Category Archives: My Life

April 10th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and the Wings got the one point they needed to get in the playoffs for the 23rd straight year…and, I got a lot of stuff done around here but have much more to do today and tomorrow cleaning this place up for my son’s visit Sat….I did go out in shorts this morning and I’m not sure if that is a good idea or not since I normally stay in shorts once I’m in them…next week will be a trial with the temps in the 40′s but I don’t go out much so it may be okay….slept like crap, again, and got up 5 or so times but that is the new normal and I am not going to complain….not much to do today…clean, and clean some more after the workout and bike ride…I am going to make some breakfast today since I have a huge ham in the fridge and it just sounds good to have ham, eggs and toast…more later….

April 9th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…did go out and have a couple with G but that is about it…did have the top down out and back…I do like running with the top down and lights on at night…makes me remember younger, better days where there were still possibilities….didn’t sleep well at all…woke up at 1:20 and thought it was morning and had a hard time getting back to sleep…so, another day and more fatigue…and I have lots to do today since one of my sons is coming over Sat to work on my computer to upgrade from XP before the world ends….not much to do today…it’s cleaning day and I am going to cook while I’m cleaning…not ready to get into shorts yet but the day is coming…more later…

Snakes on the trail IV…

Well….haven’t done on on any trail weirdness in a while since there really hasn’t been any with only 100 miles or so on the bike so far…but, today did have a little surprise when there were about a dozen small snakes on the trail…I normally try to stop and pick at least one of them up since I do like snakes but today, they were moving way too fast…still fun to look at….there was a little weirdness on the trail beside M-6….there was a bowling ball sitting in the weeds next to the e-way…my thoughts immediately went to the mindset behind throwing a bowling ball out of a moving car…do you just look down, see the ball and say “I think I’ll throw this out?” Gave me a chance to just drift in thought for a while while on the bike and it helped….

April 8th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I had a nice HH with T so that made it fun….slept like crap again and only got about 4 hours…if that much…so I am a little fatigued this morning…I did make a little cash yesterday so there will be groceries this week…might even splurge on a steak to put on the grill…probably shouldn’t but I am so damn tired of always doing the right thing and not spending money….and, my tooth was good yesterday but hurts again this morning and I can’t figure it out…actually, I hurt all over after getting back on the full 15 miles on the bike…have been much more creaky in the morning but I think that will subside as I get more miles on…I did go over 100 yesterday and that is about a week earlier than last year…even with all the snow….not much to do today…I will have to take a nap and continue to try to eat enough and get on the bike after it warms up some….then out to have a couple with G later…and the Wings game…4 more left in the season and they will need to win 3 of 4 to get in the playoffs….should be fun to watch…more later…

April 7th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a few things done…got the car cleaned and waxed and the trails are all clear so I got my 15 miles in…really sore today, though, so I don’t think there will be any sprints today…and, I am going to wait to go out on the bike until it’s warm enough for shorts….slept okay last night but I am still worn out today…still haven’t gotten the hang of eating enough for the exercise I’m getting so that leaves me without any energy…I am going to do something about that today…need to get to close to 2k calories but I’m not sure how to do it….if I eat that much I’m uncomfortable…oh, well…not much to do today…going to meet up with T for HH later but that is about it…more later….

April 6th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and the bike ride was much better with it not raining…still cold but livable….slept okay last night, too…and that is just weird…okay, okay is relative….for any other person, it would be a fitful night of tossing and turning but that is normal for me…didn’t get much done yesterday and today looks much the same…I am going to wash and wax the car today and then watch some races but that is about it….should clean some, too, and I might but I’m not sure about that…I do need to come back here for two or three more of these but I need to come up with a topic first…and that has not been easy lately…more later…

April 5th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool…just couldn’t shoot but I guess everyone has an off week…did have a nice lunch with T so that kind of made up for it…but the bike ride yesterday was the worst one I have ever had…started to rain after I was a half hour out and at 36 degrees, it was the most cold and miserable one that I can remember…6 miles back in the pouring rain and everything I was wearing was soaked by the time I got back here….and, I still don’t think I’ve warmed up from it….trying to get the thermasuit cleaned right now so I can go out again this morning but I may just take the day off…not sure yet…not much to do today…may meet up with K for a couple later but that is about it….need coffee right now and to hit the couch…more later…

April 4th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I was not good and feel like crap today….oh, well…didn’t sleep well and I am pretty tired today but I can make up for that this morning with a little nap…or a bike ride, not sure which…I am just not that sold on getting out in full thermasuit today…but, I took yesterday off for the rain so I guess guilt will get me out in a few…not much to do today…I do have lunch with T and then out to shoot pool with Tom…and then back here to rest…man, this getting old crap is just that, crap…more later…

April 3rd

Well…running late today and the only reason for it is the grocery run and having a nice text conversation with T…..and, since I have made the decision to not ride the bike today for the rain, I don’t feel that sense of urgency that normally drives my morning….slept okay last night…kind of the new normal of tossing and turning that I am not going to complain about…and, I was good again last night that makes me wonder why I have cocktails at all anymore…oh, and the Wings won again…they look like they just might make the playoffs…I was almost ready to put the gear away for the year but the youngsters are carrying them…look forward to the last 4 games….not much to do today…going to work out and then finally clean the kitchen…might just take the aft off and watch a movie…need a little fun in my life instead of all the stress…more later…

April 2nd

Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few things done…skipped the bike ride, though, since the wind was gusting to 35 mph and it was just unpleasant with the temp being under 45….but, I am not going to feel guilty yet…that will come as the weather warms up and I don’t have a real excuse…did the flip flopping last night trying to sleep but still feel okay today with being good again…but, the allergies have already kicked in massively…have been sneezing and coughing all morning…what a pain….had dreams that had cops following me around in the Miata in the snow since I took the snow tires off…might have something to do with it going to snow Thurs….might have jumped the gun a little…or putting the summer tires on is going to CAUSE the snow…not sure which…not much to do today..I do still have lots to do around here and I will get some of them done…and I do need to air up the summer tires…although, I like the way they ride soft…it’s like there is memory foam between the car and the street now and I like it…more later…