Well…have been ruminating over the HL decision now for a few days and have seen the true idiocy of the right come out…why do we who have no religion have to follow some ancient superstitions that other people believe in? Where is our freedom and liberty that the right is always screaming about? Oh, I guess it’s THEIR freedom and liberty to force that superstitious nonsense on the rest of the country…and this was really brought home by a tweet by Erick Ericson, on of the supposed great thinkers on the right that said “my religion trumps your right to have recreational sex”…..how sick is that? And, explain to me how that is different from the Taliban or other religious extremists and their edicts that try to control the behavior of the women that live in those countries? One of things I see here is that the religious extremists are trying to carve out their exemptions to law since they are losing the war….the country is leaving these idiots behind and they know that their bigotry and disdain for the rights of women are going to be on the losing side within a few years; we are going to look back and see this as the death throes of the political part of the religious right…all we have to do is vote…if women turn out we win, if minorities turn out, we win….if rational people turn out, we win…so let’s not wait any longer…let’s win this year and start returning this country to facts…not superstitious nonsense…geez