Well…if you didn’t think the modern repub party has become a radical cult, you just have to look at the news from this morning where the repubs have stopped the C of C from being part of any repub gathering, fundraising, etc….and it’s because there are still some sane repubs in the organization who still can determine facts and want what is best for the country…like supporting the recovery act that Biden pushed through congress and supporting vaccines and mandates along with the infrastructure bill that is wending it’s way through congress. So, we now know for certain that the modern repubs don’t give a damn about this country, only the repub cult that has gone so far to the right they have left the ultra conservative C of C behind…and I think that is a good thing…the C of C realizes that the only sane party left that they can work with is the dems and maybe this will be another nail in the coffin of the crazy assed repubs who would tear this country down just to spite the dems…at least we can hope…geez…