Category Archives: Politics

Stealing more money…

Well…not sure if you’ve heard about the newest scheme from friends of the idiot trump to steal more money from you and I….this is a good one….with over 70% of Puerto Rico still without power, and without any oversight…a company from interior sec Ryan Zinke’s home town has just been given a 300 million dollar no-bid contract to repair over 2400 miles of electrical wires across the island…only one little problem with that…this “company” has only 2 employees, no office, and it’s biggest job to date was to string 5 miles of wires…yep, a company working out of a post office box or somebodies basement has just had 300 million of yours and my money shoveled to them and their only presence is a FB page where one of the “owners” is proudly a trump donor and has pictures of her with many trump cronies….now we know why the governor of PR ignored the current contracts and agreements for other electric companies to help in an emergency…he left his people in the dark so he could reward trump cronies with free cash….the swamp just gets deeper and deeper…repubs, these criminals need to go…impeach…

Just noticed this the other day…

Well…it’s been a gloomy day and that has put me in a kind of gloomy mood…it’s the middle of the afternoon and it is so dark in here I had to put the lights on…but, that’s not what I wanted to talk about…on my rides lately, I’ve begun to see political signs popping up along the route for the local election that is to be held in a couple of weeks. One thing that I have noticed about the signs is that the ones for the dems proudly say they are dems but the ones for the repubs don’t mention party affiliation….I wonder why that is? Especially since this part of Michigan is a hotbed of trumpism…you would think that they would be using that on the signs. All I know is if I ever see trump or repub on a sign…I’ll never vote for that person…period.

Now he’s calling a grieving widow a liar…

Well….I’m going to quit writing about the idiot trump for a while after this one since he just frickin disgusts me….I’m sure you’ve heard about the phone call he made to the widow of a fallen serviceman where he didn’t even know the soldiers name and basically saying with no empathy that “he knew what he signed up for”….then lied about what he said and then had John Kelly go out and lie his ass off, too…well…the chief ass made it worse this morning after the widow, Myeshia Johnson, went on a news show and told them how she was “very upset and hurt” by the idiot’s phone call and reiterated that idiot boy didn’t mention her husband’s name once on the call….of course, trump couldn’t let being called out as a liar go by without tweeting about it….lying his ass off that he mentioned Sargent Johnson’s name many times from the start of the call…essentially calling a gold star wife a liar…to go along with calling Rep Wilson a liar, too, who was in the car when the appalling call took place. Now, we all know that trump is the biggest liar the world has ever seen, but this incident points out his racism, too…a black soldier gets killed in action and he doesn’t even bother to learn his name, calling him “your guy” during the call and then smearing a black representative by calling her a liar and “wacky” in tweets yesterday. Now repubs, what the hell are you going to do about him? Nothing, I’m sure…just so you can gut the safety net and give tax cuts to your owners…impeach…

He’s no president…

Well….with the four living real presidents spending last night in Houston at a concert/fundraiser for hurricane relief that raised over 35 million dollars….where was the fake president? Golfing, of course, for the 72nd time since the Russians stole the election for him….trump is not only the worst human being on this Earth…he is no president…he is just a selfish asshole whose sole purpose seems to be to make this country worse as he steals everything that is not nailed down….get moving Mueller, this idiot has to go…impeach…

It’s trump’s fault…

Well…as more details come out about our four Green Berets who were killed in Niger a month ago, it becomes more and more clear that it really is trump’s fault. First some background….we have been working with Chad (the country) on anti terrorism operations for quite some time in Niger with the Chadian army doing most of the heavy lifting while our soldiers were there to advise on tactics….but, what does the idiot trump do with the last “Muslim ban”? Yep, not being able to think past his next meal, trump put Chad on the list of countries that are banned from getting US visas…essentially saying that they are not good enough to be able to come here even to visit. So, Chad said the hell with that and pulled all of it’s troops out of Niger, leaving our soldiers to fend for themselves which got four of them killed…so yep, the idiot trump is at fault with this moronic Muslim ban that does nothing but allow him to hate on Muslims…and now our soldiers die for his hatred…nice job, idiot…impeach…

Another thing about Kelly…

Well…if you haven’t yet seen Lawrence O’Donnell comment from last night about Kelly’s screed and attack on Congresswoman Wilson, you should go out and find it…it really put some background to the racist attack…but, that’s not what I wanted to talk about now….one little detail of Kelly’s speech flew under the radar and I think I need to make sure it doesn’t…during the speech, Kelly basically said that the only people that have the right to comment on anything about the military are people who have served or lost a family member who was serving in the military…now, to use Kelly’s favorite word, I am “stunned” that a person who has sworn an oath to protect the constitution would so casually discard the protections that come from the first amendment…we ALL get to talk about anything we want and being in the military doesn’t make you better or give you more rights than the rest of us…which is what he implied when trying to smear Congresswoman Wilson…this is just bullshit…I have had enough of the military fetishism in this country and  that soldiers are to be “revered”…yeah, they do a tough job at times but so do a lot of people….so enough of this crap…a line from one of Graham Nash’s songs just ran through my head as I was writing this…”military madness is killing this country”.

Kelley is no different than trump…

Well….I know there have been many in the media that said that the idiot trump’s chief of staff, John Kelly, was going to be the adult in the room that would rein in trump but that was just so much bullshit. With his nasty, lying press conference yesterday, he has shown that he is no different than trump…going out there with the pure intent of smearing Congresswoman Wilson, who was in the car when the idiot trump said “he knew what he signed up for” to the widow of a soldier killed a month ago in Africa. His smear included that he was “shocked” that she listened to the phone call…but the one thing that Kelly purposely  ignores in his smear campaign is that they were in a car heading to the airport to pick up the slain soldiers body and the phone was on speaker….what was Congresswoman Wilson supposed to do? Put her fingers in her ears and go la, la, la so she wouldn’t hear it? This entire debacle was caused by trump starting the lying when he said he never said “he knew what he signed up for” when there were at least 4 people in the car that heard him….but it was the ugly, poisoned trump administration and it’s attack dog Kelley that made it so much worse….these people are not fit to even live in the US let alone run it….just damn resign already…all of you…impeach…

Thank you, Chef Andres….

Well…with the trump administration’s racist abandonment of the people of Puerto Rico…leaving over 80% of them without electricity and almost 50% of them without food or water….there have been private citizens who have stepped in to try to keep people alive that I want to recognize since they have been doing this with little fanfare…just hard work and caring. One of these private citizens is Chef Jose Andres who took it upon himself to do something, to provide food for the people who have none….and his organization has opened over a dozen kitchens in Puerto Rico and have provided over a million meals in the past three weeks…more than twice what the federal government or the Red Cross has done….and this is not the first time he has thrown his entire being and all of his connections  into relief efforts…he did the same thing for Houston after hurricane Harvey and stayed there until people could survive on their own…and he did it again for the people of Mexico after the huge earthquake there. One of the things I found inspiring was when Chef Andres said that he will stay until he is no longer needed….until things are recovered enough so people don’t need him anymore…contrast that to the idiot trumps response that relief efforts can’t be open ended and they cost too much….so, thank you Chef Andres…you are a true human being….

Trump is an oafish buffoon…

Well…if you thought that the idiot trump could sink no lower, you were really, really wrong….he did it again yesterday when he was shamed into calling the wife of a soldier who was killed two weeks ago in Africa…after lying that he always calls the families of fallen soldiers, he really did call one yesterday…and he is so damn dumb and lacks any shred of empathy that he said this: “..he knew what he signed up for…but when it happens it hurts anyway…” and, after the call, the grieving wife said that he didn’t even know her husband’s name. Now, in any universe, is this the right thing to say to a grieving wife who was 5 minutes from seeing the casket come off the plane? Trump just frickin has to go…every day he stays in office shrinks the presidency and our standing in the world so much it probably won’t be repaired in my lifetime…..what an oafish buffoon…impeach…

The maniac strikes again….

Well…trump has just got to be the most stupid son of a bitch in the world….an the most rotten asshole that has ever walked the Earth. Just today, he decided on his own to destroy Obamacare and throw millions of people off their insurance…then, for good measure, he decided that he was no longer going to honor the nuclear deal with Iran…basically putting Iran back on the path to nuclear weapons and showing that, with his butt in the WH, the US can no longer be a trusted partner in the world. There has never been anything so damn dumb in my long lifetime…Iran was following the agreement and that has been verified many times, but to the idiot’s fevered brain, he can get a “better deal”….my question to this idiot is: what is a better deal? What could be better than keeping another country from getting nuclear weapons? As we see from his entire life, trump is a fraud, and that fraud is going to get millions of people killed if you don’t stop him, repubs. Get off your asses and do something…impeach…