Damn stupid people..

Well…I really can’t believe how many stupid people there are in this world…when I was coming back from the second ride and stopped at the crosswalk on Shoreline drive, I hit the cross button and sat there and waited for the light to change watching the countdown in the display…when the light changed to give me the green, I always look to the left to make sure the traffic has stopped because I just don’t trust people to be paying attention…and today that was a good thing…first, a truck ran the red light a few seconds after it changed, but I kept watching the traffic and a guy in a van ran the light a good 10 seconds after I got the green…and if it wasn’t for me hitting the button and waiting to go…the traffic waiting to turn left onto Shoreline from 7th would have gone and gotten t-boned by these idiots…man, what stupid people…

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