Mitt is just an idiot…

Well…I laughed my butt off today when I saw the latest pivot from ole Mitt…since his meme that his business experience makes him qualified to be president has been widely discredited by the Obama campaign’s attacks on his years at Bain, we now have ole Mitt changing his focus to his time as governor and the supposed great things he did then. One of the lines that he used in a recent speech is that “he created more jobs than Obama has”…I guess no one in the repub party reminded him of their talking point that government can’t create jobs…what is it, Mitt? Does government help create jobs or not? This just exposes the lie that ole Mitt bought into and shows that he has flip-flopped again. One other point that he made in the same speech was that while he was governor, housing prices went up…of course they did, moron, they went up everywhere until the crash of 2008…now he’s taking credit for it? I am just exasperated that this guy is still in the race…the only way he was ever successful was when he started ahead of everyone else…in money, name recognition, and connections…we all should be so lucky…geez…

Can’t let this one go…

Well…I rarely repeat myself here but today I really feel the need to, I need to go back to Romney’s tax plan and the fallout of the Tax Policy Center’s analysis of it. I just love the fact that Obama has finally found out how to take some wind out of the “trust me” crap that Romney is peddling and is forcing him to respond to facts…something that the repubs really can’t do since they don’t believe in them. To recap, the TPC has stated that there are only two outcomes possible form ole Mitt’s plan, either he will raise taxes on the middle class and poor to pay for his tax cuts for the rich, or he will explode the deficit. Ole Mitt’s campaign has complained that the TPC’s analysis is flawed since it doesn’t have the details of his plan included but they have a problem since they have not released the details of the plan, instead doing what all repub candidates do; lie or stay vague so the real effects of the policies can’t be determined by the voters…just like ole Walker did in Wisconsin and like Snyder did here in Michigan. So, I have to applaud the new Obama tactic of calling him out on this vagueness since once the real effects are known, no one but his base will vote for ole Mitt…maybe there is hope after all…

August 3rd

Well….it was a day yesterday and a cocktail night so I’m running a little late and slow today…they dis shut the air off upstairs yesterday so I had a night with no earplugs and that was good….I do feel a little crappy this morning but I may have something to look forward to with lunch with T possible…okay, going back to the couch to watch a show..back later for more…

Gonna pick on the Fed a little today…

Well…this one is going to be something that probably very few really care about…that is the inaction of the Fed to do anything to get the economy moving again. I wonder if they understand that one of their jobs is to try to ensure full employment? With inflation falling to almost deflationary levels, what the hell are they waiting for? Before everything in government became politicized, the Fed would have looked at the anemic job and GDP growth a few months back and done some easing to put more money into the economy, but this fed, and Bernanke seem more concerned that they look like they are favoring one party over the other which leads to inaction on their part that is unconscionable…they should have their foot on the pedal until inflation hits at least 4-5% and we have a sustainable recovery…not the fake recovery we have been in for the last two years. Can’t anyone think anymore? I knew what to do after my basic econ class in my first year of college…what’s their excuse? Geez….

August 2nd

Well…it was a long day yesterday waiting for the maint guy to come and he never did so I am a little irritated about that…so, that meant another night of fitful sleep with getting up at 4:30…so I am worn out today and will need to take a nap later..or not…almost the same thing happened yesterday and there was no nap but I still stayed up until after midnight. What the heck does that mean? Nothing, really,…I did get this place cleaned up waiting for the guy so that was a plus…but it does disrupt my day and I didn’t get a bike ride in so that is making me a little cranky…and I do need to do the grocery run today and that is going to happen early so I can come back here and wait some more….not a good outlook for the day but you have to do what you have to do…more later…

The numbers don’t lie…

Well…sitting here waiting for the maint guy to come so I thought I’d comment on the tax plan being put forth by ole Mitt…in an analysis done by the non-partisan Brookings Institute and the Tax Policy Center shows that this reverse Robin Hood plan would shift even more of the tax burden from the rich to the middle class and poor…and, on top of that, would increase the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars a year…and it would shift the tax burden by 86 billion dollars a year from those making more than 200K a year to those that make less…essentially making the workers pay to subsidize the rich who already pay less of a percentage of their income than they’ve paid in 80 years. As you can see, ole Mitt is not serious in trying to fix the problems of the US, is not serious in trying to fix the infrastructure and schools that we need…he is only interested in stealing more for the rich…if you want your taxes increased, vote for Mitt….geez…

August 1st

Well….it was an okay day yesterday with going out for a couple with G but then I was good when I got home so I feel okay…other than the allergies whacking me in the head and sleeping only a couple of hours. But, I said I wasn’t going to bitch about that anymore so I won’t…the Olympics are tiring me out some but there were some good stories last night and that was a little fun…I do need to get some stuff done today so I’m going to stop here since I am already running late….I will be back for more today since ole Mitt is just a one man comedy show and I do need to comment on some of it….

Last one for the month…maybe…

Well….they say that laughter can make you live years longer, if that’s true, I have to thank ole Mitt for extending my life for many, many more years with his gaffe filled overseas trip. Then, he forgot that there are other news organizations other than the fawning propaganda experts over at Fox and the fact that he is going to have to answer questions from people who want the truth…not the daily talking points. This idiot then even went on Fox to bitch about his missteps being covered instead of what he thinks they should cover….then, there was the column by Eugene Robinson that touched on the same theme I have touched on here many times…the fact that ole Mitt is so arrogant when it comes to his “accomplishments”, thinking that anyone should be able to do what he did no matter how they started out in life…no matter that he has been wealthy his whole life and used his daddy’s connections and his friends money to start Bain where he gutted companies for his own personal profit. It is like many of the rich that I have crossed paths with during my life…they just can’t understand why everyone can’t be a ceo of a family company, or can’t understand that it takes more than a year or so to go from an entry level job to vice president….it’s like these people are aliens…geez…

Surprised by the Detroit News…

Well…Imagine my shock this morning when I opened the Detroit News (a staunchly conservative repub paper) and found an article by a Nobel prize winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz, who destroyed the normal repub arguments for their economic plan of cuts and austerity by the use of facts and history…something that will fall on deaf ears on the right but was still surprising to see in their propaganda rag. He went on to stress something that I have been harping on for almost the past two years that the concentration of wealth in the top 1% distorts the economy and is the primary factor why the economy is not recovering…because the people who would spend the money no longer have it…and that lowers the aggregate demand in the economy…again, something that I have been saying for a long time…that no business is going to add jobs until demand rises and the top 1% can’t spend as much as the middle class would if they had the money that the top has stolen by rigging the system….in this era of opinion and ideology that replaces objective facts, I am starting to lose hope that things will ever change…geez…

July 31st

Well…that was a long night even thought I didn’t get to bed until after one and have been up since 5:30….feel really run down today and have so no energy at all so this could be a long one….it is the end of the month and one of my son’s birthdays today so I’ll have to remember to text him later today…the allergies are in full force today, again, and my head feels like it’s filled with cement again so maybe that is part of the lack of energy? Whatever it is, I’m heading back to the couch right now and will be back later for two more to get to the goal…

What you never want to be….