Category Archives: Politics

This makes it worse for Comey…

Well…if this latest bullshit “investigation” wasn’t enough to show that the FBI director Comey is a hyper partisan hack, the details make it even worse…three e-mails, yep just three e-mails and none of them were on Hillary’s server and it appears that the release of the letter from Comey was coordinated with the rest of the repubs since Trump started talking about it within 5 minutes of the release and Paul Ryan immediately called for Hillary’s briefings to be suspended. Now Comey really needs to go….he should resign immediately or sooner…geez…

Comey needs to be fired…

Well…if you didn’t think the director of the FBI was trying to influence the election with his grandstanding and scolding news conference about Hillary’s e-mails, now we have this hyper partisan idiot announcing he is re-opening the “investigation” since there have been “new” e-mails discovered…and here is where he is trying to influence the election: the e-mails that he has “found” were on some sort of  a “device” and, as Pete Williams of NBC has reported, they have nothing to do with Hillary…and you can just guess that in the three paragraph announcement of the “re-opening” that
Comey doesn’t mention that fact…and this is on purpose…this partisan hack is trying to influence the election for his repub cronies…this is clear to anyone and he should be fired for it…I mean, what difference would it make if he waited until after the election..or god forbid that he just did his frickin job and kept it confidential until the new “investigation” is over. We know what his motives are and he should be fired…today….

Trump corporate welfare….

Well….if it wasn’t bad enough that Trump hasn’t paid any federal taxes in the last 20 years….now it comes to light that he has been the recipient of almost a billion dollars in corporate welfare in the same time frame. Across the country, at every building or project he has done, he has gotten property tax breaks that essentially made him never have to pay property taxes on anything he has ever owned. On one building that he owned in New York, that was appraised at 120 million dollars, he received a property tax break of almost 380 million dollars…guaranteeing that he never paid a penny in taxes on it…something that just isn’t available to anyone but the rich and shows how they have rigged the system to steal more and more from the rest of us taxpayers. I wonder if anyone who was putting an addition on their house ever got that kind of a tax break? Nope…you paid and Trump didn’t. This is the kind of country that Trump wants…that the connected and the rich get to use everything that you and I pay for through our taxes….and Trump is the biggest freeloader of them all…SAD….

Less than two weeks to go…

Well….it’s less than two weeks to go until the election and I am happy that the season is almost over….one of the takeaways from this one is how corrosive Citizens United is to democracy….and the fact that dark money from the repub side is flooding into senate races to the tune of 25 million dollars for the last two weeks for just 6 seats just shows that they are poised to buy the election…but, the simple fact is that if we vote, we win…no matter how much money the other side spends…if we vote, we win. I really do hope that Trump is toxic for the down ballot races here in Michigan so we have at least a chance of taking back the house here to stop the tea party idiots and Snyder from doing more damage…..first they tax my retirement and give it to Ceo’s, then they poison an entire city and think it’s okay since they are not republicans….just need everyone to get out and vote…we need the supreme court to go back to following the constitution, not ideology…geez…

Now it’s insurance fraud….

Well…with all of the shady deals that the Donald has been involved in, I guess adding insurance fraud to the list is not too much of a surprise. At his resort in Florida, Trump got a an insurance payout of 17 million dollars for “hurricane damage” that was done in 2004 or 2005 but no one can remember ever seeing anywhere near that much damage…and in Palm Beach, you basically need a permit to do anything whether it is improvements or repairs but there were never any permits issued for the property….not one, so either he did 17 million dollars of repairs and didn’t pay for the permits…that would cost approximately 450K…or he and his cronies committed insurance fraud….and Donald freely admits he just pocketed the money. Now, I’m not an expert, but getting your insurance company to pay for non existent damage to your property seems to be fraud….no big surprise when Trump is involved…SAD…

Trump and the polls…

Well….ha, ha, ha…we’re back to unskewing the polls again since the repubs just “know” that Donald can’t be 12 points behind as is shown in a  new ABC poll. This is the same damn thing that they did in 2008 and 2012 when they “knew” that the polls were being rigged to over sample dems and they were going to win in the end…but, guess what? Their losses in both of those elections were even bigger than the polls showed at the time…maybe that same thing is going to happen this year? The Donald is just one of the most stupid people that I have ever seen…going on and on that all of the online polls show him winning and running his campaign as if he was in the lead….so, all I have to say is keep it up….and maybe the house will be in play, too…geez…

The final debate….

Well….I’m sure you’re as glad as I am that the last debate is over and we don’t have to listen to the idiot Donald anymore. Anyone who still thinks that moron is even remotely qualified to be president is just as delusional as he is….and he showed his delusions last night….113 lies in an hour and a half is a new record for any political event. I really liked the way that Hillary just eviscerated him on abortion rights…okay…and everything else and the zinger “I was in the situation room when you were on your reality show” just highlighted the differences in experience that there is between the moron and Hillary. All in all, I was able to watch most of this one since I had confidence that Hillary would maul him and Trump would go off the rails again…and he did…with the worst statement by any candidate from any era…that he wouldn’t say if he’ll accept the results of the election….and just today at another speech (why he is still doing them is a mystery to me) he joked that he would accept the results “if he won” and showed again that he knows and cares nothing about the constitution…but, we really don’t have to worry about him winning…the latest polls put his chance of winning at under 8%…so, bye bye Donnie…and good riddance….sad….


Tonight’s debate…

Well…don’t really want to talk about the idiot Trump again but I guess I have to with the shenanigans that Trumps advisers are pulling for tonight…no policy other than the nonsense we’ve heard throughout the campaigns but, of course, Trump is running off into his delusions with who he invited to the debate. First, he invited Obama’s half brother who is a Trump supporter…not sure if they know it or not but he is also a Hamas supporter…you know, the terrorist group that wants Israel wiped off the map? I wonder what the reason would be? I hate to break it to you, Trump, but Obama is not running anymore and I’m sure that Hillary just doesn’t give a damn who you invite. One of Trump’s idiot surrogates say that inviting this loser is just the beginning of the “surprises” that they have for tonight…yeah, like having the grieving mother of one of the four killed in Benghazi there so they can use her, again, for some damn reason….what about the families of the 4,000 plus Americans who were killed by the GOP’s trumped up war in Iraq? I did get cocktail materials for the debate tonight since I am going to need it…but, the bottom line is that unless Hillary collapses and dies on the stage, she is going to be president…and there is nothing Trump can do about it…SAD!

Those bastards are ruining our democracy…

Well…if it wasn’t enough that ole Trump is undermining our democracy by claiming there is “widespread” voting fraud going on right now (there isn’t)…now we have John McCain doing even more to ruin the US democracy by promising that the repubs will never approve another supreme court nominee that is put up by a dem president. Yep, you heard that one right…the repubs have promised to do their best to wreck democracy here in the US by making sure that the supreme court can’t do it’s job….these idiots are proposing a constitutional crisis as politics as usual…something that has never happened in the history of our country…never happened when GW appointed justices or any other repub but these guys just think that ideology is more important than doing their jobs and it makes taking back the senate even more important since the repubs have shown they have no interest in following the rules that have worked for 240 years. So, get out and vote and let’s not let these self centered idiots ruin this country…geez…

Can someone just make Trump go away?

Well….I am having a hard time even writing about this idiot anymore…with the sexual assaults, shady business deals, calling for armed revolution since the election is “rigged”, and everything else, now he thinks that he and Hillary should take a drug test before the next debate since Hillary had ‘too much energy” in the last debate. Yep, sniffy Mc Sniff wants to have his opponent drug tested since there is no way a woman could beat him…nope, being more prepared and sane is not enough to beat the moron, it has to be drugs. Donald…just go away. Take your delusion train and load it up with the deplorables that support you and just frickin go away….you were never, ever going to win and it is not a “fixed” election…it is you, you crazy ass…every time you open your mouth it is more and more clear that there is nothing there in that melon sized head of yours….just, go, AWAY…..geez….