Well…I laughed my butt off today when I saw the latest pivot from ole Mitt…since his meme that his business experience makes him qualified to be president has been widely discredited by the Obama campaign’s attacks on his years at Bain, we now have ole Mitt changing his focus to his time as governor and the supposed great things he did then. One of the lines that he used in a recent speech is that “he created more jobs than Obama has”…I guess no one in the repub party reminded him of their talking point that government can’t create jobs…what is it, Mitt? Does government help create jobs or not? This just exposes the lie that ole Mitt bought into and shows that he has flip-flopped again. One other point that he made in the same speech was that while he was governor, housing prices went up…of course they did, moron, they went up everywhere until the crash of 2008…now he’s taking credit for it? I am just exasperated that this guy is still in the race…the only way he was ever successful was when he started ahead of everyone else…in money, name recognition, and connections…we all should be so lucky…geez…