Well…I finally got a bunch of cleaning done yesterday and that will continue today after I get the normal stuff done….the allergies are better this morning and I’m not sure why…still have that darn headache I’ve had for weeks now and I would really like it to go away…the newly painted wiper arms look pretty cool and I’m glad I got them done before winter….makes the car look more modern and new….I did get a bike ride in with just a t-shirt yesterday and today looks the same since it is already 66…but the wind is supposed to be blowing 30-40 later in the day so I need to get out soon…still blowing 15 or so right now so I’ll probably come back sore going into it….okay need to get going to finish the coffee and read some more news before I get started…and Man U plays this aft so I need to get everything done before 3….more later….