Well…another day, another bit of stupidity from the supposed “smart” Bush boy and this is starting to show that ole GW might just be the “smart one”….and that is just scary…just the other day, the idiot had to open his mouth since his bubble advisers think that attacking Planned Parenthood is a winning issue, even though more than 80% of the women in this country want the repubs to leave PP alone. But, to appeal to their troglodyte base, ole JEB! has to toe the hard line; destroying any chance he may have had in the general. What ole JEB! said the other day just shows that he is stupid or evil…”I don’t think that PP should get a penny…since they are not doing women’s health issues. They’re involved in something way different than that”. So, JEB! cancer screenings, contraceptive care, Pap tests, and everything else that is done for the millions of women that us PP are not “actually doing women’s health”? This whole thing just shows that ideology trumps women in the eyes of these idiots…that they just don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves…and they are proud of that, they are proud of their ignorance on issues that don’t affect them…JEB!, Just go back to Kennebunkport and leave the rest of us alone…you are one stupid AND evil MF….geez….