Well…now that old Donald has just about locked up the repub nomination…the spooked establishment repubs and many, many of the repubs up for election this fall are running away from him like crazy…even going so far as to not mention his name…just saying ‘the nominee” instead of Trump’s name. The meme of the whole thing is that “Trump and what he said in the primaries doesn’t represent the repub party” and that you should still vote for the rest of the repubs that are running….yeah…doesn’t represent the repub party when he won the nomination? And, the majority of the rank and file repubs voted for him? The repub party is exactly the misogynist, homophobic, “other” hating party that they appear…and they have been using this hateĀ to win elections for the past 40 years…but now that the elites of the party can’t control the hate they have spawned and that’s how they got Trump…who threw away the dog whistles and shouted that hatred from every podium starting with his announcement speech. So now, we have the repub party laid bare to expose what they have been about all along…and the base has been released by Trump to openly spew the hatred that has always been just under the surface…you reap what you sow idiots….geez…