Category Archives: My Life

August 7th

Well…running late today and for the first time in a while, I just forgot…I knew there was something I had to do but I guess my mind was elsewhere….only spent 14 bucks on groceries this morning and I need to do that again next week to get to the 20th…and leaves me with no cocktails for the next two weeks but that might just be a good thing…slept a little crappy last night and that is back to the normal that I’ve known for the past few years which is a little disappointing…but, what can you do about it? Still feel okay even with the crappy sleep and now I’m just waiting for the temp to come up to get on the bike and I hope that the rain will hold off until I can get that done….not much to do today….I am going to clean some and then just veg around here today….this is really going to be a boring two weeks…..more later…..

September 6th

Well…running a little early today and it is kind of cold in here…only 47 degrees outside and I wonder if I’ll have to put the heat on tonight….it stayed over 70 in here but just barely…slept a little crappy last night and am feeling it this morning…just no energy right now and I’m hoping the coffee will get started working soon…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but today I do need to do the kitchen floor and vacuum….my back still isn’t sore and I am getting a little concerned about that….yeah, it’s weird to be concerned about no pain but it’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop….it’s got to hurt at some point and the waiting is a pain…can’t wait for the cash to start coming in…have 48 bucks that has to last for two weeks so there will be no cocktails for a while….think I can get there if I don’t eat a lot….and I can use to lose a few pounds….more later….


Well…have been thinking about my own mortality since Walter died Sunday…he was only 3 years older than I am and, for some reason, it drove my thoughts to my own end….not that it is going to happen soon…I still feel better now than I have at any other time in my life…but how much longer do I really have? I guess that’s a thought that most people have at some point, but it hasn’t been to me until now….not sure how I feel about it…

September 5th

Well…another morning….feeling a little slow today and I am going to ease into this one with lots of coffee…had a nice day yesterday but didn’t do much…I did get out to have a couple with the twins and that was fun…but didn’t clean or anything else so I’ll have to do some of that today….slept okay last night and that has almost become the new normal….haven’t been tossing as much and that is making some new problems with pain in my shoulders but that I can live with….I think I may start doing a countdown to SS here….so that will be 15 days until the first deposit and I have 58 dollars to get there….shouldn’t have to put gas in the car but I do have to eat and have cocktails so it will be a little tight….but, the bike is fixed so that is cool….more later…

I fixed it….

Well…just got back from the bike ride and I am pleasantly surprised that I fixed the chain skipping…didn’t do it once and it felt good to be able to go as hard as I wanted in any gear…it was really a pain not being able to do that…so now, it looks like I can wait to get a new one until spring and I get some cash in the bank….one less thing to think about….

September 4th

Well…running a little early today and I’m not sure why…and I really don’t care….slept okay last night and feel a little slow this morning and I hope that doesn’t affect my workout and bike ride…not too motivated right now but I might be after coffee….had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get much done but watch races….and I may have fixed the bike so that’s something….today looks the same but with the wind already being almost 20 it may be a chore on the bike…still don’t have any back pain and that seems to be a little ominous…I mean, how many times does a back just fix itself? Need to clean some today but that will wait until later…the coffee needs to work and I need to watch more Buffy…more later….

It’s been a strange day…

Well…it has really been a strange day…starting with hearing about Walter…and that still is on my mind…cripes, he was only 3 years older than I am…do I have to start worrying about dying now? Going to try not to do that….I did figure out the bike and the chain skipping today so that’s something…the front sprocket is worn out again so I decided to try something…took the sprocket off and noticed that I could reverse it…so I flipped it and put it back on…worked like a champ and now no more skipping in any gear…but now I’m having shifting problems after I cleaned the bike yesterday…lubed it up and it got better so I guess tomorrow will be the test…and it looks like I’ll be able to get to October with this one and then buy a new one after I get my second payment from SS…

September 3rd

Well…running on time this morning since I want to get this done before the F1 race comes on….slept okay last night and feel okay this morning but I do still have that low level bug that is a little annoying with the lung congestion that comes with it…and I do still feel a little warm, too…but it’s not too bad so I guess I can live with it…the bike failed yesterday and now it looks like I’ll be without one for a few weeks until the 20th when I can buy a new one…or, I can get the Schwinn running and ride that for a while….going to try to ride this morning but the chain and sprockets are skipping and it is really annoying….the thing is just worn out and I’m not spending any more money on it…don’t have it to spend anyway….not much to do today…there are three races on today so my day will be pretty much a waste…more later…

September 2nd

Well….man, it’s cold in here with it being only 44 degrees outside…not going to put the heat on yet…just too early for that…I really think I have a bug since I am still coughing and have no energy…so, today is going to be a sports day with Man U, Michigan, and a race on and I am going to veg it out and couch all day…still no back pain and I like that but I feel sore everywhere else…..but, I haven’t had to take anything for it in quite a while so that is cool….not much to do today…I should clean some today and I might but, I might not….it all depends on my motivation….I can’t find it right now….more later…

September 1st

Well…running late this morning and I think it’s because I slept in until 7….feel a little crappy today and I think part of it is a little bug that I think I have…have been coughing and feeling a little warm so I think it’s either the bug or allergies….had a good day yesterday and I won at pool…the drive out and back was fun but it is a little sad that the summer is over and feels like it this morning…only 47 degrees right now and I am not sure if I go with a sweatshirt or wait for it to warm up….I’m leaning toward waiting with F1 practice on right now and I just can’t get going…..okay…need more coffee and this is getting to be work….more later….