September 6th

Well…running a little early today and it is kind of cold in here…only 47 degrees outside and I wonder if I’ll have to put the heat on tonight….it stayed over 70 in here but just barely…slept a little crappy last night and am feeling it this morning…just no energy right now and I’m hoping the coffee will get started working soon…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but today I do need to do the kitchen floor and vacuum….my back still isn’t sore and I am getting a little concerned about that….yeah, it’s weird to be concerned about no pain but it’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop….it’s got to hurt at some point and the waiting is a pain…can’t wait for the cash to start coming in…have 48 bucks that has to last for two weeks so there will be no cocktails for a while….think I can get there if I don’t eat a lot….and I can use to lose a few pounds….more later….

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