Well…as you probably already know, the repubs on the supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act by allowing states to make changes to their voting laws without any supervision by the federal government since “racism in voting is over”…and yesterday, ole JEB! agreed saying he wouldn’t approve the reinstatement of all of the parts of the VRA since “the problems were 60 years ago and are not happening now”. Well…whether JEB! is lying or he is so ignorant of what is going on in this country he should be disqualified from even running for president. As soon as the VRA was gutted, every repub controlled state started to put plans into action to disenfranchise the poor and minorities since they know that the time is coming that they can’t win any elections other than by cheating. No one likes their ideas other than the rich and racists so they institute voter ID, limit when people can vote, and the newest one, where the repubs move the polling places around up until the elections so no one in a majority minority precinct even knows where to vote…all to suppress the voters that will never vote for them. I hate to tell you this JEB! but your party is still doing the same old crap they did 60 years ago and the VRA was needed then since your party has no morals, and it is needed now since they still have no morals…open your frickin eyes, you idiot…geez…