Got wet this morning…

Well….after a short, sharp shower, there was nothing on the radar so I decided to get on the bike for at least one ride…but, about three miles out, it started to pour and I got soaked even with turning around and coming back here…and it was borderline on temps, too, so it was pretty darn miserable even just doing 6 miles…and the rain is the weird pop up showers that don’t show up on the radar hardly at all….so it looks like I’ll be taking the day off today after all…I do have some work to do around here but not that much so I really don’t have to plan it at all…and my legs are still so damn flat that it was brutal coming back into the wind…I do need to start to take better care of myself…I guess I’m not young anymore….more later…

October 7th

Well…up at 6:41 this morning and that feels a bit more normal for me…feel pretty worn out but it looks like I’m not getting the day off that I hoped for….the rain is not here yet and it appears that it is falling apart before it gets here so I will get a ride in as soon as it gets light…and I’m not sure I should do that…my legs still hurt from yesterday and they really should get a day off…but, I feel compelled to ride or not eat…not sure how the weather forecasters still have a job with how wrong they have been all summer and now into the fall…I know weather is complex but they could be right 50% of the time just flipping a coin…and they haven’t been right even close to that…..I’m finally getting my freezer cleared out with not buying any protein the past couple of weeks other than the ribs I got yesterday….still have a couple of weeks worth of food in there but there was room for the pizza I got yesterday and that wasn’t true for the entire time I’ve been here….need to cook some thighs I thawed over the past couple of days with a baked potato and some veggies for lunch and use the last of the burger I have been eating all week…..not much to do today….going to ride here in 45 mins or so and then just kind of wing it the rest of the day….if it doesn’t rain I’ll probably get two rides in but I am going to throttle back the pace a bit to let my legs heal…I’m not young anymore and I need to take better care of myself….more later….

Finally done for the day…

Well….damn, I felt crappy this afternoon after the bike rides but, after eating something, I’m starting to get back to normal…or normal for me anyway….I am taking a day off tomorrow…my legs were so flat and hurting on both rides today that I think the only thing that is going to help is rest….as you know, I got started late today and didn’t get out to get groceries until after 8:30 and then Meijers was a mess from them rebuilding the store so I am going to avoid it until they finish and go over to Stermberg road instead…only takes an extra 5 minutes of traveling time and I’ll be able to find what I need and don’t have to spend a half hour looking for things…didn’t get back here until almost 10 and then on the bike for the first ride…I will say that the bike is working better than it has since it was new and it is a joy to ride even in the brutal wind…after I got back here, I made a little lunch and then right back on the bike by 12:15….after I finished that, I seeded quite a bit of the bare spots in the lawn until I ran out of seed…again, and that makes 20 pounds of seed on the lawn so far and I am going to get more Friday to finish off the rest of the spots…then I had to do laundry since I was out of clothes to wear and just finished putting them away so today, I went from 8:30 this morning to 5:30 and I am done finally…had the same lunch and dinner as I did yesterday and if feeling crappy was the result, I’ll probably feel that way again tomorrow….but I just can’t eat more…I did splurge today on some texas style ribs and even a rising crust pizza from Aldis…2.75 for a rising crust supreme pizza? Was getting bored with chicken, chicken, chicken and thought I’d change it up a bit…but I still have some chicken thighs to make tomorrow that I thawed and need to be cooked…but, after that, no more chicken for a while….

Still late….

Well…damn, started the day off late and I’m still running late now and it’s almost 3…and I can’t find a topic, either…I could talk about the debt ceiling crisis that appears to be pushed back a couple of months with a deal that allows the government to function until the end of December…and I think that is bullshit and the dems always give in…they should have ended the filibuster for good and told McConnell to go to hell with his obstruction…after all, the debt ceiling being raised is to pay for the 7 trillion dollars of debt that ole mitch and the idiot boy saddled the country with by cutting taxes on the rich and corporations…it not to pay for anything that the country needs and that the dems are trying to get fixed…I think I’m too tired to care much about it, though….can’t work up the outrage I normally have for this kind of stuff…and the two rides I did today were probably the most brutal I’ve had in a long time…going into the wind that was blowing about 20 out of the east and my legs hurt the whole way….and they still hurt now just sitting here…okay, this one was pretty jumbled but that’s how my brain feels right now….

October 6th

Well…running really, really late today and I can’t figure that out…I did wake up at 6 or so but went back to bed until 7:34 and just can’t get started….so I think the whole day is now going to be a bit late…and I don’t like that one bit…oh, well….I think I slept okay last night but don’t feel like it…so, so worn out that I may have to take a day off soon…or eat more…I think I have to re-think this whole being on “time” when I really don’t have to be anywhere…I mean does it matter if I get to the grocery store at 8:30 or if I get there at 9? And doing two rides a day? I know I need to burn those calories but I am getting bored with riding twice a day…I did get to 3800 miles yesterday and that is cool but I wonder if I’m getting depressed again….darn….I did get back into “Justified” a couple of days ago and it is nice to have 6 seasons of a show to watch when there is nothing interesting on tv…and I think I’ve waited long enough so I don’t remember any of the episodes…..I do have lots to do today and I’m not sure I want to do it…the grocery run first, then at least one bike ride, laundry, and then I need to seed some more bald spots in the lawn since it is going to rain tomorrow and Friday and the last spots I did sprouted pretty well…I think the cooler temps have helped that and I want to take advantage of that….so, I should get going right now…but, I really just want to sit here and do nothing…but I know I can’t do that….more later….

One ride today…

Well…got out early for the first ride today but coming back into a 15 mph wind was pretty darn brutal so I decided I’d only do one ride today so I could run an errand and then get the lawn mowed and the leaves picked up with the mower…I did get out to Lowe’s to get the device that keeps the big paper bags open with a back splash that is like a funnel and it works really well when dumping the grass catcher into it…pretty cool thing for 10 bucks and is going to make cleaning this place up this fall a lot easier since I am going to have many, many bags of leaves….the mower works well vacuuming the leaves up and that will be my preferred method of getting them up…really hate raking and it hurts my shoulder so I’m going to avoid that as much as possible….I also got the remaining flowers pulled out of the back of the house and cleaned up and now it’s almost 3 and I am done for the day..almost went out for a second ride but I know I have to be careful as I get older…10 years ago there would be no question about going out…I would have gone in a second but I really don’t recover as fast anymore so I have to be smart….but that is disappointing…not used to having to think about what I do for the day…oh, well….

I’m glad the progressives are pushing…

Well….finally, the progressive part of our caucus is pushing hard to get the infrastructure and other bills that will help ordinary Americans passed and are telling the “centrists” to come along or get out of the way…and I am glad to hear that…it’s about time that legislation is being built that doesn’t pander to the rich or the deficit scolds who wring their hands that we are adding to the national debt…it doesn’t matter when interest rates are almost negative and everyone knows that but the preening centrists want to look like they are the ones who are thinking about debt for the good of the country….and they love to have people kiss their butts to compromise…but it is not time for compromise, it’s time to go big to fix this country and make sure we can protect the right to vote….and that can’t be compromised…either you do that or you lose the country and the rest of this is just bullshit….so go progressives…the fate of the country is in your hands…geez…

October 5th

Well…running really late today with not getting out of bed until 7:24…and I feel pretty crappy today for some reason…just worn out and it’s probably from not eating enough yesterday…only had a chicken sandwich with a third of a chicken breast and a burger with a 3 ounce patty for my meals yesterday and that’s probably not enough with doing two rides and some work around here….I’ll try to change that today but I’m not sure how….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but the leaves have started to fall and I am going to have to start picking them up with the mower…going out this morning to get a little device that will hold my big lawn bags open and act like a funnel so I can dump the mower bag into it….will probably have 20 or 30 bags of leaves from my trees but they pick them up for free so that’s cool…and the bags only cost 50 cents each so I’ll have about 20 bucks into getting rid of the leaves this year…this is all going to be new to me since this is my first fall and winter here so I guess I’ll just have to figure it out as I go….my thumb appears to be healing up okay after damaging it last week but it still looks pretty bad and it’s going to have an ugly scar…but that’s normal for my hands…still have a scar from a saw on my right index finger that I got when I was about 8 years old…not much to do today…going to get on the bike soon for the first ride and try to get both in before noon and then run out to depot to get the funnel and some more bags….will need to mow the lawn tomorrow and start picking up the leaves…..more later….

I guess I don’t use Facebook much…

Well…from what I read in the news, facebook has been down all day but I never noticed it…I guess I don’t use facebook too much…but there are people that are freaking out about the outage…not sure why that would be and getting off facebook will be good for a lot of people…I’ve never been one to use it much or think much about it…I don’t even follow the Miata clubs on there much anymore and that was my only reason for creating an account….I guess I like to live in the real world more than cyberworld….and it’s a cesspool of right wing nonsense and anti vaxxer lies that I really don’t need in my life….the idiot who owns it doesn’t need any more money…and he’s a right wing asshole, too….I do my best to not support them….

They’ve lost the Chamber of Commerce…

Well…if you didn’t think the modern repub party has become a radical cult, you just have to look at the news from this morning where the repubs have stopped the C of C from being part of any repub gathering, fundraising, etc….and it’s because there are still some sane repubs in the organization who still can determine facts and want what is best for the country…like supporting the recovery act that Biden pushed through congress and supporting vaccines and mandates along with the infrastructure bill that is wending it’s way through congress. So, we now know for certain that the modern repubs don’t give a damn about this country, only the repub cult that has gone so far to the right they have left the ultra conservative C of C behind…and I think that is a good thing…the C of C realizes that the only sane party left that they can work with is the dems and maybe this will be another nail in the coffin of the crazy assed repubs who would tear this country down just to spite the dems…at least we can hope…geez…