Well…a couple of days ago, I went out on a limb and wrote that I thought our VP pick was going to Time Walz, the governor of Minnesota, and it was just announced that it is Tim…so I was right…if you’ve been here much, you know that this is a pretty rare occurrence but hey, I’ll take it…I think what Walz brings to the ticket is a reinforcement of the progressive values and policies that are really popular in this country and he is a bulldog going after the absurdity that is the idiot boy….and everyone who meets him, likes him and I really think being a nice guy but tough is just what we need to separate us from the weirdos on the right…I cannot wait to see Tim debate Vance and tear him apart…I’m pretty sure that the repubs won’t be able to trot out the old, tired attack line that he is not qualified to be VP…cripes, compare him to Vance who has been a senator for a year and has not accomplished a damn thing…let’s go!
Category Archives: Politics
So now Gorsuch is threatening the country?
Well…I suppose this is the next step for the liars on the SC…just the other day justice Gorsuch went on fox news and talking about the reform proposals that Joe Biden has put forward, he gave the cryptic comment of “be careful”…who to, I don’t know but it sure can’t be the repubs since they are lapping up the lawlessness of the court that just made the idiot trump a king with their immunity ruling…what I think gorsuch is doing is threatening the dems who are really serious about court reform with some kind of retribution or revenge if they actually do reform the court…and this comment is just another in a laundry list of reasons that the court needs to be reformed…just the act of going on the repub propaganda channel, fox news, renders it a political move and that runs afoul of the lax ethics rules that the court is under…never in my life have I ever heard of a SC justice threaten anyone…but with this corrupt court, they never seem to find the bottom…geez…
I think it will be Walz…
Well…we should know in the next couple of days who will be picked to run with VP Harris this fall…from what I’ve read over the past few days, I think Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, is going to be the pick…he has been a true progressive and has been elected to a second term in a walk away but the more important thing is how he can talk to the rural areas of the country to make people understand how the policies of the dems are better for them and the country…and he has no controversies in his resume like Shapiro does with his support of vouchers that steal funding from public schools and that are not supported by the dem public at all…after listening to Walz’s full throated endorsement of VP Harris and his attacks on the idiot, I think he would be a great fit and show the diversity of our party where old white guys still have a place…yeah, that was a joke…I’m an old white guy and I feel like I belong with the dems…go Tim….
That’s not going to work donnie…
Well…damn, this would be funny if it wasn’t so sad…with the idiot trump really afraid of debating Kamala Harris on September 10th and trying out new excuses every day why he won’t debate…so now his latest idea is just announcing that he has agreed with fox news to debate on august 4th but he wants an arena full of his troglodyte followers and it moderated by fox news talking heads…that’s not how it works, donnie…you’ve already agreed to the September 10th debate and Harris is going to be there whether you chair is empty or not…you know this is just a way for weird donnie to get back in the news spotlight after being swamped by Kamala for the past two weeks…and he is so weird that he thinks this is going to work…it may work for your weird followers but everyone else sees through this self serving ploy to avoid getting your ass handed to you by the VP…not gonna work…geez..
310 million dollars in a month…
Well…along with the news that VP Harris is now leading 7 swing state polls comes the tally of money she raised in July and it’s a stunner…310 million dollars…in one month…easily more than double what the orange idiot raised and the cool part is that a large majority of the money was donated by small donors with a lot of first time ones, too…she has raised over a billion dollars so far this year and has almost 400 million still in hand…and guess what that is not going to pay for? Legal bills where most of the idiot’s money has gone since the start of the year…you know, aren’t you tired of the constant chaos that idiot boy is foisting on this country? And casual racism, misogyny, and hate…wouldn’t you love to have a happy person who laughs and smiles and enjoys people…not the transactional asshole who only sees people as something to be used for his own ends…it’s a stark difference and a big part of the choice this fall…happiness, hope, and light or darkness and hate…I choose hope..I hope you do, too…
Egypt bribed the idiot…
Well…gee, I wonder they the media didn’t report on this at all…it seems that Egypt gave the idiot 10 million dollars just before he took office and magically, the US policy toward Egypt changed when idiot boy took over…there was even an investigation that had progressed to being ready to prosecute but Bill Barr shut it down and destroyed all the evidence…so, why isn’t Bill Barr in jail? It all comes down to Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s worst appointment who declined to re-open the case…so let’s hope that Kamala, who was a prosecutor, will think like a prosecutor when she appoints a better AG who will hold everyone accountable and protect the rule of law…how about Jamie Raskin for AG…that would be a good pick…
Has Putin given up on idiot boy?
Well…with the news of the largest prisoner swap since WWII between the US and Russia, the thing that my mind went straight to was “has putin given up on trump?” Why would he give Joe Biden and Kamala Harris a win that they can use to their benefit in the election this fall? Unless he sees what is happening here in the US with the entire dem party getting behind Harris and the enthusiasm is off the charts as is the fundraising…and the polls have started to change with a bright spot of Kamala being ahead here in Michigan by 10 points and pulling even in every other swing state…and that is before the convention that normally gives the candidate a nice bounce…now, getting these Americans who have been illegally detained for years released is a good thing…but there is always a reason for putin doing anything and I think he has given up on trump…it’s about time…geez…
The 2025 project is not going away…
Well…not that the media has picked up on and started to report on the fascism that the 2025 project it includes, the repubs are doing their best to try to convince people that they are abandoning it but it’s all a lie…there are still hundreds of people working behind the scenes to implement it even if the idiot trump loses…so to us on the left, we need to keep the details in the spotlight…like they want to fire all of the government employees who were the bulwark against the worst excesses of trump and his minions and replace them all with trump loyalists to ensure that nothing good happens for the people anymore…it’s just another spin on the theme that the government can’t do anything right especially when unqualified repubs are put in jobs that need expertise…then they point and say “see, government doesn’t work” so then they cut everything that benefits workers and protect their health and the environment…that is a big part of the 2025 project…to get rid of all regulations that protect us and make us vulnerable to the whims of big corporations…and that’s just part of it…and it is very much alive…geez…
A criminal conspiracy?
Well…as we saw in real time, there was a conspiracy against Joe Biden by all of the major news media in this country that got him to drop out of the race…and now a few of the dems in the House are talking about holding hearings if they take back the house this fall to see if it was a criminal conspiracy where the billionaire owners of the media actually colluded to lie about Joe…now that would be a good use of hearings in the house…but it needs to go farther than that…the house needs to look at the consolidation in the news industry where the murdochs own way too many newspapers and tv so they can actually make what is news and not just report it…and goes for sinclair, too…and we need to go back to the days when you could get fined for lying on tv or any other media…and don’t give me the bullshit that lying is protected by the first amendment…there can be limits to what the first amendment protects such as hate speech…geez…
SC reform…
Well…with the moist corrupt supreme court in history shredding the constitution almost ever damn day, I was pleasantly surprised that Joe announced his plan for reform of the SC that Kamala is completely behind…first, they want to pass a constitutional amendment to would eliminate immunity for crimes a president commits while in office…term limits for justices on the SC of 18years with new appointments every two years…and a binding code of conduct for the supreme court that will bring them in line with every other federal judge…this is a good start and is supported by 70% of the American people…and Alito and Thomas have one but themselves to blame for their corruption being reigned in…just like every other repub, these asses think the law and rules don’t apply to repubs but they are going to find out that it does…maybe they will retire to avoid the rules and continue to grift? Hope so…geez…