Well…another week, another mass shooting leaves more Americans dead…I’m not sure what to think about these things that just keep happening over, and over, and over….but, my reaction is not “stuff happens” which is exactly what ole JEB! responded when asked about the tragedy. Stuff happens?…9 people are dead and JEB! repsonds “stuff happens”…I don’t know what to think about that…a person running for president asked about 9 dead and he just dismisses it with “stuff happens”? I have a theory why he would react that way…he just doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and the rest of people who have allowed him to go through his life detached from reality….just like his brother before him and the rest of the crowd he runs with…they just don’t give a damn…and I am tired of them…and of people dying…I’m just tired….geez…