April 23rd

Well…that was okay…slept a little better last night and didn’t get up until I smelled the coffee brewing but the last hour was just trying to sleep with little success…but, I’ll take it….the damn gash on my left thumb is still seeping blood this morning but it doesn’t hurt as much as yesterday so I’ll take that, too, I really do need to stop abusing my hands for a while so they get the chance to heal and it looks like this could be the week to do that….only have the registers to do today and that is not a lot of work…just takes time to paint them and I need to rig up a magnetic hanger to hold them to be able to paint them without shadowing of the hanger…they are not going to be the smooth surface that I wanted but not being able to dip strip them just makes getting them clean almost impossible…I am going to get outdoors on the bike here by 8 with the temp up over 50 already and it will be a fight with the wind that is already blowing out there and I am going to try to do two outdoors today but I need to make a pizza for lunch and that takes time….so, I will be rushing around here a bit once I get started but that will be okay…it may even get warm enough to open a couple of windows in here today to air it out for the first time this year….but that will spike my allergies that are already bad right now so I need to remember to take something before I go out…not much to do today…just painting, cooking and the bike rides but I think that will be enough after all the work I got done this week…keep ticking off the jobs one by one and there may come a point where I don’t have anything big left to do…ha, ha…then I’ll move to the small jobs like sanding and refinishing the cabinet in the bathroom and doing the same for the porch ceiling and the back entry…and the other bedroom is going to be calling to me all summer…no rest for the wicked….more later..

A small bit of good news…

Well…we’ll get to the good news in a minute but I have a question to ask? How the heck do you operate without a usable thumb? My right one normally hurts like crazy all the time so I use my left one to compensate…but after the injury to my left one yesterday, I’m left without a thumb to use since the left one now hurts worse than my right….maybe I can use it as an excuse to take a few days off? We’ll see…now, to the small bit of good news…I just got a renewal notice for my driver’s license and I can renew it online! No going into the SoS office and having to take an eye test…and that was starting to concern me since my eyes take some time to adjust and become clear when I get up in the morning…I see perfectly fine when they clear up but it would be just my luck I’d go in on a day when they were bad and flunk the darn test and then have to spend big bucks on glasses that I really don’t need…so, I’ll take any small bit of good news and can stop thinking about it for 4 more years….

Dang, another busy day…

Well…I know I said I was going to take some time off after finishing the bedroom but dang, I’m just as busy as ever and am now just getting done at 2:11 after starting about 8:30 this morning…and yes, I did get on the bike indoors this morning since it was still in the 30′s until the rain started out here…right after that, I got on vacuuming and mopping all the hard floors since there was still lots of dust in here from working on the bedroom last week and I hadn’t gotten to the full cleanup yet…and I had to do all of the chairs and table in the dining room and clean out the cold air vent since it had an inch of dust and cobwebs in it…so I got that done and then had to sand the registers so I can paint them tomorrow on our only warm day out here that it’s not supposed to rain until later in the day….and right after that, the blinds for the bedroom came a day early so I hung those to finally finish what I am going to do in that bedroom and it is so cool to have it done…and it looks pretty damn good for all of the work I had to do in there…and now I just got the laundry in and am waiting for the only soccer match to start so I can relax a bit…all in all, I’ve accomplished a lot this week and I’m going to take the weekend off after painting tomorrow…if I have enough paint…if not, it will wait til next week….I’m done for the day…

Here’s a new rule…

Well…it seems to me that we need a new rule when talking to or interviewing repubs by the news organizations since it is clear that all they do is lie, and lie, and lie….so, from now on, once they are caught in one, the new rule should be that no one ever interviews or listens to them again…not to keep “access”, not for a sound bite, not for anything….because if we keep rewarding people for lying, that is what you get…it’s one of the things I leaned getting my degree in psychology…that whatever behavior you reward is what you will get more of…it’s the same thing with kids, if you reward them by giving them what they want when they throw a tantrum, they have learned that tantrums work and they will use them more and more….and when the repubs learn that there are no consequences for lying constantly, they will lie even more. Even when caught in one like Kevin McCarthy was last night on Rachel’s show where he lied his ass off about what he told idiot boy after the attack on the capitol on January 6th….and in a more ethical time, ole Kevvy would have resigned this morning…but in the modern repub party, it is a badge of honor and necessary to lie your ass off to get the support of the troglodytes that make up the repub base….but I still think you can stop this crap by withholding what all of these liars crave and that is attention….geez….

April 22nd

Well…running a little late this morning and it’s from not sleeping until late this morning and then not up until after 6:30…feel pretty crappy today from it and I am not getting on the indoor bike today…I’ve done two days in a row of doubles and will get out on the bike in thermasuit this morning since it is going to rain this afternoon…check that…I won’t be getting outside on the bike this morning with the rain only about an hour away and it still in the 30′s outside…so I will be on the bike downstairs in about 20 mins or so…ugh….I did get my seeds for the garden planted last night since I was so bored just sitting here and that was the only thing I had to do today so I’ll have to think of some other stuff but I don’t want to…this taking the summer off is going to be harder than I thought….the gash in my left thumb seems to be healing some already and I sure hope it didn’t hurt the nail bed like I did with my right one…the nail on it is still not healed from ripping it on the fence and it has a split down the middle that is still there a year later…and it continues to grow with the split in it and I’m not sure if it will ever heal…damn, I just want some time with no injuries on my hands…they are so scarred and beat up from working around here they look even older than they are….not much to do today…hey, I got through this one without talking about working on the house…almost….and I really don’t have much to do…laundry and cleaning but that is about it….probably should get on the bike now…more later….

What are they for?

Well…in all my lifetime, I’ve never seen a political party that not FOR anything…you know, like helping the people of this country and making their lives better…but nope, not a damn thing from the repubs…they only talk bout what they are against…children, LGBTQ people being able to live like the rest of us, voters (that are not white), books, women’s rights, Ukraine, this country, democracy, rich people paying taxes, free speech, gun control, trying to stay alive with covid everywhere, the rule of law, saving the planet, courts (unless they are right wing), and damn near everything else that would make life a little better for Americans…and the sick thing is that even with no platform and admitting that they only favor the rich and everyone else can go to hell, they are still predicted to take over the house this fall…how the hell can that be? Has the American electorate become so stupid that they can’t see what the repubs are up to? Or do they not care…”oh, Joe Biden didn’t personally come to my house with a million dollar check so I’m not going to vote for him” seems to be the mood in the electorate right now even though the repubs have said that they are going to increase middle class taxes and eliminate SS and Medicare in 5 years…isn’t that of any interest to the reliable older voters that vote repub? Look, I’m damn tired about being depressed about the stupid people in this country who are going to vote to make me go back to work when I’m 70 when they elect repubs…don’t need that bullshit right now…geez…

Accomplished some things…

Well…damn, I’m not sure why I keep doing this to myself but I worked my butt off and accomplished some things this morning….first the indoor bike and then a run over to Lowes to look for a short piece of tubing that they didn’t have and I almost left without anything since it was cold and wet but halfway out the door I said nope and went back in and picked up the 10ft piece, put the top down on the car and drove home with 6 feet of tubing sticking out of the back of the car…then I worked on the garden and got the soil turned and the manure mixed in along with fixing the fence and raking the leaves…then cutting up the branches that I’ve picked up since the snow melted and getting them put in a big yard bag…after that, I just couldn’t leave the front gate when I had all the parts so I got out my grinder with a cut off wheel and cut the old corners off, cut a 26 inch piece of the tubing out of the 10 feet, and installed the whole thing and now I have a gate that is not flopping around with the bottom tube rusted completely away…it still doesn’t hang straight but that is a job for another day since I gashed a big one in the back of my left thumb when the cut off wheel slipped…doesn’t hurt much but it bled like crazy…the new band aid with antibiotic with pain reliever has helped…so, I did get a few things done this morning that had been bugging me…but now I’m done for the day other than getting an outdoor ride in after lunch….more later….

April 21st

Well…that was pretty crappy…didn’t sleep much at all on my first night in the new bedroom but I don’t think that has anything to do with it….haven’t been sleeping much lately but I don’t feel too badly so I can live with it…I feel kind of adrift with getting the major project done and planning to take the summer off…if we ever have a summer…looking out into the middle of May, it is going to be like March with temps in the 40′s for highs and I don’t remember this type of crap for a long time…we get one day around 70 Saturday and the back into the 40′s again until about the 20th of May…where the hell is spring? Not having one this year I guess….so, back on the bike indoors today and in thermasuit if I want to go out for a ride but may not with the wind forecast to be blowing 20-30 and that is just a bit much…I am going to run out to Lowes this morning to see if I can get a short piece of tubing to fix my fence…I do have a piece of dowel that I took out of the closet that I can sub in there short term if I have to so I may take the rivets out and put the new corners on….and I do need to get started on the outside and get my veggie seeds planted….so, I do have things to do today…and I may continue to take the front bedroom apart so I can start in there….so much for the summer off….more later…..

An okay day…

Well…the third Wednesday of every month is a good day usually, and today was okay…reached a financial goal with the latest SS cash dumped into my account and now I have enough to survive for two years if it comes to that…if I stop working on the house and don’t spend any money, that is….but that really is the plan for the summer so I can reach the next goal by September…I do need some months that I don’t spend hundreds on the house but with no projects planned until the end of summer, it’s doable…I did start taking the other bedroom apart today after I moved into the restored one and I don’t know why…I guess I just need to have something going on…I did get out for a bike ride today in shorts and that was a bit cold without gloves…even forgot to put my riding half gloves on so my hands hurt like crazy without the padding in them…and I think I’ll keep doing the inside rides for the next month or so until the weather warms up…I mean come on…40′s in May? That is the forecast after the one warm day Saturday and I am getting really depressed about it…oh,well…going to run over to Lowes tomorrow to see if they have any shorter pieces of fencing that I can buy instead of the 10 foot long ones that everyone carries…and then I can fix the gate out front so it doesn’t look like crap with the bottom frame piece rusted out…and I’ll probably start on tilling the garden and mixing in the manure to get ready to plant…and I’ll have to get the seeds going in cups downstairs again so they will be ready…damn, still busy with not even working on the interior of the house….

Repubs idea of “freedom”…

Well…you know, with all of the bullshit shouts of “freedom” by the repubs, you would think that they would actually want freedom…but you would be wrong. In Texas, because the governor was trying to score points against Biden, he cost the country almost a billion dollars in lost production and spoiled fruits, veggies, and meat to try to show that there are “hordes” of people coming across the border illegally….which he never even looked for…he was just checking tires and lights and never even opened a truck to see if there was anyone there….and he gave the entire US the “freedom” to have food shortages and pay more for everything…shouldn’t there be a law against this crap? Then we have the tie for worst governor in the US with Desantis of Florida now picking a fight with Disney since they came out in opposition to his hateful “don’t say gay” law and the hypocrite basically said that individuals and companies have “freedom” just as long as they agree with him…if not, he will use the entire government of Florida to punish any dissent….how’s that for “freedom”? This week, this moron is pushing to revoke Disney’s special status that allows it to self govern like a city as long as it pays for all of the infrastructure to support their parks….so, when the idiot Desantis revokes this status, every family in the Orlando area is going to be on the hook for at least 2200 bucks in increased taxes to pay for what Disney does now….how’s that for repub “freedom”? Freedom to pay more in taxes to let your governor carry out a vendetta against the largest employer in Florida…what a frickin moron…geez…