to take the weekend off the house after painting this morning and get into the interior next week…I did try out my 25 buck shop vac yesterday and it works like a 25 buck shop vac…will do the job but it’s pretty flimsy…I did get the car vacuumed since it was looking like a work truck inside and I spilled cement in the trunk that needed to be cleaned up…not much to do today…going to get on the bike in a few minutes and the over to the house at 10, then back here to cook something for lunch…think I’ll make a chicken stir fry for something different…more later….

July 25th

Well….damn…it’s always something that disturbs my sleep…last night I had a huge bout of acid reflux that woke me up at 3 am and I can still feel it even now…don’t have any clue why that happened but I know the coffee hurts going down and that is just not normal…I did get out to have a couple with G last evening and that was fun…maybe that had something to do with it? All I know is that this is new…maybe I’ll take a zantac before I head over to the house this morning….took the day off of work yesterday but I did do 30 miles on the bike and that was probably a mistake…was dizzy and shaking on the second ride and I know that’s from not eating enough but I didn’t do anything to to help that yesterday…still under 1,000 cals for the day yesterday and I just can’t keep that up….I think I have to figure out a new eating pattern with working on the house but I don’t want to include fast food…so maybe bigger batches of regular cooking to have more leftovers? I still need to work here, too but I don’t know when that will be….I am going to sign the contract for the roof on the house this morning and that should be done next week and that will be a relief to get the big stuff done…then I can get moving on the inside and get the water turned back on…more later…

July 24th

Well…I just found out what is worse than getting up at 4:14…getting up at 3:10 and not being able to get back to sleep for very long after that…I think I’m at the end of it and am going to take something to help tonight…I feel pretty beat up this morning with doing the chainsaw work at the house yesterday and then getting the first coat of paint on the garage door…and that took lots of prep work before I could paint and I didn’t get back here until after 2…I may take the day off working today since I want to see the Mueller testimony and I’m pretty sore…but, I may go over and just scrape paint on the other part that is peeling badly…and I do need to caulk that, too, before I can paint it…that should only take a couple of hours so maybe this afternoon…I do have to remember to eat more with all of the expenditures of cals working…only had a couple of chicken breasts yesterday and that is not enough…it’s another cold one out there so I’ll need a fleece again on the ride this morning since I’m getting out at 7…at least it’s not raining so I guess that’s something…I think I need a day off today so I won’t be cleaning any around here today…but I do need to….more later….

July 23rd

Well…what the hell is it about 4:14? Up again today at that time and it is getting gritting my teeth annoying…and then trying to get back to sleep is such a chore I wonder if I should even try anymore…I think this is almost a month of this crap and something has to give with me sleep walking through the day without any energy…oh, well…as you saw, I did get a lot of work done yesterday and today will be filled with more on the house starting with getting the last of the heavy lifting done this morning…going to be a chain sawing fool today and I think I’ll get on that early….and I need to unload all the supplies from the car…I’ve taken up every bit of room in it and I still need to find space for 3 gallons of water and the chainsaw….it looks like I’m going to need a fleece on the bike today since it is only about 54 out there right now but that will make it more comfortable working on the house today…I do still need to cook something today, too since all of the leftovers are gone and I have chicken in the fridge that needs to be cooked…or frozen…I’m into another I hate chicken stage after having so much of it lately so I’ll have to think of something else for a few days….more later…

July 22nd

Well…damn, another early, early morning with getting up at 4:14 and I wonder if I’m ever going to sleep again…I walk around all day like a damn zombie and I know that can’t be good for me…but, I’m at a loss what to do for it…don’t want to take the otc sleeping pills again since that screws with my blood pressure but not sleeping probably does, too…and I’m going to be too busy to take naps in the afternoon this week with getting the contracts signed for the windows and roof and then getting on the stump clearing and starting the painting this week….just want to crawl back into bed…I did get the bathroom finished up yesterday so I wouldn’t feel guilty about letting this place go to hell as I work on the house…and I do need to come back here for a political one later…there really is too much to talk about but that may make it a little easier…I might want to take Wed off to see the Mueller testimony…or maybe I’ll just get the paint and wait til thurs to get started on that…who knows? More later….

July 21st

Well….running about on time this morning and remembered to come here on a Sunday morning for the first time in a while….I did sleep okay last night but it was another short one with not getting to bed until late and back up before 6…just feeling fatigued today and I’m not sure if I’ll get out on the bike today or not…did a double yesterday in the heat and that took a lot out of me and it is still raining…are those good enough excuses to take the day off? Not sure yet…I just want to have coffee and read the news right now so I’ll think about that later…I did get a little cleaning done yesterday and may do some more today with the heat going away but it is still humid as heck so that will wait until later…I do have a clean microwave so I guess that’s something…don’t have to cook again today with leftovers for chicken tacos and club sandwiches so it will be an easy one for me and I think I need that with the work I need to do on the house this week…want to get started on the painting after I get the path cleared for the new fence and that will signal that all of the heavy work is done for me so I won’t be as sore as I have been lately…but painting will use new muscles and will probably stress my shoulder some but I’m sure I’ll live through it….more later…