Zombie Benghazi…

Well…how many damn time do you have to kill the Benghazi nonsense before it stays dead? This week, for a fifth time, a commission found that there was no wrongdoing at all in the Benghazi affair…and this should shut the repubs up for a final time but the damn issue is just like zombie…it just won’t stay dead. Just hours after this report was released you had ole Lindsay Graham spouting off that ‘this report is crap” and vowing to rebut every point that agreed with every other report….this is what you get when the right thinks it can create it’s own facts…even when presented with the truth from many sources, if it doesn’t agree with their political spin they can’t believe it or won’t believe it…and will continue to spend yours and my tax dollars to continue with their fantasy “investigation” until…cripes I don’t know where the until even is…what can make delusional people abandon their delusion? Not sure…but, I hope it happens soon…geez…

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