Well…if it wasn’t enough that ole Trump is undermining our democracy by claiming there is “widespread” voting fraud going on right now (there isn’t)…now we have John McCain doing even more to ruin the US democracy by promising that the repubs will never approve another supreme court nominee that is put up by a dem president. Yep, you heard that one right…the repubs have promised to do their best to wreck democracy here in the US by making sure that the supreme court can’t do it’s job….these idiots are proposing a constitutional crisis as politics as usual…something that has never happened in the history of our country…never happened when GW appointed justices or any other repub but these guys just think that ideology is more important than doing their jobs and it makes taking back the senate even more important since the repubs have shown they have no interest in following the rules that have worked for 240 years. So, get out and vote and let’s not let these self centered idiots ruin this country…geez…