June 8th

Well… a quite different day yesterday…got up early and headed for the beach and the was okay but I’m not going back until the water is warm enough to go swimming…no way to cool off…and I was kind of an idiot when I got back, waiting until 2 to go out on the bike and it was like riding in liquid…almost dangerous since you just can’t dump that heat and it took me almost two hours to cool down when I got back…going out early this morning since it is going to be worse today….still can’t warm up to Biggby coffee but I may give it one more try today just to get out of here…not much to do today…going to just kind of hibernate here after the ride and stay out of the heat…I will be back later with more…there are things happening again…

Back from the beach…

Well…a nice morning on the beach with the fog rolling across it when I got there and a nice breeze keeping the temperature bearable but the water temp was only in the 50′s and that is just too cold for me to go in…maybe tomorrow if I go back again…but that’s not what I wanted to talk about this time…well…I did or I wouldn’t have written it. But, let’s get to the real topic…I know you’ve heard of sister Sarah’s revising of the history of Paul Revere’s ride and her adamant defense of that on Fox News where even Chris Wallace could barely keep a straight face when she admonished him when he asked if she misspoke, and she then went on to dig the hole deeper by explaining with a jumble of random words that made absolutely no sense. Then we had her legion of troglodyte followers (I’m sure spurred on by her protectors) that then attacked Wikipedia by posting false information on that site that would mirror what she said. This is normal repub behavior and just reflects and amplifies their disdain for objective truth or history…after all, these folks believe that the world is 6,000 years old and can’t be convinced of anything else…geez….

June 7th

Well….I’m sure you noticed that I’d titled these wrong over the past couple of days…still stuck in May…or maybe that was wishful thinking on my part…so, I went back and fixed them…need to stay consistent, after all. It was an okay day yesterday…didn’t do much but I did go out for a couple with G and ran into T at GL…it was good to see her…and then I was good when I got home so I feel okay today…so okay that I think I’m going to the beach this morning to hang out and read the paper….and get the color started evening out…it’s already 75 degrees at 7am so it will be nice…have to look up what the Lake Michigan water temp is to see how badly I’m going to freeze if I go swimming….probably should get my workout in before I go so I can just ride the bike when I get back…decisions, decisions…so you know that means I’ll be late for the next one but I normally get off the beach by noon…more later…

A mixed bag….

Well….got a slight shock this morning with the coffee shop that I have gone to every morning for more than 6 years closing with no warning…I’m a little un-anchored right now sine the Biggby that is up the street is not Kava….I am going to miss the ladies that worked there and seeing the rest of the regulars…oh, well….next, it finally hit me that my daughter is moving to Seattle next week….I know that I didn’t visit much while she was in Chicago but there was always the possibility that I could….but things change and I have to get used to it…just a little unsettled today…

On Politics….we have the idiot repubs in the US Senate blocking the nomination of a Nobel prize winning economist whose specialty is labor markets to the governing board of the Fed…if you had any thought that these guys don’t give a damn about job creation, this is another brick in the wall and goes along with the decisions made in the boardrooms across the country (after consultation with the repubs), that business is going to sit on their hands with job creation to make sure that jobs remain an issue into the 2012 election….this should be against the law…geez…

June 6th

Well…it was kind of the day I expected yesterday…not much going on but races so I made the best of it and just watched them….and napped..it is Napcar after all….I did nave a nice ride and it still feels good that at my age I can rip off 20 miles on the bike in almost a sprint…I wonder when that is going to go away like everything else…there were some neat things to look at on the trail yesterday…a deer was about 20 feet from the edge and just stood there as I rode by…it was paying attention to me but no skittishness as all and that was unusual…there were muskrats, bunnies, more snakes…I did look up and see things since it was a no sprint day and that made me smile. Didn’t hear from G but I really didn’t expect to…will probably hear from her today..if not, that’s okay, too. Not much to do today…the weather is going to be beach-like all week and I am going to have to load the car up and go one day early in the day…I can use the evening of the bike tan….I will try to get a few out today…had many ideas as I was trying to sleep last night but they are all gone now so I’ll have to start over…

Sarah Palin is still an idiot…

Well…had to write about this one before I forgot about it since it is so stunning of an example of the real Sarah Palin…and she is still an idiot….”He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.”—on Paul Revere, June 3, 2011

Is there anyone out there that is older than 5 who doesn’t know the true story of Paul Revere? This is the woman that wants to be president? Geez….I can’t remember a more stupid national politician…and, as you know, I’ve been around a long time…

June 5th

Well…a really hot day yesterday…didn’t do much but ride the bike and there were a lot of races on to watch so I just vegged it out for the day…Not sure why I’m running late today…I’ve been up since 6 but just couldn’t get going…I’m looking forward to getting out early today and enjoying the first windless day that I can remember…it’s Pink Floyd in the ears when I go out and I am promising myself I won’t sprint at all today…just a look up and around day where I smile at the sky and grin a little…might have a couple with G later but with her trip back from Ohio, I don’t think she’ll be up for it…I certainly wouldn’t be after a 6 hour drive….it has been a strange week and with Tom getting a job, it looks like one of the two things I have to do to keep from becoming a total hermit is going away…but, I guess you have to get used to change as time goes on….the coffee still tastes good, the sun still comes up, and I’m still living and breathing so it could be worse…I may have another one today but who knows? I’m still thinking about the oldest boy moving away and the conversation we had….

June 4th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday…but the third of 4 kids is moving out of state today and I’m happy he is going…it’s time for him to try some new things and get out of GR….and it gets me another place to visit that I haven’t been to yet….but it is still bittersweet….I wasn’t good last night so I need my coffee and papers…I’ll be back later with more…

I know…it took a long time to get back here but I was feeling like crap all morning and then I had to take a nap to try to feel human again…which I am, kinda, I was so good all week and then K tempted me yesterday and it was time to give in…but now I remember why I was being good and I’ll only have one more day of badness before I become good again…the bike ride was a killer today even at 9am and I came back just whipped…I did see my first snake of the year on the trail today which made me smile….it is getting hot today and I know I’ll have to run the air to sleep tonight..don’t know if I’ll have anything else to say today but I’ll try later….

Pushing toward 1,000…

Well…got lunch in the oven (making some Texas style ribs with roasted red potatoes)…can you smell that? That’s some good food that I’m really looking forward to…made them with G’s recipe in a foil pouch…yummy….was just looking at the dashboard for this thing and found that I’m quickly approaching the 1,000 post mark and I’m not sure how I feel about it….I know it’s some sort of an accomplishment to have written more than two of these every day for over a year…but then I sit back and think what has been the point? No, I’m not dropping back into depression…just thinking about a lot of things…doing a little introspection over the past two days and I’m not sure if I like what I see…always too self critical but that’s me I guess…

Now, on to other stuff…I find it funny that the repubs are bitching so much about the stimulus package not working and that it was such a waste of money even though over 200 billion of the 800 was tax cuts and other tax relief. Now, what its it repubs? Do tax cuts spur job creation or don’t they? If we look at the math, and I want to, let’s compare what they are doing here in Michigan with the 2 billion in tax cuts for business that our gov Snyder and all of the other repub crazies here say will create thousands and thousands of jobs. If that will work here, why hasn’t the 200 billion in tax cuts on the federal level resulted in millions and millions of new jobs across the country? This just points out the repubs reliance on outdated ideas that have been shown over time to not work…but here’s the kicker…why do the repubs want so much measurement of middle class workers (i.e teachers) and to eliminate the jobs of those that don’t perform while they give billions and billions to corporations with no strings attached? In the latest budget giveaway to business here in Michigan, no metric is in place that would tie the tax breaks for business to anything…that means they can spend the tax windfall any way they want…outsourcing jobs, giving the ceo’s raises, or stock buybacks that do nothing to spur the economy or create jobs. This just isn’t fair and I think America is starting to see who these idiots for who they are…a paid arm of business that is ruining our democracy…

June 3rd

Well..it was an interesting day yesterday…not really, didn’t do much but lie out in the sun…and it only took about 30 mins to get scorched to the point I needed aloe to keep from peeling…yep, lead a very boring life….but today might be better…I have hope anyway….I do have things to do today starting with heading for G’s first in a little while and then to the normal routine but that will be broken up with drinks with K later in the aft….I have been good three nights in a row now…nope, four nights in a row and I am starting to feel better…but still no sleep but I’m waiting for the body to reset so I guess I’ll just have to be patient…I’ll be back in a while to add to this one and for others….I think the cobwebs are clearing a little and that means you’ll have more to see later…

What you never want to be….