Well…up at 4:47 this morning and I’m drinking coffee at 5:13 and that is a little strange…but I knew that there was no way to go back to sleep so I thought I’d try just thinking this is the normal time to get up…didn’t make it to the 3,000 mile goal that I had hoped for at the end of April but I did get to 2,784 miles and only need 767 miles to get to halfway of the 7,100 I’m going to ride this year…so that puts me on schedule to get the goal by the end of September if the results of the PSA test I’m getting this morning doesn’t throw me a curveball…have to be out there to the lab by a little after 9 so I’ll need to get on the indoor bike by 6 to get that done…going to be another busy one today with the two indoor rides, out to give them blood, back here to mow the lawn, then outdoors for two rides and then making chicken Masala this afternoon…have had 11 days of 41 miles rides and I want to keep that up til after the doctor appointment Friday morning…I may need a maintenance day of only indoor rides once the new shifter gets here…installing it and getting it adjusted will take a couple of hours and that will use up my outdoor time…not much to do today…ha, that made me laugh, too…tomorrow will be that kind of day with just riding but I need to get moving right now to get everything done…oh, damn I forgot, I need to stop at Meijers since the ginger I had for the Masala went bad…so I’ll stop at the one by the lab on Holton road this morning…more later…