Category Archives: Politics

Some thoughts…

Well…after most of the votes from 11/6 have been counted, it appears that we will have picked up around 40 seats in the House…giving us the majority we need to at least hold trump and his minions accountable for all of their crimes. But, it can’t stop there…the repubs have been rigging the systems across the US for years now and that is what we need to also focus on…as we have done here in Michigan, gerrymandering needs to be killed everywhere so every vote counts and the unpopular programs and ideas of the repubs die the fast death they deserve…and people like Kemp in Georgia, the secretary of state who was running for governor, can’t use their positions to suppress the votes of people who would overwhelmingly vote for our side. I mean, what the hell is wrong with everyone who is eligible to vote getting to vote? So, while going after trump may have some instant gratification, and needs to be done, let’s not lose focus on everything else that is wrong…and get started fixing it in January….

Get rid of your best general because the other side doesn’t like her?

Well…damn, there are times when I just shake my head at the stupidity of some of the dems in the House who are saying that Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t be the next speaker of the House because the repubs will attack her…hey, guys…where the hell have you been for the last 40 years? The repubs only attack people since they have nothing else…no legislative accomplishments other than tax cuts for the rich…do you think that anyone who is a dem speaker not Nancy Pelosi won’t be attacked? Look…we won this election not on bipartisanship but on issues that matter to the people of the country…issues that the repubs don’t give a damn about but will lie through their teeth saying they will work with the dems on but why should we? They have shown they are all liars and cheats and need to be dismissed until they show by their actions that they care about making the country better for everyone…not just the rich. Until then, we just need to ignore them and everything they say…at this time in this country’s history, we need our best general running the House and that is Nancy Pelosi…she doesn’t care that the repubs don’t like her…why should we? No speaker of the House or minority leader has done more to keep the party together and get us back into power than Nancy…now we need to have her back…geez…

These are adults…

Well..have been listening to the newly elected house dems and an immediate thought struck me…these people are adults and are really looking out for the people of the country…not just the people who voted for them like the repubs, but for all the people…and are going to stop the rapid decline we’ve had since the repubs have been in charge. Okay…now, I understand that only having one branch of government is hamstring them trying to implement their popular policies, but if we look at the long game…and I hesitate to call it a game, progress can be made by just passing popular bills on voting rights, infrastructure repair, and equal rights and having the repub controlled senate reject them all, the dems are setting the conversation for the 2020 elections where there is a very good chance we take all of the branches back after the debacle of trumpism. Oh, I almost forgot we have the added bonus of getting to the bottom of trump’s criminality….so, I guess there is a reason to smile today…not a big smile…maybe just a smirk…and that is progress…impeach…

I think it’s finally starting to sink in…

Well…with the idiot trump blowing off all of his duties and being a general ass to everyone he comes into contact with, I think it’s finally starting to sink in with idiot boy that he is totally screwed with the dem takeover of the House and the looming indictments coming from Robert Mueller. I am trying to stifle a laugh right now at the vision of trump pacing the WH and hurling insults at everyone that works for him…always the asshole…and we now are seeing the absolute distillation of trumpness…the real, ugly moron who is at the point where he can’t even put one sentence together and who scowls at everyone in Paris until his buddy Putin shows up and he grins like an idiot at him…acting like a puppy who’s owner just came back from a long trip. Even with all of this, it is going to get much, much worse and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the idiot stroke out…not that I wish dying on anyone..even someone who is as evil as trump….it would just make a good excuse for trump to cut and run and resign…declaring himself the best president ever….he might just as well book himself a room at a New York state prison…that’s where he is going to end up after he is out of office and there is not one damn thing he can do about it…okay, now I am going to laugh….impeach….

This is rich…

Well…the idiot on chief couldn’t be bothered with going to Arlington National Cemetery for ceremonies  on Veteran’s Day yesterday even though he spent the day in the WH and it would have taken him all of 10 minutes to get there…his moron lackey Mike Pence didn’t even show and that really tells you all you need to know about how the repubs really feel about the military…that it is a prop to be used to score political points and then forgotten when our obligations to them as a country are raised. Idiot boy went off on France and Macron over the weekend and today, tweeting pant loads of gibberish that made him appear even more desperate and France’s response was just too rich….France sent diplomats and soldiers to lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier…acknowledging the sacrifice our fallen have made to make the world a better place and defeat evil…something trump wouldn’t do because it might rain…again…let’s impeach this asshole and finally rid the US of his malignancy…impeach….

There’s something happening here….

Well…with the speculation going on today about what is happening with the Mueller investigation, I just had to use the Stephen Stills lyric to title this one. Multiple news outlets are reporting that there may be many indictments coming down this afternoon…probably for Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi at the least or even maybe…let’s hope…for Don Jr. and Jared Kushner…but it was reported yesterday that Kushner has been cooperating with Mueller since last December so he probably won’t be on the list. I think the idiot trump knows what is coming and that would go a long way to explaining his even more unhinged behavior from the past few days…and his firing everyone to try to distract from it. One other little detail…or a couple of details that we also need to remember is that Rupert Murdoch was spotted with Mitch McConnell last week going into Mitch’s office…I wonder if that little meeting has anything to do with all of the right wing outlets like fox news going dark on twitter and other social media platforms since the day after the election…could they finally understand that pushing Russian propaganda to install trump was against the law? They no longer have their toadies in the congress to protect them so I think they are now scrambling to try to get out ahead of the indictments and limit the damage…it is going to be an interesting afternoon…impeach…

Don’t count military votes?

Well…I may have to take a step back and write about some other stuff for a while since all trump all the time is taking it’s toll on my sanity…but, just one more before I take a few mental health days. As you know, trump is the worst frickin person in the world and only cares about the military when he can use them for props or for election day stunts…and, just today he inserted himself into the vote recounts in Florida saying that they should stop and the only votes that should count are the ones done in person on election day…no early voting, no mail in voting…just in person voting on election day…now this is stupid on so many levels but here’s one small little detail that I’m sure idiot boy didn’t think about before spouting off again about something he knows nothing about…what he is saying is that we shouldn’t count any military votes since the majority of active service military vote by mail…and those votes have a deadline of the 19th of November…so, if Florida does what trump wants (and with Rick Scott as governor they just might) tens of thousands of active duty military will be disenfranchised and their votes not counted. So, how sick is that? This is just part of the pattern of the repubs these days..if they are behind they scream “count all the votes” and if they are ahead at any point, they want the vote counting to stop no matter how many people who legally voted are left out of of the election….these are the folks that hold up their little pocket constitutions all the time but have never read it…and they don’t care who they hurt just as long as they win…assholes all…

trump just keeps embarrassing us…

Well…if it wasn’t embarrassing enough to just have trump alive on the Earth and from the US, the idiot trump seems to be trying to be the most ridiculous world “leader” there has ever been. As you know, yesterday the idiot hid out in his hotel room instead of going to a memorial for fallen soldiers, saying that it was raining and if he couldn’t use our helicopters, he wasn’t going to go…after all, pulling up in a car doesn’t fluff his ego like one of our helicopters does and we all know he can’t work an umbrella anyway…and today, while the rest of the world’s leaders were walking down the Champs Elysees to show their solidarity and support for veterans across the world, trump was nowhere to be found…it appears that the “healthiest president in history” can’t walk a half mile…cripes he almost can’t walk up or down stairs without falling…I’ll bet the rest of the real world leaders were glad he wasn’t there…after all, they all know he is a lying idiot and talking to him is basically worthless so why would they want him there? Just another case where the idiot in chief has embarrassed us all…impeach…

Imagine if Obama skipped a veteran’s ceremony..

Well…idiot boy trump sank to another new low today when he was supposed to join Macron and Merkel to lay wreaths at a WWI memorial in France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the war…but, it was raining so trump just skipped it…yep, you heard that right…it was raining so the whiner in chief just blew off the ceremony to stay in his warm hotel room and rage tweet about the California wildfires…that’s for another one…let’s just go to the tapes and see if Obama ever skipped a veteran’s honor ceremony because it was raining and he didn’t want to get wet…yeah, you and I both know the answer to that one…Obama respected the sacrifice our fallen veterans made and getting a little wet while doing it is a small price to pay. Now, I can imagine why trump didn’t want to go….he didn’t want to world to see that pile of shit he calls hair get wet…oh, and we all know he doesn’t know how to work an umbrella and we have the tapes to prove that. What a rotten excuse for a human being idiot boy is…how about it repubs? Where’s your tan suit outrage now? Impeach….

Count the damn votes….

Well…the damn repubs are at it again, trying to steal elections in Georgia, Florida, and Arizona by suing to stop the counting of votes in each state since their candidates are ahead so far. So, now what’s next? They want to stop counting votes in any elections where their guys are ever ahead? Hell…it worked for them when GW was installed by the SC so why not try it again? This is not democracy…in a functioning democracy every damn vote is counted and the election is not over until they are…the howls that are coming from the idiot trump and his minions are the worst kind of projection when they scream that the dems are “creating” votes out of thin air…are they pissed that their voter suppression didn’t work this time? I have had enough of this crap….we did a good job this election of turning out our side but I guess now the rule is (according to the repubs) that if you don’t win in a landslide, you didn’t win…only repubs can win close elections and dems are “un-American” if they want all votes counted…Orwell would have understood these assholes and their doublespeak and lies…impeach….