Well…with all of the bad stuff that has been happening with the repubs refusing to their jobs to rein in the idiot in the WH, there has been some good news with the exodus of many, many repubs who see the writing of a dem tsunami coming at them for November. The latest idiot repub to bail is the easy to hate Trey Gowdy, who spent tens of millions of dollars investigating Benghazi only to have to admit at the end that there was nothing to the “scandal”…but we knew that when we heard at the time that one of his cronies on the committee admitted that it was all just to hurt Hillary’s election chances. Now this smarmy little shit is retiring to go back to the “legal system” whatever the hell that means…probably as a trump appointee to the justice department where his incompetence will be a feature and not a bug. All I have to say is good riddance…Trey, you are nothing but a waste of air….
Tag Archives: Benghazi
More Benghazi…
Well…how much is it going to take for the idiot Trey Gowdy to give up his witch hunt on Benghazi? After spending 20 million dollars of our money over the past two years, there is just nothing new that hasn’t been discovered in the previous 8 investigations and even the counsel to ole Trey’s committee said the other day that there was nothing that could have been done that wasn’t…that there was no secret plan to let the 4 Americans die for some reason and there was no culpability for Hillary in any of it. As we all know, this has been a staged witch hunt from the start to score political points and to try to keep Hillary from being elected….I think the repubs should reimburse the American people for the 20 million since they have admitted it’s partisan purpose….this from the party of limited government and torture….geez…
Hillary beat them like a drum…
Well..not sure if you watched any of the marathon “hearing” on Benghazi the other day so I thought I’d talk about it for a bit…not sure what the hell ole Gowdy was thinking by scheduling her…I know, trying to get to the bottom…yadda, yadda…but, from all of the rational analysis, not Fox, she just killed these idiots and made it even more likely to get elected next year…not really what you were trying to do eh, Trey? The problem here is that all of these idiots doing the inquisition live in the right wing bubble where they KNOW that Hillary is guilty of something and if they just keep digging, harder and harder, they will find it…and the sick thing is they have been working on the Clintons since the early 90′s and have not laid a glove on them…the last time…with Whitewater, the repubs spent 60 million dollars of our money and found nothing…and now, just this one committee has spent another 5 million and counting and have found nothing….this is the repubs MO these days…can’t win at the ballot box…so lets do everything else to try to hurt your enemies…I’m tired of it…geez…
More hot water for ole Trey…
Well…just a little short one on the Benghazi czar, ole Trey Gowdy, and the connection of his committee to a super pac that has the sole purpose of defeating Hillary…to keep her from getting the nomination or to defeat her in the general election. Now we find that ole Trey has been coordinating with that super pac and the super pac has been running ads against Hillary….now, what reason would there be for this coordination if the committee was solely focused on getting the “truth” on Benghazi? Never mind that 7 previous investigations have found no blame at all for Hillary…I guess ole Trey thinks HE is the only one in the country that can get to the “real” truth of the matter…the question is why he needs a super pac’s money and advertising to get to the truth….geez…
Trey Gowdy is just so damn dense…
Well…not sure if you have been keeping up on the Benghazi committee and it’s dense, dense, dense chairman, but, I’ll try to do a little of that for you today. and, I’ll use the idiots own words to show how dense and irony challenged this guy is…I am still shaking my head after his response to criticism of his committee hit the news. In the past few days he said this: “I would say in some ways these have been among the worst weeks of my life….attacks on your character, attacks on your motives are 1,000 times worse than you can do to anyone physically…at least it’s true for me..” Okay, everyone have your irony alert working? After this idiot has done nothing for the past two years (longer than the Watergate committee was in session) than attack Hillary’s character and motives, he has the gall to whine about having his fee fees hurt since people have discovered that the entire thing has been a sham…wasting 4.5 million dollars of our money for personal attacks that should be illegal…this is your typical modern repub…small government fans until they can use the government to attack their enemies….hopefully, the media is starting to figure out that just printing the repubs lies are not as profitable as printing the truth…that’s the only thing that will get the media out of the tank for them….
One last thing, Trey…didn’t you notice that your entire state was under water a few weeks back and many people there lost everything? Now, to me, I would think that would be just a little worse than having your little feelings hurt by the bad old dems…
JEB! really and truly is the stupid one…
Well…I know I’ve done a few about ole JEB! and how unintelligent he is…even compared to his idiot brother…but there is a brand, spanking new bit of idiocy that I just had to comment on. As you know, the repubs have been using the murders in Benghazi for years now to attack Hillary while the media has allowed it, even given that 9/11 happened on their watch and they continue to act self-righteously about it in every interview…but, something changed yesterday when ole JEB! was on one of the Sunday talk shows. On CNN Sunday morning ole JEB! was asked this by Jake Tapper: “How do you respond to critics who ask if your brother and his administration bear no responsibility at all for the attacks on 9/11, how do you make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?”
Here is the stunningly stupid answer:
“Well, it the question on Benghazi which is hopefully now finally get the truth to it, is was that, was the place secure? They had a responsibility, the Department of State, to have proper security.”
Trying to dig himself out of the hole he dug, he went on: “It’s what you do after that matters” when it comes to leadership…
That is probably one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard on leadership…you wait for something to happen and then react to it is leadership? I am so glad this idiot will never be president…but the rest of them are no better and none of them will be elected either…so we have that going for us…geez…
The truth by accident…
Well…sometimes the truth comes out of a repub by accident, as it did the other day when Rep Kevin McCarthy admitted that the latest Benghazi! hearings are all just a sham to hurt Hillary Clinton and to ensure she won’t be elected. Now, you know how I feel about this waste of money, this 7th committee that is suppose to “get to the bottom” of what happened in Benghazi…nevermind that the first committee years ago “got to the bottom” of the whole debacle and found that Hillary had nothing to do with it…but that doesn’t matter to these idiots who bitch and bitch about government spending and then spend yours and my tax dollars, millions of them, for a political hit job that should be illegal. But, you and I both know that this is how they operate…no time to do the people’s business but plenty of time to use the government for their own political aims…I’m just getting tired of this crap…and you should, too…geez…
Zombie Benghazi…
Well…how many damn time do you have to kill the Benghazi nonsense before it stays dead? This week, for a fifth time, a commission found that there was no wrongdoing at all in the Benghazi affair…and this should shut the repubs up for a final time but the damn issue is just like zombie…it just won’t stay dead. Just hours after this report was released you had ole Lindsay Graham spouting off that ‘this report is crap” and vowing to rebut every point that agreed with every other report….this is what you get when the right thinks it can create it’s own facts…even when presented with the truth from many sources, if it doesn’t agree with their political spin they can’t believe it or won’t believe it…and will continue to spend yours and my tax dollars to continue with their fantasy “investigation” until…cripes I don’t know where the until even is…what can make delusional people abandon their delusion? Not sure…but, I hope it happens soon…geez…
Benghazi deflated…
Well…I’m not sure if there has been an outbreak of sanity in the repub run house, but the report that just came out of a repub committee investigating Benghazi has released it’s findings in the past couple of days and guess what the result was? No wrongdoing by the administration at all…debunking every talking point that has been pushed by Issa and fox news over the past two years…that’s right..no wrongdoing at all….no stand down order to keep a rescue team from trying to get there…that Susan Rice’s talking points reflected the consensus of the intelligence community at the time…and there was no coverup of any sort….what do you say about that Darrell? After you spent tens of millions of dollars looking for what didn’t exist do you at least have an apology for you incompetence? But, I still don’t think that the delusionists on the right will pay any attention to these facts…after all facts never have meant anything to Issa and his cronies…geez…
All the hypocrites are on the right…
Well…here we go with more kabuki theater on Benghazi…where the repubs are going to spend millions more on what they surely know is a cynical ploy to derail Hillary in 2016…all of the investigations that have been done…20,000 pages of them has said the same thing, yes, it was tragic that 4 Americans lost their lives (in ole GW’s term, there were 15 embassy attacks with 54 killed but not one investigation from the repubs) but the “coverup” or lies or whatever that the repubs think are there just aren’t….and I call hypocrites on this whole nonsense of the right’s newfound outrage that there may be politics involved….let’s go back to one example from ole GW’s term….when Cheney planted a false story with the NY times, and then he and Condi and others went on the Sunday shows saying “see, it must be true…it’s in the Times” and used the false story on the aluminum tubes to gin up the justification for going to war with Iraq…bald faced lies that Cheney and Bush knew were lies a year before they went on tv…where was the outrage then? Where were the investigations then? No where to be seen…in fact, Fox news basically said that it was in the past and it was time to move on….and now these same hypocrites want to spend taxpayer money that could fix a bridge or two on this useless partisan nonsense…I hope they keep it up, the ads will write themselves in the fall…geez…