JEB! really and truly is the stupid one…

Well…I know I’ve done a few about ole JEB! and how unintelligent he is…even compared to his idiot  brother…but there is a brand, spanking new bit of idiocy that I just had to comment on. As you know, the repubs have been using the murders in Benghazi for years now to attack Hillary while the media has allowed it, even given that 9/11 happened on their watch and they continue to act self-righteously about it in every interview…but, something changed yesterday when ole JEB! was on one of the Sunday talk shows. On CNN Sunday morning ole JEB! was asked this by Jake Tapper: “How do you respond to critics who ask if your brother and his administration bear no responsibility at all for the attacks on 9/11, how do you make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?”

Here is the stunningly stupid answer:

“Well, it the question on Benghazi which is hopefully now finally get the truth to it, is was that, was the place secure? They had a responsibility, the Department of State, to have proper security.”

Trying to dig himself out of the hole he dug, he went on: “It’s what you do after that matters” when it comes to leadership…

That is probably one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard on leadership…you wait for something to happen and then react to it is leadership? I am so glad this idiot will never be president…but the rest of them are no better and none of them will be elected either…so we have that going for us…geez…

October 19th

Well…running a little late today and I’m not sure why that would be…it’s just a normal morning with nothing different about it…slept okay last night and even had a few dreams so that is better but I really have no hope it will continue…didn’t get much done yesterday but I didn’t have much planned so I can live with that….didn’t even have to cook with the pork shoulder leftovers and I think I miss that…Sundays are supposed to be for cooking…I did get out on the bike and had a nice ride but it was cold again and I had to wear gloves…the ones I have have holes in them so I may need to make a trip out today to get a new pair….I do need to put a pair in the car so I’ll have them for winter….not as sore this morning and it may have been the bug that was causing it….at least I hope the full body pain is not a normal thing that is going to go on…not much to do today…still feeling a little slow today but will get back to the workout and bike ride…I do need to make the annual color tour in the Miata and this week looks like a good one with it being almost 70 tomorrow….more later…

Just some stuff…

Well…sitting here watching the Lions stink again and thought I’d come back here and do one of these so I don’t get farther behind….it is nice to have the bike back working so I can ride again but I made a big mistake by eating before I went out…was just so uncomfortable for the entire ride that I won’t do that again…I have been sore as heck the past few days and I’m not sure where that is coming from…even my back hurts again today and that was bad on the bike…oh, well…I am going to do a sports one about the bad, bad teams that I follow that have just left me shaking my head…not sure what else….okay, going back to the couch for now and will be back later for more…

October 18th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday if a little disappointing for my sports teams…but, I’ll get to that later…did get some distressing news that my daughter is in the hospital after having chest pains in the middle of a half marathon again…doing lots of tests today and should know something later in the day….slept okay last night be still have that damn bug that I’ve had for a while now…still feel warm and have been coughing like crazy for a couple of days now…I was wondering why I didn’t have any energy and now I know…should probably take it easy today and try to feel better but I do need to take a ride on the bike now that it’s fixed…but, it’s way too cold right now…even had frost on the car when I went out for the paper this morning….not much to do today…just going to watch more sports and maybe a little cleaning…or maybe not….more later…

October 17th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…and the drive out and back was a little cold with the top down but I just had to do it…slept okay last night but feel a little slow today…something I hope will be fixed by riding the bike today…it will be nice to get back on it after 4 days off but I won’t be going out until after the Man U match…too darn cold right now with it being under 40 degrees…didn’t get anything else done but that is normal for Friday….still feel sore and I’m not really sure why that would be with not riding…not much to do today…I do have lots of sports today with Man U and the Michigan/State game on later…so, I don’t think I’ll do much but that today….more later…

The bike is fixed….

Well…just  sitting here waiting for the Wings game to start and thought I’d do a little update…the bike is fixed! Got the parts today and put it back together in about a minute…even took it out for a ride before I went out to shoot pool and it works like a champ again….I can’t wait to take it out tomorrow and get back into riding again…but, that will have to wait until after the Man U game at 10…it is going to be really cold in the morning so I wouldn’t be going out anyway….

October 16th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday until I went out to have a couple with G…I guess I’m the worst person in the world since I don’t want to live in the south…and the civil war was not fought to end slavery..geez….other than that it was an okay day and I got a lot done…did the kitchen floor and the entire bathroom and some other cleaning the bike torn apart while I wait for the new sprockets to come…feel pretty crappy today and I’m not sure why…I did have cocktails last night but I never feel this bad…I think part of it not eating enough…can’t wait to get back on the bike so I can eat again…slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of…not much to do today…going to wash the car since the sprinkles of rain yesterday left it spotted but not much else…pool, of course…but then just waiting for the Wings game later….more later…

The second shoe drops on the Benghazi farce…

Well…what we have known for a long time was confirmed again by another repub…that the Benghazi hearings were nothing but a farce that would be used to hurt Hillary Clinton. The rep, John Hannah, from New York, confirmed what Kevin McCarthy let slip last week when he said the only purpose of the hearing was to hurt Hillary’s poll numbers….and, this is what we have come to expect from the repubs…they won’t do the country’s business such as raising the debt ceiling…but, they are happy to unethically spend 4.5 million dollars of our money on a political witch hunt…these guys are like the hockey player who targets an opponent to hurt them…it may not be illegal, but it is certainly unethical…but, as we all know…this group of repub idiots are the most ethically challenged group we have ever seen in congress…I can’t wait til Hillary tears them apart later in the month…geez…

October 15th was an okay day yesterday and I got a bunch of stuff done so that was cool…felt so much better than Tuesday and had some energy but I’m not sure what the problem was…I know part of it is not riding the bike but the rest of it is still a little confusing…have been trying to cut out the 800 cals a day that I usually burn on the bike but I’m not sure that is a good idea at this point…after all, if I don’t ride again until Sat, I will have only gained about 2 pounds that I can burn off once the bike is up again….can double up a few days and get back to it and get to the 25K goal….slept okay last night but it was still a little fitfull but that is normal these days….I am sore everywhere, though, even though I haven’t been on the bike so maybe I should still take the ibuprofen that I normally take before I ride….not much to do today…going to try to clean more today…got the kitchen started but still need to do the floor and that will lead to more pain….but, that’s life right now…more later…

Democratic debate postmortem…

Well…since I watched through the entire debate (with a few flicks over to see how the Wings were doing), I think it’s a good idea to do a postmortem on what I thought of it…to get this first thing out of the way…that the media thought that it would not be interesting and that no one would watch was just plain wrong…15 million people tuned in and what they got was an interesting debate that certainly clarified where each candidate stands on the issues…I was a little disappointed that there were some attacks by the candidates on each other…something they should just leave to the repubs…but, for the most part,  they stuck to the issues and really clarified how they are different from the repubs…from gun control, to income equality, to infrastructure, these candidates set out what is different between them and the repubs…the dems think of what is possible and made it clear that the repubs only think in terms that everything that should be done to make the US a better is impossible…that we can’t afford it…when every other industrialized country can afford paid family leave…healthcare for all, and keeping their infrastructure current…and the only reason we don’t do it is that the repubs are giving the country away to the rich…there was not a more stark difference between the two parties that could have been shown and I am glad these candidates had the guts to say it…they are never going to get the right to vote for them so why pander to the crazies on the right?  I will say that there are two of the five that were ont he stage that should not make the next debate…Jim Webb showed that he is basically a republican that is calling himself a democrat and is way too far to the right for the progressives…and Lincoln Chaffee who is just too mild mannered with no fire that you need to get through the general. As you know, Bernie Sanders is my favorite here..whose populist ideas to me are just what this country needs right now…but, Hillary Clinton did well, too and would eat any of the repubs alive in a debate…the surprise of the night was Martin O’Malley who started to show that he deserved to be there and would be viable alternative to the two frontrunners.  All in all, it was a good night for the dems and I look forward to debate number two…more substance forAmerica is just what we need.

What you never want to be….