Tag Archives: debate

The final debate….

Well….I’m sure you’re as glad as I am that the last debate is over and we don’t have to listen to the idiot Donald anymore. Anyone who still thinks that moron is even remotely qualified to be president is just as delusional as he is….and he showed his delusions last night….113 lies in an hour and a half is a new record for any political event. I really liked the way that Hillary just eviscerated him on abortion rights…okay…and everything else and the zinger “I was in the situation room when you were on your reality show” just highlighted the differences in experience that there is between the moron and Hillary. All in all, I was able to watch most of this one since I had confidence that Hillary would maul him and Trump would go off the rails again…and he did…with the worst statement by any candidate from any era…that he wouldn’t say if he’ll accept the results of the election….and just today at another speech (why he is still doing them is a mystery to me) he joked that he would accept the results “if he won” and showed again that he knows and cares nothing about the constitution…but, we really don’t have to worry about him winning…the latest polls put his chance of winning at under 8%…so, bye bye Donnie…and good riddance….sad….


Tonight’s debate…

Well…don’t really want to talk about the idiot Trump again but I guess I have to with the shenanigans that Trumps advisers are pulling for tonight…no policy other than the nonsense we’ve heard throughout the campaigns but, of course, Trump is running off into his delusions with who he invited to the debate. First, he invited Obama’s half brother who is a Trump supporter…not sure if they know it or not but he is also a Hamas supporter…you know, the terrorist group that wants Israel wiped off the map? I wonder what the reason would be? I hate to break it to you, Trump, but Obama is not running anymore and I’m sure that Hillary just doesn’t give a damn who you invite. One of Trump’s idiot surrogates say that inviting this loser is just the beginning of the “surprises” that they have for tonight…yeah, like having the grieving mother of one of the four killed in Benghazi there so they can use her, again, for some damn reason….what about the families of the 4,000 plus Americans who were killed by the GOP’s trumped up war in Iraq? I did get cocktail materials for the debate tonight since I am going to need it…but, the bottom line is that unless Hillary collapses and dies on the stage, she is going to be president…and there is nothing Trump can do about it…SAD!

Trump’s rigged polls….

Well….if we didn’t know that Russia was meddling in our presidential election before, we do now with the revelation this afternoon that the Russians are rigging the online polls taken after the debate to falsely show that the idiot Donald won. All through the day today, Trump and his minions have been tweeting that all the polls except CNN (who did an actual poll that agreed with the focus groups that were run by republicans that Hillary crushed the idiot) showed that Trump won the debate…just one little problem with those polls…when research was done today on where the activity was from the “people” who voted for Trump, more than 90% of the addresses were from the St. Petersburg, Russia area…an area notorious as a hotspot for state sponsored Russian internet trolls who get paid to comment on any story etc, on the internet, and who the Russian government uses to build fake support for its policies. So, there you go, Russia is doing the same thing in our country and Trump and Fox propaganda are eating it up and doing the same thing that Putin does in Russia…using fake “information” to try to sway public opinion….I hope this comes up in the next debate…I want to know who in Trump’s campaign are collaborating with the enemy to rig the election and what they owe Putin for doing it….geez…

Late again today….

Well…have been getting a few things done today so I am late coming back here for another one…did anyone watch the repub debate last night? I hope not since the sight of it would need so much brain bleach that it would probably kill you….I have never seen a group of “adults” carry on with the insults and middle school taunts that made them look as presidential as Pee Wee Herman….but nowhere near as funny….and it does look like ole Drumpf is going to be the winner no matter what he says, no matter how many lies he spouts, and no matter how much he threatens to commit war crimes…my question is if he was elected, and he ordered the military to commit war crimes, how many generals would tell him to go to hell….it is illegal, after all, to order someone to commit a war crime and that is just another reason whey Bush and Cheney should be in jail….but, I blame Obama for that…for his willingness to put the whole mess behind him so the repubs would work with him…how did that work out Obama? I am at a loss to comment more….geez…

No contest…

Well…even though I was out for quite a while last night, I did get the chance to watch a good portion of the debate last night…I wonder if I should even call it a debate? I mean, Obama just mopped the floor with ole Mitt and exposed him for the know nothing hack politician that he is. I am glad that Obama finally pointed out to the public how ole Mitt’s stands change form day to day, not a good thing for a president, especially in a dangerous world…can you imagine ole Mitt going up against any of the bad guys in the world? After watching the gerbil on meth look he had again last night with the smirks, the blank stare, and the excessive eye blinking, it looked like he was having a stroke as he tried to regurgitate the standard talking point nonsense. The most striking thing for me was the fact that he agreed with almost everything that Obama has been doing in foreign policy…so why should anyone vote for ole Mitt? I just think there is no depth there….geez,,,

A Biden knockout…

Well…I just had to comment on the vp debate that was held last night since it was just so damn much fun to watch ole Ryan get called out on his lies and reveal himself to be the hard right hack that he is…from where I was watching, Biden torched him all night…I could have done with a little less laughing from the VP but I think it was an appropriate response to the talking point lies that Ryan was spewing and I applaud the moderator trying to get him to explain the budget numbers that just don’t add up…I would have laughed and smiled, and rolled my eyes, too, after hearing that nonsense. One of the funniest lines of the night didn’t come from the debate but from Bill Maher’s twitter feed…”someone call 911…there’s an old guy beating up on a kid on tv..” I laughed my butt off about that one…and the fact that 51% of the people in the CBS poll thought Biden won…go get ‘em Joe…

Still in shock….

Well…I am still in shock about the debate…and the new meme from the right that says it didn’t matter that ole Mitt lied his butt off…he just looked better doing it…and we are two days later and the polls haven’t moved so I look at it as a mulligan for Obama…but he’d better do better at the next one or I will lose more respect for him. I am just struck how the repubs have no meaning to the words they say…and how the media allows them to just keep changing their stances on everything on almost daily basis…and I did laugh out loud today when the commenters on the right went through the roof about the good job numbers that came out being convinced that the dems are “cooking” the numbers to win the election…and all I have to say about that is “project much?” When they are in power, that’s what the right does because they don’t believe in facts but the dems take the numbers for what they are good or bad…I think the repubs have destroyed this country with their continued assault on the institutions that make this country work…you don’t get to pick and choose your numbers…geez…

It’s been a long day…

Well…it has been a long day and I am starting to realize that buying the newspapers in the morning is a good investment…at least for the purpose of writing these things….I am looking forward to the debates tomorrow and if Obama can’t dismantle Romney easily, he shouldn’t be re-elected…after all, ole Mitt is just a stiff that has changed his stances on everything that is important and he really does hate almost half the country because they aren’t rich….even I could beat that stiff…and I wouldn’t have to prepare at all…and I can’t wait to hear the “zingers” that ole Mitt has been rehearsing for 6 weeks…my response would be to him “is that one of the famous zingers you have been practicing?”…and then hit him early and often on his dismissal of the 47%, his voodoo tax plan, and Medicare, Medicare, Medicare….then I’d mention the new studies that are out that show that the trashing of the economy by the repubs is the real reason why the economy is not recovering as fast as it could…and I would take credit for Obamacare…what do the repbus have in response to that…give more money to the insurance companies that buy their votes? As I said, it’s been a long day and I am so frickin tired that I can’t stand it…

Can Mitt be this stupid?

Well…one of the funny things that came out of the repub debate from a couple of days ago falls under the heading of “can Mitt be this stupid” and made me laugh like crazy. When ole Mitt was spouting the usual talking points of repealing “Obamacare”, he made mention of a comparison that the left has been making for decades now…that every other industrialized country in the world pays less for healthcare than the US does…and he attributed the extra cost to the government being involved. But, what he fails to realize is that every other country that he noted has some form of a single-payer system that the government runs. So, now, Mitt…are you for or against a single-payer system? Or are you going to be against it today and for it tomorrow? Or, are you saying that the lie you and your repub cronies are spouting is just a cynical ploy to ensure that the insurance companies can continue to steal from the country?
Which is it, Mitt? Or,is it both…or is it neither? And, what will it be tomorrow?