Category Archives: My Life

July 22nd

Well…damn, another early, early morning with getting up at 4:14 and I wonder if I’m ever going to sleep again…I walk around all day like a damn zombie and I know that can’t be good for me…but, I’m at a loss what to do for it…don’t want to take the otc sleeping pills again since that screws with my blood pressure but not sleeping probably does, too…and I’m going to be too busy to take naps in the afternoon this week with getting the contracts signed for the windows and roof and then getting on the stump clearing and starting the painting this week….just want to crawl back into bed…I did get the bathroom finished up yesterday so I wouldn’t feel guilty about letting this place go to hell as I work on the house…and I do need to come back here for a political one later…there really is too much to talk about but that may make it a little easier…I might want to take Wed off to see the Mueller testimony…or maybe I’ll just get the paint and wait til thurs to get started on that…who knows? More later….

July 21st

Well….running about on time this morning and remembered to come here on a Sunday morning for the first time in a while….I did sleep okay last night but it was another short one with not getting to bed until late and back up before 6…just feeling fatigued today and I’m not sure if I’ll get out on the bike today or not…did a double yesterday in the heat and that took a lot out of me and it is still raining…are those good enough excuses to take the day off? Not sure yet…I just want to have coffee and read the news right now so I’ll think about that later…I did get a little cleaning done yesterday and may do some more today with the heat going away but it is still humid as heck so that will wait until later…I do have a clean microwave so I guess that’s something…don’t have to cook again today with leftovers for chicken tacos and club sandwiches so it will be an easy one for me and I think I need that with the work I need to do on the house this week…want to get started on the painting after I get the path cleared for the new fence and that will signal that all of the heavy work is done for me so I won’t be as sore as I have been lately…but painting will use new muscles and will probably stress my shoulder some but I’m sure I’ll live through it….more later…

July 20th

Well…do you remember where you were 50 years ago today? It’s been 50 years since we first landed on the moon and I remember being glued to the tv while the first steps were happening…think I’ll watch some docs about it today…it was another 4:54 morning this morning but I was able to get back to sleep until 6 so that was a little better…still not enough but better…I took the day off yesterday and it appears to have done some good since I feel okay this morning even with not getting enough sleep…the half hour nap I took in the afternoon helped, too, and I think I’ll try that again today….I did get some cleaning done yesterday and will do the bathroom today…and the microwave needs to be done, too so I will have things to do today…I did have to put the air on last night for a while with the humidity and it looks like I’ll have to do that tonight, too, but the weather is going to change and get cooler next week so I will have to bust ass on the house and take advantage of it…but not today…don’t even have to cook today with baking some chicken yesterday and having leftovers for tacos and club sandwiches….more later….

Snakes on the stairs…

Well…not sure if I’m going to do a political one today…after all, what more can you say about a racist, asshole president who has been implicated in many felonies and the only reason he wasn’t perp walked out of the WH is a misinterpreted DOJ memo from 1974? But, that’s not what this is about…this morning early as I was carrying my bike up the stairs out of here, I looked down and saw a small garter snake just sitting on the top step…I must have scared him since he quickly bailed down under the stairs but I was curious enough to put my bike down and look for him but couldn’t find him…so I got on the bike and took my ride but when I got back he was back, too…and took off under the stairs again…I really wanted to see where he went so I came inside and got my new led flashlight, went back out and looked under the stairs, and still couldn’t find him…and that was weird since there is no place to hide….haven’t seen him since but I really wanted to and that was a little disappointing…oh, well….

July 19th

Well…running about normal for me this morning but I didn’t have the breakthrough on sleep I was hoping for…up at 5:04 again but I do feel a little better today so I guess that’s something…okay, a very little better but I hope the coffee will help…I really should get out on the bike right now to beat the weather coming in but I just can’t do it without coffee…so, it looks like I’ll be waiting for a few hours to go out…I do have an errand to run this morning after I wake up so maybe after that….it’s kind of hard waiting, especially when storms this year have been falling apart coming across the lake and then I’ll be waiting for nothing…we’ll see….I did have a nice day yesterday with getting out of here for a while to shoot pool and on the run out I had the air on in the car and it still works great…first time I’ve run it this year and that’s pretty cool for a 25 year old car…I am going to get some cleaning in today and will probably have to run the air here but I just looked at the weather and it is not supposed to get to the 97 degrees they were predicting earlier in the week…still going to be hot but not dangerous hot and I can live with that…more later….

July 18th

Well…running a little late today since I am so exhausted from working on the house and not sleeping…have been up at 4 all week and I could barely get the grocery run done…not having any coffee may have has something to do with that so I am gulping right now…it’s so bad that I’m considering taking the day off and not riding the bike this morning…I am going to try to take a nap before heading out to pool today or I guess I’ll just have to drink coffee all day today…I did make all of the big decisions on the house yesterday…selecting the roofer and window contractor and the fence installer so now I just need to make the calls to get them started…might even be able to get the roof done by the end of next week but the fence guys are about a month out but that still keeps me on schedule to be out of here by November…okay, shouldn’t talk about that here…the rest will go in a house post later today or tomorrow…alright, I’ve decided to get on the bike after all so I need to get going…more later….

July 17th

Well…slept all the way in til 5:14 this morning…yep, that’s sarcasm and I am still exhausted today and have a full day over at the house today with three contractors coming for estimates…okay, I’ll only be there til one but 10 to one is enough…still not sleeping well and I think it’s the stress from having to make some expensive decisions on the house in the next few days…but, I knew that was coming and need to just get through it….not sure how much I’ll be over there the next few days with the heat rolling in…it’s possible it will be 98 Friday so I’ll probably just sit here in the air instead of killing myself from heat stroke…it is a little funny that even with all the physical labor I’ve been doing I don’t feel too sore and taking just one ibuprofen a day has been working fine to control it….I think I’ll put together a spreadsheet with all of the tasks I need to do on the house in it…lots of little details and I need a place to keep them…didn’t get anything else done yesterday but I will need to clean around here today…have been neglecting everything including the car and it’s starting to look pretty shabby so I’ll have to take care of that soon….more later…

July 16th

Well…that sucked, up at 4:24 and barely got back to sleep this morning so I am worn out today and not feeling too motivated to get out on the bike…slept pretty crappy, too, so that doesn’t help either…I did have a little fun last night getting out to have a burger with my youngest son and his wife for my birthday and it was the first time eating red meat in quite a while and it will be interesting to see how my body reacts to that…spent most of the day over at the house and now know what needs to be done…and there is three months of hard work ahead….my damn allergies are acting up again and I am coughing and sneezing and my head is plugged up which is making me miserable right now…I want to go back to bed but I have a few things to do this morning to get prepped for work tomorrow….and I do need to get some things done around here, too but not right now…need more coffee and to take something for the allergies or I won’t be able to function….more later….

July 15th

Well…5:46 isn’t bad compared to how sleep has been going lately but I still feel pretty worn out today…I did sleep okay last night, for me, but I stayed up late again just from boredom and I’m not sure if I’ll keep that up or not….didn’t get a lot done yesterday…I took the weekend off working on the house to let the soreness subside some and even cut back on riding to 15 miles since I made my goal of 2,500 miles before my birthday and didn’t feel the need to do more than that…and I was so damn exhausted on the bike from not eating enough that I just couldn’t go the second time…took in an additional 400 cals yesterday to try to fix that and it may have worked some and I think I need to do that again today…but I have to go over to the house for a couple of hours today and then I’m meeting up with one of my sons for HH later for my birthday…so there will be no big deal feat of strength for this one…just don’t feel compelled to do anything after doing the hundred a couple of years ago and I really don’t have anything left to prove…more later….

July 14th

Well…up way too early this morning and I even went to be late to try to be more tired and that didn’t help…slept okay, though, but I’m just damn exhausted and I figured out part of it…did you know that chicken legs only have 100 calories in them? So, having two for lunch wasn’t anywhere near enough with doing two rides yesterday and I worked to try to get to 1500 cals for the day…don’t think I got there so I’ll have to try again today but have lost my appetite for everything so it will be a struggle…I did get started on cleaning the bathroom yesterday and will finish that up today along with some kitchen cleaning but that will come after the F1 race….and that means that I need to get out by 7 or so but need much, much more coffee before that…will get to 2500 miles today before my birthday for the first time ever so I’m not sure if I’ll do two rides today…only need about 9 miles to get there so maybe I’ll take it easy and only do one….more later…