Well..not sure if you watched any of the marathon “hearing” on Benghazi the other day so I thought I’d talk about it for a bit…not sure what the hell ole Gowdy was thinking by scheduling her…I know, trying to get to the bottom…yadda, yadda…but, from all of the rational analysis, not Fox, she just killed these idiots and made it even more likely to get elected next year…not really what you were trying to do eh, Trey? The problem here is that all of these idiots doing the inquisition live in the right wing bubble where they KNOW that Hillary is guilty of something and if they just keep digging, harder and harder, they will find it…and the sick thing is they have been working on the Clintons since the early 90′s and have not laid a glove on them…the last time…with Whitewater, the repubs spent 60 million dollars of our money and found nothing…and now, just this one committee has spent another 5 million and counting and have found nothing….this is the repubs MO these days…can’t win at the ballot box…so lets do everything else to try to hurt your enemies…I’m tired of it…geez…