Well…if you’ve been following the Alito flag scandal for the past couple of weeks and the scarce coverage in the media, you would think “no big deal” but you would be wrong…Jay Kuo adds a bunch of context over on substack and it is just so much worse…and Alito should be impeached or resign…just for his rulings on standing in cases, where he always rules for conservatives 100% of the time and rejects claims of standing 100% of the time for liberal claimants…and by doing that, he is pushing the far right wish lists every day in the court…and the law specifies that he has to recuse himself in cases dealing with people he knows but he never has…like for the January 6th attackers or trump for that matter…and in a secret interview that was taped this past week, he makes it clear that he is the most biased judge on any bench by stating that the left can’t be bargained with, they have to be “defeated” and he is doing his part on the bench….any other judge in any other time would have impeached and convicted for what alito has already done…and for what he promises to do if he can help install trump again…let use this as a rallying cry and in ads for this fall…I’ll bet a lot of independents would go for removing thomas and alito if we win in the fall…let’s get it done…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
This is pretty funny…
Well…after being convicted of 34 felonies, the idiot trump is now in the system and that starts with meeting with his probation officer today…and she is a black woman and I think it’s going to drive him nuts since she’ll be running the show…and one of the question will be if he has been associating with people who have been convicted of a crime which would violate the terms of his release…I wonder how he can avoid that since almost everyone associated with him have been convicted of various crimes? Then she is going to ask about other crimes in his background along with any other things that could affect his sentence…one of the things I just hate is that he always seems to get special treatment like having his lawyer present and letting him do the interview on zoom from his tacky Florida golf club…and he is supposed to be drug tested but that’s a little tough to do from 1,200 miles away so more special treatment…I wonder if you can commit perjury in one of these interviews? He does lie about everything after all…geez…
Of course they did…
Well…I’m really starting to hate the media and it’s blatant trying to tear down Jo Biden and push for the asshole trump…and the latest incident was the Time magazine interviews of both men this past week and it was revealed that Joe took the hard questions and breezed through it cogently with no gaffes that the rest of the media was hoping to have happen…but the big reveal was that when they interviewed idiot boy, they dumbed the questions down and selectively edited his answers to make them try to make sense…now they have been doing the crap for years at his fascist rallies…when you see a transcript of any of them, he sounds dumber than a box of rocks and bare makes sense…and he glitches all the time where he just stands there for a minute staring blankly at the crowd…and they think Joe is too old? And now the publishers at both the Washington Post and the NYT are straight from right wing propaganda outlets and they are transforming those two papers into fox news in print…and I can’t stand it…geez…
Attacking Dolly Parton?
Well…how stupid are the people who run the right wing rag “The Federalist”? Stupid enough to attack Dolly Parton, that’s how much…and they called her interpretation of christianity a “false gospel” because she doesn’t hate gay people…now these pretend christians are going after her because she said she loved everybody…look, there is probably not many people who have done more good than Dolly…supporting the LGBTQ community with no reservations, distributed hundreds of million of books to children, and living a life to be emulated…something that the haters are jealous of…and one of the attacks was that Dolly has said that she doesn’t judge people and the Federalist assholes turned that into a “get out of jail free card” and a way to “sidestep” addressing sin directly…and what these assholes are calling a sin is being gay…something only the maga folks think…so, shut the hell up you right wing assholes…no one wants to hear your bullshit…geez…
Got them on record…
Well…with the religious zealots in the repub party getting what they wanted with the overturning of Roe, their next step in getting total control of women’s bodies is to enact laws that would ban contraceptives of any sort…yeah, you read that right…the repubs want to make sure that women can’t protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies using the lies that birth control is an “abortifactant” that kills millions of unborn babies…and they are also lying about their goal, saying that they don’t support a national contraception ban…so Chuck Schumer got them on record yesterday by putting protection of contraception access to a vote in the senate…and as he knew, every damn repub voted against it since even the “moderate” repub senators are still maga assholes that go out of their way to hurt women…so now we will see hundreds of ads telling the truth about these troglodytes and their hatred of women…and it’s about time…geez…
Idiot boy is really losing it…
Well…as the idiot trump spirals down into insanity, we get to go along for the ride even though we don’t want to…and just today he fell off the cliff of retaliation for the jury in NY finding him guilty of 34 felonies when he said if he is elected he will put Jill Biden in jail…you know, the wife of Joe Biden and a person who has committed no crimes…look, this crap needs to be pushed back against and right now and the media needs to stop saying “that’s just donald being donald”…it’s a convicted felon threatening the first lady of this country and the secret service needs to step in right now and pay this asshole a visit…people have gone to jail for threatening the president or first lady before and it needs to happen to the idiot and today…I just want trump gone from public life…he has defiled this country for far too long…cripes he destroyed the repub party and the repubs still follow him since they too like being assholes…they always were but now he has given them permission to do it openly…make him go away…geez…
Well…today Merrick Garland testified in the clown show of the house run by the repubs today and it wasn’t pretty…for the repubs…Garland called gaetz a liar to his face and that Joe Biden had nothing to do with the 34 felonies that idiot boy was convicted of…and then gaetz just got up and left after his time was up since it was all just grandstanding bullshit from him and all of the repubs as they try to figure out a way to spin the convictions and kiss idiot boy’s ass…I have been asking for this kind of thing for a long time and Garland brought it when he schooled gaetz like a toddler, explaining to him that the WH has no authority over the STATE courts in NY where the idiot was convicted…contrast that with what Joe Biden hasn’t said as his only remaining son goes on trial today…no “rigged courts” no “proffering of a pardon”, no attacks on the prosecutor or the courts in general…all things that idiot boy is still doing…so don’t tell me that both candidates are the same…geez…
Why do you think they are spinning so hard?
Well…after the orange idiot got convicted of 34 felonies last week, the right wing propaganda machine went into high gear trying to convince the public and especially the maga assholes that being convicted is a good thing and that it was a”rigged” trial…why do you think they are spinning so hard? Polls that were done after the conviction have shown that yes, being a convicted felon is not a good thing when you’re running for office…especially since even a good portion of repubs think he should drop out of the race…and our side hasn’t even run any ads yet focused on the undecided voters using the convictions as the topic…and once we start educating the people on what the repubs have planned if they take over the government…hint: it’s full fascism…and once it’s explained, even the maga don’t like it….so, it’s looking better for us and it will be even better once idiot boy is sentenced July 11th…;geez…
Stupid trump lawyers..
Well…you know that any lawyer who will work for the idiot trump is not too bright since he or she is never getting paid…and the stupidity of the lead lawyer in the 34 felonies case that idiot boy was convicted of on Thursday is breathtaking…when asked why they didn’t call more witnesses to defend trump, this moron said because the prosecution didn’t call them…now, can he be so stupid to think he has to wait for the state to call witnesses? That’s what it appears from the excerpt of the interview that I saw…and let’s remember who this guy is…he dumped a partnership at the oldest NY law firm to go to work for idiot boy…and the partners each made almost 5 million dollars last year…so this moron’s judgement is suspect even before this interview….geez…
No security clearance for you…
Well…as I talked about yesterday, a convicted felon can’t get a security clearance so guess who that is? You guessed it, the idiot trump…and it was reported this morning that normally, when a person is selected to be a major party candidate for president, they start getting classified briefings and get looks at classified documents…but that’s not going to happen with idiot boy…and it really shouldn’t just be the fact that he is a multiple felon…look what he did the last time he had access to those kinds of documents…he stole the damn things and who knows what he did with them…we know for sure that he showed them to multiple people who didn’t have any security clearance at all…and I think Joe Biden did the country a favor when he cut off his access to briefings after idiot boy was out of office…and lets remember that at least 75% of the world won’t let a convicted felon in…so is he going to do zoom meetings with world leaders…the whole damn thing is just so ridiculous….geez…