Well…with all of the bad stuff that has been happening with the repubs refusing to their jobs to rein in the idiot in the WH, there has been some good news with the exodus of many, many repubs who see the writing of a dem tsunami coming at them for November. The latest idiot repub to bail is the easy to hate Trey Gowdy, who spent tens of millions of dollars investigating Benghazi only to have to admit at the end that there was nothing to the “scandal”…but we knew that when we heard at the time that one of his cronies on the committee admitted that it was all just to hurt Hillary’s election chances. Now this smarmy little shit is retiring to go back to the “legal system” whatever the hell that means…probably as a trump appointee to the justice department where his incompetence will be a feature and not a bug. All I have to say is good riddance…Trey, you are nothing but a waste of air….