Well….they say that laughter can make you live years longer, if that’s true, I have to thank ole Mitt for extending my life for many, many more years with his gaffe filled overseas trip. Then, he forgot that there are other news organizations other than the fawning propaganda experts over at Fox and the fact that he is going to have to answer questions from people who want the truth…not the daily talking points. This idiot then even went on Fox to bitch about his missteps being covered instead of what he thinks they should cover….then, there was the column by Eugene Robinson that touched on the same theme I have touched on here many times…the fact that ole Mitt is so arrogant when it comes to his “accomplishments”, thinking that anyone should be able to do what he did no matter how they started out in life…no matter that he has been wealthy his whole life and used his daddy’s connections and his friends money to start Bain where he gutted companies for his own personal profit. It is like many of the rich that I have crossed paths with during my life…they just can’t understand why everyone can’t be a ceo of a family company, or can’t understand that it takes more than a year or so to go from an entry level job to vice president….it’s like these people are aliens…geez…