Well….running really early today…it’s 6:15 and I normally don’t get to this until much later…but, I’m already bored after being up for a half hour and it’s too early to do the grocery run….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but didn’t have to so I don’t feel too bad about it….might have to do better today but the place doesn’t look too bad so maybe I will and maybe I won’t…..slept okay last night and had a repeater of a dream that annoys me so I won’t report it here….my lower back is still stiff and part of it is my hip…something that I’ve had off and on my whole life….probably won’t get on the bike today with the temp being 35 but I will tomorrow and it will be a top down ride out to pool with the temp in the mid 50′s….going to get ready for the grocery run now…well…not really….I am looking forward to the coffee after I get back here…more later….