Well…it has been a long day and I am starting to realize that buying the newspapers in the morning is a good investment…at least for the purpose of writing these things….I am looking forward to the debates tomorrow and if Obama can’t dismantle Romney easily, he shouldn’t be re-elected…after all, ole Mitt is just a stiff that has changed his stances on everything that is important and he really does hate almost half the country because they aren’t rich….even I could beat that stiff…and I wouldn’t have to prepare at all…and I can’t wait to hear the “zingers” that ole Mitt has been rehearsing for 6 weeks…my response would be to him “is that one of the famous zingers you have been practicing?”…and then hit him early and often on his dismissal of the 47%, his voodoo tax plan, and Medicare, Medicare, Medicare….then I’d mention the new studies that are out that show that the trashing of the economy by the repubs is the real reason why the economy is not recovering as fast as it could…and I would take credit for Obamacare…what do the repbus have in response to that…give more money to the insurance companies that buy their votes? As I said, it’s been a long day and I am so frickin tired that I can’t stand it…