Well…I am smiling a little today after seeing that JEB! has dropped out of the race for the repub nomination…finally, this country is coming to it’s senses and making sure there will not be another Bush in the WH…and I grin a little to see that he has spent over 150 million dollars to get to 8 percent of the vote….now that leaves the field full of idiots and crazies…not that it wasn’t before…all I have to say is don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out…geez…
Tag Archives: Jeb Bush
Here comes ole GW….
Well….as you know ole JEB!’s campaign has been floundering with a 6th place finish in Iowa that cost him almost $3,000 per vote given the huge sums of money he spent there…and now, his solution to his moribund campaign? Roll out ole GW (aka the smart one) to campaign for him in south Carolina since the voters there “still think kindly” of him….now, who would roll out a war criminal, worst president in modern history to try to help his campaign? I think this just shows how insulated and delusional the folks in the Bush camp are….they still think GW was a good president, that he didn’t authorize torture, that he and his cronies didn’t crash the economy that we are still digging out from. I welcome ole GW coming out to remind everyone that he was not elected to his first term…that he was installed by the right wingers on the supreme court and then it went downhill from there…what’s next? Bring out Cheney? Just tell him to leave the shotgun at home…or maybe JEB! could get some sympathy if Cheney shot him in the face….I wish I was a comedian, it would just be so easy to write the jokes about this debacle…geez…
JEB! really and truly is the stupid one…
Well…I know I’ve done a few about ole JEB! and how unintelligent he is…even compared to his idiot brother…but there is a brand, spanking new bit of idiocy that I just had to comment on. As you know, the repubs have been using the murders in Benghazi for years now to attack Hillary while the media has allowed it, even given that 9/11 happened on their watch and they continue to act self-righteously about it in every interview…but, something changed yesterday when ole JEB! was on one of the Sunday talk shows. On CNN Sunday morning ole JEB! was asked this by Jake Tapper: “How do you respond to critics who ask if your brother and his administration bear no responsibility at all for the attacks on 9/11, how do you make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?”
Here is the stunningly stupid answer:
“Well, it the question on Benghazi which is hopefully now finally get the truth to it, is was that, was the place secure? They had a responsibility, the Department of State, to have proper security.”
Trying to dig himself out of the hole he dug, he went on: “It’s what you do after that matters” when it comes to leadership…
That is probably one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard on leadership…you wait for something to happen and then react to it is leadership? I am so glad this idiot will never be president…but the rest of them are no better and none of them will be elected either…so we have that going for us…geez…
The VRA and JEB!
Well…as you probably already know, the repubs on the supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act by allowing states to make changes to their voting laws without any supervision by the federal government since “racism in voting is over”…and yesterday, ole JEB! agreed saying he wouldn’t approve the reinstatement of all of the parts of the VRA since “the problems were 60 years ago and are not happening now”. Well…whether JEB! is lying or he is so ignorant of what is going on in this country he should be disqualified from even running for president. As soon as the VRA was gutted, every repub controlled state started to put plans into action to disenfranchise the poor and minorities since they know that the time is coming that they can’t win any elections other than by cheating. No one likes their ideas other than the rich and racists so they institute voter ID, limit when people can vote, and the newest one, where the repubs move the polling places around up until the elections so no one in a majority minority precinct even knows where to vote…all to suppress the voters that will never vote for them. I hate to tell you this JEB! but your party is still doing the same old crap they did 60 years ago and the VRA was needed then since your party has no morals, and it is needed now since they still have no morals…open your frickin eyes, you idiot…geez…
Stuff happens?
Well…another week, another mass shooting leaves more Americans dead…I’m not sure what to think about these things that just keep happening over, and over, and over….but, my reaction is not “stuff happens” which is exactly what ole JEB! responded when asked about the tragedy. Stuff happens?…9 people are dead and JEB! repsonds “stuff happens”…I don’t know what to think about that…a person running for president asked about 9 dead and he just dismisses it with “stuff happens”? I have a theory why he would react that way…he just doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and the rest of people who have allowed him to go through his life detached from reality….just like his brother before him and the rest of the crowd he runs with…they just don’t give a damn…and I am tired of them…and of people dying…I’m just tired….geez…
Jeb truly is the stupid one..
Well..just wanted to do a short one on another idiotic thing that JEB! said in a speech a few days back…the gist of it was the same thing that ole MItt said during his campaign…that the only reason that minorities vote for dems is that they will get “free stuff” from them and won’t have to work for anything…and ole JEB! went on to lecture that they should vote for repubs since they will put policies into place that will let minorities “earn” their way to a better life…right there I started laughing so hard my eyes were watering..this lecture coming from someone who has never “earned” anything in his life that wasn’t given to him by the Bush family connections….has never had to worry where the next meal is coming from or where to get the money to pay for the doctor…and this idiot thinks he can lecture anyone on earning anything? Again…I have had enough of these rich pricks telling working people what their failings are and why they aren’t rich like them…JEB!, you would be an Arby’s manager if it wasn’t for your family…just STFU…geez…
JEB! really is the more stupid one….
Well…just had to make one more comment on the debate last night when ole JEB! praised his idiot younger brother with the lie “he kept us safe”….and I just couldn’t believe the rest of the idiots on stage just let that one go…yeah, JEB! he kept us safe except for the 2,790 people that were killed in the Trade Center and the other 300 Americans that were killed by terrorists during the rest of his terms…and even dumber than that statement is the new tweet that JEB! sent out this morning showing the idiot younger brother standing in the rubble of the WTC with a little JEB! logo in the corner…rubble that included the remains of the dead from those attacks which he disrespected by using the rubble pile for a photo op….I am beginning to wonder if JEB! really has anything between his ears but air….stupid, stupid, JEB!
Magical thinking…
Well…ole JEB! just came out with his tax plan he will enact if he is elected….okay, I know you laughed at that one…and that is something else we are going to laugh at since it is filled with magical thinking and based on the discredited economics that blew up the deficit under ole GW. The entire plan is just more and more tax cuts for business and the rich and makes the assumption (disproved many, many times) that cutting taxes raises revenue; the old Laffer curve nonsense that even Saint Ronnie had to abandon after the deficits exploded…he was even sane enough to follow the evidence after the cuts and to understand that the only way to raise revenue is to raise taxes…something that this new crop of repubs just won’t do with their stupid pledges to Grover Norquist to never raise taxes. I don’t wonder why ole JEB!’s tax plan looks just like his idiot brother’s…they were the fevered dreams of the same set of advisers so with JEB!, you get 4 more years of ole GW…and we know how well that worked out…geez….
JEB! is either stupid or evil…or both…
Well…another day, another bit of stupidity from the supposed “smart” Bush boy and this is starting to show that ole GW might just be the “smart one”….and that is just scary…just the other day, the idiot had to open his mouth since his bubble advisers think that attacking Planned Parenthood is a winning issue, even though more than 80% of the women in this country want the repubs to leave PP alone. But, to appeal to their troglodyte base, ole JEB! has to toe the hard line; destroying any chance he may have had in the general. What ole JEB! said the other day just shows that he is stupid or evil…”I don’t think that PP should get a penny…since they are not doing women’s health issues. They’re involved in something way different than that”. So, JEB! cancer screenings, contraceptive care, Pap tests, and everything else that is done for the millions of women that us PP are not “actually doing women’s health”? This whole thing just shows that ideology trumps women in the eyes of these idiots…that they just don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves…and they are proud of that, they are proud of their ignorance on issues that don’t affect them…JEB!, Just go back to Kennebunkport and leave the rest of us alone…you are one stupid AND evil MF….geez….
JEB! is also a liar….
Well…just a little short one on the jaw-dropping stupidity that is coming out of ole JEB!’s campaign over the past couple of days…with the rise of the Black Lives Matter group and it’s interaction with the various campaigns since they started in earnest, ole JEB! thought he’d get out ahead of it by announcing that he met with BLM in Las Vegas before a speech he did there…only one teeny, tiny little problem with that..it was a lie…he met with some black people and a repub lobbyist but BLM was not there…not one of them..but, ole JEB! thought it was a good idea to lie about it…either that or he thinks that all black people belong to BLM so if he meets with any black person, he has met with BLM….and this guy wants to be president of all of America….what a lying sack he is….just go home, JEB! you are way out of your depth…geez…