Category Archives: My Life

A new contest…

Well…just finished up my second 15 miles of the day and I am thinking I’ll be pretty sore tomorrow…but, that’s not what this one is about….after doing all the work on the bike yesterday and feeling how good it rides now, a thought popped into my head….I never replace cars until I have used them up so why am I thinking about replacing the bike when it still has life in it? So, I think a new contest is in order…I think I’ll do the car thing with the bike and just see how long I can still ride the thing until it dies. Only have about 750 miles left to get to 30K and then I think I’ll update about every thousand miles…will give me something to do….

February 19th

Well….woke up feeling pretty crappy this morning and I’m not sure why…I sure hope it’s not allergies this soon in the year….I did get out on the bike in shorts yesterday and that’s the plan for today but I’ll have to wait until the aft since it is too cold right now….and I do want to see ManU play at 11…and the race that was rained out from last night…I did get the bike cleaned and re-shimmed yesterday…and I switched the brake pads from front to rear since I didn’t have much rear brake and that is the one I use the most….it is kind of cool to have the new computer running on the battery…sitting on the couch doing this one and that is pretty cool…don’t have a lot to do today other than the bike ride so I think it will be an easy one….I should clean some but I don’t think I will….can see that I won’t be too motivated today….more later….

February 18th

Well…sitting here waiting for the coffee to finish and thought I might as well do this one….had a pretty good day yesterday and had the top down on the car out and back to Ada for pool and that was a little fun…and it is already 50 degrees outside right now so I can get out on the bike any time and go in shorts…I had a moment of clarity yesterday and wonder how that will play out today…oh, and I won at pool….have had the Cars music running through my head for the past few days and last night I went out to youtube to see them live for the first time…pretty good band…the ones I saw had them playing in a club in London with only about 50 people in the audience….my back is better this morning but I need to take something right now so it will help on the bike….not going to do a lot today….just ride the bike and watch some soccer…after coffee, that it…more later…

I feel like I need to write more….

Well…I know I’m way ahead of the goal for the month but, with getting the new computer, I feel like I need to write more than I have…I think it’s my well developed sense of guilt rearing it’s ugly head again so maybe I need to get back to the new novel? I have a lot of it mapped out in my head but how do you get the motivation to re start? Maybe because I’m broke? Or that I still have something to say? Not sure right now but I probably should start thinking about it…I do have a new computer, after all….

February 17th

Well…just can’t get started this morning and I wonder if I can even get through this one without coffee…nope…need to go get some….okay…I’m back….slept like normal last night so I won’t talk about that now…I did do a battery test on the new computer yesterday and it lasted over 7 hours in normal use….in constant use I would think it would be about 3 hours or so but that is much longer than any other one I’ve had so that is cool….didn’t get much done yesterday but cook and I won’t get anything done today…other than pool that is….I do need to get a bike ride in today but that won’t happen until later this morning…want to wait until it gets to 40 and that won’t happen until after 11….more later….

Tired of trump and his cronies…

Well…as part of the battery test, I am going to do a few of these today that you may think are fillers…and they may be but you’ve seen that before so you shouldn’t be surprised…and I am tired of writing about trump and his cronies so I may not do one about him today…we’ll see if I can work up the outrage to do one but I’m not sure I feel like that today…I already have an hour and a half on the battery and it is still reading 80% so I may just get the 4 hours it said I would….and that would be pretty cool but I’m not a huge graphics user so I should…most of my stuff is just text and that shouldn’t take much….I didn’t win the powerball last night but no one else did either so it will be almost 400 mil on sat…will spend another 6 bucks to get a shot at 200 mil cash….need to win…more later….

Oh, and I am already over the goal for the month so this month is going to be a big one….





Got the new battery…

Well…heading out to do the grocery run this morning and I found the new battery for the computer sitting at my door…two days early and that was pretty cool….I’m doing a test run now to see just how long it will last at full charge….it is kind of cool to have a computer that works like it’s supposed to but we’ll see how long the battery lasts…it is a factory Dell piece so I hope to get an hour and half out of it before I have to recharge it…we’ll see….

February 16th

Well….running really early today…it’s 6:15 and I normally don’t get to this until much later…but, I’m already bored after being up for a half hour and it’s too early to do the grocery run….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but didn’t have to so I don’t feel too bad about it….might have to do better today but the place doesn’t look too bad so maybe I will and maybe I won’t…..slept okay last night and had a repeater of a dream that annoys me so I won’t report it here….my lower back is still stiff and part of it is my hip…something that I’ve had off and on my whole life….probably won’t get on the bike today with the temp being 35 but I will tomorrow and it will be a top down ride out to pool with the temp in the mid 50′s….going to get ready for the grocery run now…well…not really….I am looking forward to the coffee after I get back here…more later….

February 15th

Well…it was just a standard day yesterday but the equipment problems have been solved with the arrival of a replacement piece…and getting the new laptop fixed all of the problems I have had over the past 3 weeks….have been good the past few nights and feel pretty good this morning but I still have the stiffness in my lower back that has been annoying but I can live with it…didn’t get much done yesterday but that is okay…today will be different since I am not getting on the bike today with the rain and ice,,,and it’s not getting over 30 today and that is just too cold to go out….I do need to get my state taxes done and I think I may do that today to get that off my plate…but, I don’t have a lot else to do so I think I’ll watch some soccer this aft and veg…more later…

Way too much new….

Well….with the new equipment that arrived today….I have had way too much new stuff come into my life in the past week or so….not that I’m complaining…the new computer is pretty cool and the new piece of equipment was really needed so I guess I’ll just have to adjust….and let things get back to normal….it is cool to not have to wait for the computer to decide if it is going to do something…and I think I’m going to speed up my internet tomorrow….for 7 bucks a month I can quadruple the speed and with the new livestreams on Plex, I may be able to get rid of the dish by the end of the month….