Category Archives: Politics

Impeach Rosenstein?

Well…I’m sure you’ve heard by now of the latest nonsense coming out of house repubs…yesterday two of these idiots filed articles of impeachment against Rod Rosenstein for doing his job investigating the crimes of trump and his cronies. The biggest laugh about this whole thing is that one of the guys pushing it is Jim Jordan, you know, the guy who was a coach at Ohio State and looked the other way as hundreds of athletes were molested by a team doctor there…and Jordan knew this was going on…at least 10 of these athletes told Jordan what was going on and he just ignored them…so to have him have a hissy fit about Rosenstein is just a laffer…he should be in jail right now and he may yet be charged with a felony for his part in the scandal. Another reason that these charges have been filed now is that these guys are heading back to their districts to try to raise money for their campaigns…and, what has been shown is that attacking Rosenstein is a money maker for repubs…so, take it all with a grain of salt…these articles will never see the floor of the house…it’s all just theater…impeach…

trump and his cronies are just the worst…

Well…not in the mood to do a long one right now so I’m just going to do a few quick hitters…it was just announced that the WH won’t provide transcripts of the idiot trump’s calls with foreign leaders anymore…damn, what are they trying to hide? Even the repubs don’t like the 12 billion dollar bailout of farmers that idiot boy is planning, especially since all the problems were caused by the idiot in the first place…maybe now they’ll take that power away from him? Now idiot boy is planning on a 25% tariff on imported cars wherever they’re from…economists have already said this could cost thousands of jobs here and is already prompting Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes to stop investing here since tariffs put on the US by other countries have raised their cost so much it just doesn’t pay to invest here anymore….this is just a few of examples of all the damage being done by the idiot in the WH….how’s all that winning now? Impeach…

Well she’s going out of business…everything must go

Well…as soon as I read that Ivanka’s clothing company is shutting down after many, many stores fled once they got a true picture of the trump family and how terrible she is and they are….the line from Steely Dan that I used for the title immediately popped into my head and I knew I had to use it. By the way, it’s from the song “Everything Must Go” from the album (yeah, I’m that old) Everything Must Go. It appears that it’s just another trump going bankrupt again and stiffing her employees which is the trump MO…she’ll run away with the money she has been siphoning off or her golden parachute and hundreds of people will be out of jobs….objectively, these are the worst people in the world…to borrow from Keith again…good riddance….

Buying votes with tariff bailouts…

Well…if it wasn’t bad enough that the idiot trump is killing jobs across this country with his idiotic tariffs, he is now planning to spend 12 billion of our dollars to bail out his buddies that have been hurt by the tariffs. Yep, you heard that right…we can’t afford to spend 6 billion dollars to keep the Children’s Health Insurance Program going, but we can spend twice that to pay for trump’s stupid mistake of starting a ‘winnable” trade war. The deal here is that trump’s support in the midwest is cracking when thousands of farmers have seen their profits plummet with the retaliation of our trading partners and the tit for tat tariffs that they have put on American farm products…China has gone so far as to stop buying American soybeans which has made the price plunge below the profitability line…so trump has to buy back their votes with corporate welfare that will insulate them from the tariff’s effects…hmmm…I wonder if they are going to drug test the recipients of these payments…they are doing it with poor welfare recipients, I think they should do it to these corporate welfare queens, too….god, these guys are stupid…impeach….

Devin Nunes is proven to be a liar…

Well…as you probably already know, Devin Nunes is a liar…and all of his lying has been trying to protect trump from Muellers investigation any way he can. He really thought that he could get away with it since the evidence was classified and he never thought anyone else would ever see it…but, guess what Devie? The FISA warrant information on Carter Page that little Devie said was illegal has just been released due to a FOIA request, and even though a lot of it is redacted, it proves that every rule was followed and there were many sources of evidence that were presented to three different judges and they were convinced to issue the warrants. It wasn’t just the Steele Dossier as little Devie lied that it was….it was a years long investigation that the FBI had done since Page went out of his way to highlight his Russian connections. So, now we know that little Devie is a big liar and has been lying about almost everything since he first opened his lying mouth…why don’t you just resign before the FBI and Mueller come for you? Can anyone say perp walk?

Now we know how they did it…

Well….with the revelation of what was stolen from the dems before the 2016 election, we now know how the trumpsters cheated to win the election. The media has been harping on the fact that there were e-mails stolen from the dems by Russian intelligence agents and that they were leaked by wikileaks, but the latest, and most important fact is that they also stole internal analytics from the dems that was basically a road map of how they were going to run their campaign. After this theft happened, the trump campaign magically changed their entire strategy of where to buy ads and when to buy them…and, you have to remember that they just needed to change or suppress 77,000 votes across three states to win the electoral college…and that is out of almost 20 million people in those states. Now we know how they did it…and Mueller knows, too, so these guys are going down and it can’t come too soon for me…what a damn bunch of traitors the repubs are…and we need to continue to call them traitors….Watergate was a molehill compared to this mountain of treason…impeach…

Now we know what the meeting was about…

Well…now we know what the meeting that the treasonous idiot had with Putin was about…it was announced today (by the Russians) that trump has agreed to let Russia keep the Crimea and the parts of the Ukraine that it has invaded….treasonous enough for you repubs? This is exactly what happens when an idiot goes up against a hardened spy….and then fox news tries to spin it by saying that trump gave Putin just what he wanted so he would, pretty please, not interfere in our elections anymore. Now, this is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard….you don’t reward a tyrant and ask him not to screw with your country…you tell him in no uncertain terms that he will pay if he continues and then you sanction the hell out of him personally if he doesn’t learn…trump is such a damn amateur at diplomacy and it daily looks like he really does care more about not hurting his buddy Putin’s feeling than protecting the US from foreign attacks…I’ve had enough of his bullshit…your move repubs, is this treasonous enough for you? Impeach…

Traitors all….

Well…after the idiotic one on one meeting that trump had last week where there was no other American than his interpreter, we have the Russians announcing that were all kinds of verbal agreements made that are essentially a wish list for them..but how would we know what idiot boy agreed to? The only person that knows is the interpreter and the dems made the reasonable request to have her come in front of congress and tell them what the hell went on and why trump had to have it secret…but, just as the rest of the repubs, the traitors in the House are blocking the dems from even talking to her for no reason other than they can…and to protect trump at all costs…even at the cost of the country. As the Mueller investigation continues, it is becoming more and more clear that damn near everyone in the repub party conspired with the Russians to steal the election and we need to get out to vote in November to save this country from these traitors….these are your repub “patriots” folks…and every damn one of them need to go to jail….

Is this treason?

Well…I know, I know….it just continues to get worse with the idiot, treasonous trump…the latest? He is considering handing over two American citizens to putin for “questioning” (which in Russian means torturing and killing) one, a former ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul and the other is a businessman who successfully lobbied for the Magnitsky act that sanctioned Putin and his thugs…let that sink in for a minute…the person who is supposed to protect Americans is considering handing over two American citizens to the Russians based on a conspiracy theory and the fact that they both opposed putin…and you know what happens to people who oppose putin…they end up dead. Is this finally enough for you, repubs…is proposing to let Russia murder two citizens enough? If not, what would be enough? Get off your asses and impeach this asshole…now! Impeach…

This is treason, you idiots…

Well…I’m sure you have heard or actually seen the debacle of a press conference that the idiot trump and putin had yesterday where trump threw the US under the bus by attacking the Intelligence community here and basically saying everything that putin wanted him to say… and attacking the EU and NATO earlier in the week, gifting putin with everything he has wanted for years, driving a wedge between the US and our European allies. So now, is this enough for you, repubs…this is treason you idiots! The attack on our IC was justified by idiot boy by saying that he asked putin if Russia attacked our election and Putin told him “strongly” that Russia hadn’t…and of course that is good enough for trump, the traitor that he is…but that was not the end of his cringeworthy  behavior…he then went on about the DNC servers and told putin his suggestion that he be able to interrogate people on Mueller’s team was a “good idea” and would try to make that happen. Now, we have a president who is going to try to help an enemy derail the investigation into their own interference into our election by intimidating the investigators…..”but, but, but, her e-mails” I hate all of you on the right who have foisted this illegitimate fraud on this country and continue to support him just so you can get more tax cuts for the rich…impeach…