Category Archives: Politics

Typical repub crap in NC…

Well…with the outcry by business for the repubs in NC to repeal the discriminatory HB2, the response today from the repub legislators there is just so damn typical…they won’t listen to their constituents or to the businesses that want the law gone but they will threaten businesses that are speaking out…who are exercising their first amendment right to speak out against the law with legislation that will retaliate against these business in any way they can…by rescinding tax breaks and any other means that they used to draw these businesses to their state….something that is blatantly illegal under the US constitution…but, as we have know for some time, no constitution means anything to them unless they can use it to hate and punish people they don’t like…if you had any question what the repubs are about, just look at the states they control…they operate like the thugs they are in every one of them…and NC is just the latest example….geez…

More Donald….

Well….have been looking for a political topic all day…I am just so tired of writing about the idiot Trump that I couldn’t bring myself to do another one today…okay….maybe just a little….one of the idiot’s comments over the past day or so, pandering to the hard right religious nuts, is that he will appoint at least 5 SC justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade and make abortion illegal here in the US. Now, there are so many ways that this is wrong…first, there is no way that 4 more justices are going to retire or die in the next 4 years…and, to overturn Roe, the court would have to ignore the precedent of Roe…not that that hasn’t happened under Roberts, just look at Citizens United, that overturned hundreds of years of precedent. But the second thing we have to look at is this complete banning of abortion is only supported by about 25% of the US and if ole Donald continues to press that it is what he will do with his SC picks, he is doomed by voters who think that is not the governments business to make health care decisions for women and take away their rights to control their own bodies. Okay…this one was not supposed to be about Donald…just got sucked into it…darn….

Holy whiplash, Batman….

Well…if you are going to pay any attention to Trump and this campaign, I think you’d better stock up on neck braces to keep the whiplash from him changing his mind from hurting too much. The latest two just point out that ole Donald is just making crap up as he goes along with not one care about consistency….or as the repubs are so fond of saying “uncertainty” and the Huuuge effect it has on markets and our allies. First, over the weekend, we had the Donald say that he would have to raise taxes on the rich to make his economic “plan” work…and not more than two hours later, on another show, he said the he would never raise taxes on the rich….and just yesterday he said that Ben Carson was going to be the person vetting his VP choices…but today, ole Donald’s campaign manager said that he would be the one vetting the picks….yep…surprise, surprise…the Donald is an inconsistent blow hard who just makes it up and tells people what they want to hear with absolutely no care that, in at least one of the instances, he is lying through his teeth…but, I guess in the modern repub party, that is the game plan…promise people one thing, and then go hard right once you are elected…worked for Snyder here in Michigan and Walker in Wisconsin….but it is supposed to be kept secret until after the election…something that Donald just can’t do…geez…

Trump doesn’t represent the repub party?

Well…now that old Donald has just about locked up the repub nomination…the spooked establishment repubs and many, many of the repubs up for election this fall are running away from him like crazy…even going so far as to not mention his name…just saying ‘the nominee” instead of Trump’s name. The meme of the whole thing is that “Trump and what he said in the primaries doesn’t represent the repub party” and that you should still vote for the rest of the repubs that are running….yeah…doesn’t represent the repub party when he won the nomination? And, the majority of the rank and file repubs voted for him? The repub party is exactly the misogynist, homophobic, “other” hating party that they appear…and they have been using this hate  to win elections for the past 40 years…but now that the elites of the party can’t control the hate they have spawned and that’s how they got Trump…who threw away the dog whistles and shouted that hatred from every podium starting with his announcement speech. So now, we have the repub party laid bare to expose what they have been about all along…and the base has been released by Trump to openly spew the hatred that has always been just under the surface…you reap what you sow idiots….geez…

Bye, bye Teddy….

Well…I am reacting to the news that ole Ted Cruz has dropped out of the repub primary with just a little too much glee today…nope, there is not enough glee in the world to react properly to this much hated asshole dropping out of the race….I had gotten so tired of his theocracy based ideas on governance and his hatred of the LGBT community…hatred that led to his downfall in Indiana and put the final nail in this vampire’s coffin. All I have to say to this is good riddance…what kind of a person is proud that no one likes him, that his colleagues called him Lucifer and the most miserable son of a bitch in Congress? Bye, bye, Teddy…don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…..or do…I just don’t give a damn….

Food fight on the right….

Well…I have been grinning all day today with the food fight that has broken out between the Donald and ole Ted Cruz over the past few days…or maybe just today…the whole thing started when the Donald quoted a less than believable story from the National Enquirer that placed Ted’s father with Oswald just before the JFK assassination…and then Donald just had to extrapolate that to mean the ole Ted’s father was partially responsible for the assassination….of course, that just was too much for ole Ted and he just blew and started talking about Donald’s venereal diseases and calling him a pathological liar, utterly amoral and the biggest narcissist ever…..adding that the country will be destroyed if Donald or Hillary get elected…now this is just another facet of what I wrote about the other day…how ole Ted just won’t be able to deal with losing…especially to the Donald and this is the manifestation of that….he is melting before our eyes and I am reveling in it…he is, after all, the worst person in the world…geez…

Poor Teddy…

Well…I wonder what must it be like to be inside ole ted Cruz’s head today…when it is looking more and more like he will lose the nomination to the Donald tomorrow…and ole Ted was just sure that he was going to be president and that he was by far the best person for it….this is going to be a massive case of cognitive dissonance and it is going to be fun to watch him try to accept that no one wanted him other than the other religious nuts out there. Now poor Teddy is going to have to go back to the senate that is going to be controlled by the dems and try to stuff his huge ego back inside that small, small building….I, for one, am going to revel in seeing his certainty shattered and see him walk off the national stage…good riddance, Teddy….

Short and funny…

Well…yeah, I know it looks like I’m just trying to make sure I make the goal for the month but this little article I just read made me laugh out loud…as you know, John Boehner made the comment the he thinks the Ted Cruz is Lucifer embodied…and now, in a predictable reaction, a few of the satanist organizations in the US are taking offense with that comparison, saying that comparing Satan to Ted Cruz or saying that he is Lucifer disparages Satan and they won’t stand for it and want an apology…yeah, I know, this whole complaint is pretty tongue in cheek but I still think it’s pretty funny….not sure if there is a more hated person in the US….even more than Satan…yow….

More NC…

Well…I know I’ve written about North Carolina an their stupid bill  that allows discrimination against the LGBT community…that’s stupid enough that they passed this thing, but with the financial fallout reaching almost a hundred million dollars and counting, you would think that the idiot legislators there would have some feeling for the people who are losing their jobs just so the extremists there can hate…but you would be wrong to think that…just the other day, one of the chief haters responsible for the legislation just blew at the question of job and financial losses, just saying that he basically didn’t give a damn if “liberal” companies left the state and that tourists stopped coming…completing that thought with the real reason for the bill…to keep NC “straight” not to protect women as they lied the reason for it was…typical repub asshollery….they don’t care about anyone’s job but their own….I don’t like it when people lose their jobs but they elected these clowns…maybe now they will think about who they vote for…geez…

This is too funny…

Well…as you know if you have read anything about Ted Cruz, that he is one of the most hated people who has ever been elected to Congress…and this was borne out today with comments when John Boehner was asked his opinion of ole Ted…and, this is a direct quote… “Lucifer in the flesh”…”I never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life…and I have been able to get along with most everyone…”  that just made me laugh out loud…I wonder how “Lucifer in the flesh…and the most miserable son of a bitch” would get along with the rest of the government if he got elected? Never mind that he would be in charge of foreign policy and dealing with the rest of the world…he can’t even get along with anyone here so why would he be any better at that? I am just laughing how ole Ted thinks that people hate him because he fights against Washington and the “establishment”…he is hated because he is a sanctimonious asshole….nothing more than that….geez…